Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I started 4H leathercraft classes yesterday. This could easily become an addictive hobby! :gig We are learning carving and tooling techniques. Lacing next week!

Today I am teaching / leading rock painting for 4H. Fun!

DH built a grain manger for sheep, using a plastic barrel cut into thirds.

We are getting high temps above freezing and sunny days. DS4 says "it's summer!" 😍


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
We are running low on hay, and hay prices are high! DH plans to feed more grain. 50# of grain feed costs the same as a small square bale of hay. And there's no waste. We think/hope this will stretch the hay we have. We'll delay shearing too.

We've signed on to have a new roof put on the barn. We're having them flex the schedule to their convenience to get a lower price. Makes scheduling shearing difficult.

I am switching shearers. The last shearer was misogynist and sterotypical Trumper. He crossed the line when he insulted our veterinarian! She is young, but she was the most sheep-experienced person in the barn that day! And he treated her like a stupid pretty face. He will never get a penny from me again. I'll shear my own damn sheep if necessary. 😤 I found another shearer but he hasn't returned my email this year. So IDK if that wll pan out. He might just be shearing for market in the south (y'know, like Iowa :gig ) That's about this time of year and they'll shear thousands of sheep in a couple weeks.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Running a bit tight on hay here too. But, I'm gambling that the grass/browse will come in before I run out. I did find a good deal on hay if I buy 10 rounds. I'd rather hold out for 2020 hay... but might get some of 2019 hay for justincase.

I wouldn't use that shearer again either! Hope you find a good replacement or have a really sharp pair of shears!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I worked with men most of my life. I had men come up and tell me that I was taking a man's job, a man that needed to work and feed his family. I ran up against every kind of woman hater and harasser out there. I worked in welding and machine shops, the work was hard, there was always risk of injury. I gave back as good as I got. For every insult, I doubled it and slung it back. For every nasty insinuation, I verbally castrated and destroyed manhood--with a smile. I worked harder than the men, some would tell me to slow down, if I could work that hard, the foreman would know that they could work harder too. I gained respect and earned every bit of it.

If I had been your vet, I would have told the jerk to stick his shears where the sun don't shine and jump up and down on them like a pogo stick. Or probably something worse. Your vet may have not stood up for herself, trying to maintain a professional stance, but why didn't YOU let him have it?

Why do women think they have to be nice to jerks? Especially when you are paying the jerk to do work for you, why in the devil take it, suffer in silence and just never use him again? Maybe let him finish the job, then tell him off and let him know that he lost a customer.

Your vet is going to run into this kind of treatment, she needs to grow some balls, maintain her professional attitude and rip their heads off.

Women should not suck it up and take it. Why let some creep think he is all that when he is lower than a dog turd, I just don't get it. Maybe if it was your boss, you desperately needed your job and put up with it until you could find another job, then I could see that, heck, I've been there. But to take crap off some jerk that makes no difference at all in your life, I don't get it.

Rant over. Maybe I was a little strong, ok I was a lot strong. It just grinds me for a woman to put up with crap like this. Maybe I shouldn't post this. Oh WTH

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Um.... you verbalized some sentiments that I have felt! My MIL takes her car to just such a man (mechanic), and she thinks it's cute the way he talks to women. We had to take a car to him when our regular mechanic was out of town. He cost us a transmission b/c he did faulty work. After spending 2 minutes in his shop, I vowed to hubby that I would never step foot on his property again.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yep. A mechanic changed my brakes once. 30 miles later, I see smoke, pull over & see flames. Pulled a beer from grocery sack, shook it, removed top & put flames out with spewing beer.. Called mechanic to come tow me. He advised he was just getting ready to leave, plans for weekend. I said you just got a change in plans man -- be here in 1/2 hr or I will OWN your shop when we leave court. Cop & firemen standing with me by now....and I explained the open beer. Fireman said "good job!!"

Mechanic came. Fixed at his expense and we still speak. LOL Sometimes you just have to make it clear that you are to be respected. Since I was part owner in a mechanic shop for a long time, telling men what to do was not an issue for me! Direct and firm directions.

I am the head mare!!!! :old


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I love that story. I had my oil changed at one of those quick change places last year. Next morning I noticed oil spots all over the passenger side of my truck. I opened the hood and was looking around when my neighbor walked over to check it out. (love my neighbor) He crawled under the truck and fooled around with the filter - it was loose and he said it wouldn't tighten correctly. I checked the oil to make sure it wasn't too low and drove it the 8 miles back to the shop. They tried to give me a story....blah, blah, blah. Something could be wrong with your's not our fault. When I told them that my oil pan didn't have a hole in it - my head gaskets were fine and since I was able to drive back in it was obvious that there wasn't a rod coming out the side of the block. They kinda looked at me funny when I started reeling off reasons. When I mentioned that the obvious things were forgetting to put the drain plug in...not tightening the filter... they started taking me seriously. They had put the wrong filter on the truck which is why it wouldn't tighten down correctly. They refunded my money and gave me money to get a car wash!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
I had my oil changed at the dealership and the next day I noticed that there wasn't a cap for the oil fill hole. They wanted me to retrace my route and find it - umm, NO. When I told them that I had gone exploring through the back pastures that night and there was less than none chance of finding it, I got a new cap and they even changed the oil just in-case I got crap in there from driving through tall grass and dirt roads. I did find the cap 5 months later when I was out rabbit hunting, lol.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i used to get my oil changed at one of those quick change places. they stripped the threads on the plug or the filter or something and they had no replacement. so to say the least the 10 minute oil change became about a 5hr deal. the dealer didn't have one, the other dealers didn't have one they had to call around until they went to a used car lot and crawled under a car to remove the part they needed and bring it back. i think i got a few free oil changes out of that, but i was always leery of anyone touching my car's lube system afterwards.

the strangest thing that ever happened was that i got a small pebble stuck in the brake caliper.

but yes, i've also had oil change places forget to put the cap on.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Had my pain doctor appointment. So fabulous to finally have a doctor who knows more about my diagnosis than I do! :gig I have two new diagnoses, no surprise to me. Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. Those combined with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) are the "trifecta" of chronic illness. Yay for me! :hu

But the good news is this doctor has many treatment options, so there's good reason to trust this will be getting more tolerable. Starting out with long list of blood work - got the 8 tubes drawn today. :eek: Physical therapy is scheduled. $$$ worth of medications and supplements purchased. Requested books from assigned reading list from the library.

And a new diet plan which involves.... 12 - 16 cups of leafy greens. :eek: doctor said it's okay if I can't follow the exact diet protocol, but to get as close as I can manage. Oh, did anyone mention the current recalls on all romaine and some kale? :barnie I have grow lights on for my African Violets. It's not much light, but I may try putting a tray of microgreen (lettuce) seeds under the lights and see if they can grow out there.
@tortoise, would you mind discussing in PMs?

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