Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH has been cleaning out the hay mow in a BIG way. I'm so pleased! 😍 He bought some huge shelves to clear up the rest of the space. I haven't seen them yet. I think he said 7 feet tall and 10 feet long? and 2 shelf units? They're big!

We have cold weather right now. I haven't done anything in the garden. It will be a hot mess of weeds when I get back out there!

I've given up on greenhouse without climate control. DH was trying to rig up a thermostatic vent opener thingie. IDK if he figured it out. I am kinda over it. It would take so much money to make the greenhouse functional. :(

I decided to not sell preemie bottle wether. He's weaned so no rush to sell him. He'll be tiny and barely worth butchering, but whatever.

I pulled my bike out of the hay mow. Haven't ridden in years. But why not? I need exercise and walking gets boring. I have an attachment thingie to hook up DS5's bike to mine and tow him. Gotta find all the pieces and make it work - it hasn't been used in over a decade. I asked DH to air up the tires for me - I hope it doesn't need new innertubes.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Depends on what you want to use the greenhouse for. I mainly use mine to start seeds in early spring, without extra heat. I do have one of those automatic window openers- it came with the greenhouse kit, but I believe you can buy them separately ( ). I'm hoping to get my act together this fall and start some cold tolerant crops to grow in the greenhouse; stuff like endives and chicories, etc. I miss having fresh green salads in the winter.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I pulled my bike out of the hay mow. Haven't ridden in years. But why not? I need exercise and walking gets boring. I have an attachment thingie to hook up DS5's bike to mine and tow him. Gotta find all the pieces and make it work - it hasn't been used in over a decade. I asked DH to air up the tires for me - I hope it doesn't need new innertubes.

it would be unusual for tires/tubes to last that long IMO, but good luck and wear a helmet!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
busy, busy spring over here. hope I'm not repeating much

DH built staircase in shop building.

DH found lumber at auction and made/hung siding on north side of barn. He rebuilt windows and doors. Just a little painting left at the top.

I am almost done painting the shop building.

I powerwashed the deck. It was bad - green, lichen and mossy. I hope this helps it last longer. It sure looks nice!

I sold almost all of my available African Violets. Just have 3 little ones left. DS13 adopted the standard sized ones and is planning to grow them out for local sales. I doubt they'll survive, but whatever.

Garden is a hopeless disaster, I give up. I lost a big chunk of safe foods - about half the total foods I was able to eat "without consequences". I decided I wasn't going to grow anything I couldn't eat. well... there's some chard and onions in the garden. that's all. :/

Doctor appointment tomorrow, hoping to figure out this food intolerance/allergy/??? stuff. Starting to look like gut permeability issues, but we'll see what doc thinks.

I got a kitten. Training her to be the pole shed cat. We have a barn cat (that is at or in the house most the time, but that's a whole different issue). Kitten is 12 weeks old, very cute, and very naughty.

We had 200 bales of hay delivered today. It's nice and green looking, but not completely dry. :( I hope the sheep will eat it this winter. DH doesn't think it's so wet that it would risk a barn fire.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I've been working on staining my deck. about 2/3 done staining, and taking a break for a couple days due to rainy forecast.

DH has been replacing broken glass block in our buildings and patching/mortaring cracks.

Houseplant sales season is over.

I'm trying to get off a board I've been on for 5 years. I just cannot keep up with the responsibility anymore. I quite volunteering for another organization - it's too chaotic and growing too rapidly. New organization structure at every meeting type of frustration. Maybe when they get through the growing pains I can handle it? IDK.

DH found a huge bolt of drapery fabric on Facebook Marketplace. It's gorgeous dim-out fabric that had been used for Marriott hotel curtains. It was leftover fabric after their drapes were sewn at a local business here. 38 yards, 118" wide. $55. :eek: I'm planning to make bedroom drapes and duvet cover(s). I only have one room in my house large enough to unroll the bolt and cut the fabric! LOL This will be a huuuuge project. The sewing is easy, but logistics of working with such large pieces of fabric will be a new challenge.

We celebrated Juneteenth at home. Gotta teach the kids to be decent humans. DH bought local grassfed beef ribeyes and grilled them. Coleslaw, watermelon. and red pop for Juneteenth tradition.

Homeschool school year starts in a couple weeks - July 1. DS13 will homeschool again. Not sure what we'll do for DS5. I'm leaning toward virtual school - he'd have the same teacher as this past school year. But I have to get off the board to be able to enroll him, and I'm not sure they will approve my resignation.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
But I have to get off the board to be able to enroll him, and I'm not sure they will approve my resignation.

:lol: They gotta! "hey guys, I quit" :idunno

Now - you'll feel badly but, it will all work out. There's always next year.

Drapes and duvet -- a project, for sure! BUT what a GREAT price!!! And I'm sure it's real quality fabric, too. Of course, we expect pictures.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm officially off the board. It's a relief. I was stressed because I wasn't able to keep up with the responsibilities anymore. The person taking my role as interim is much more qualified/experienced. They're in good hands for a little while but they'll need to find someone else quickly.

I bought clothing fabric. Made myself a gym tank top. Pretty good, but my coverstitch machine is not-quite-right or maybe broken so I had to settle for flatlock which isn't as nice looking. It's my favorite shirt right now and we have hot weather int he forecast so I need to suck it up and make a couple more.

I made the mistake of taking DS5 in a craft store and he saw red buffalo check jersey knit and talked me into making pajamas and masks for him. <3 I made a pajama top for him this afternoon. Room to grow. :eek: I might adjust the pattern and make another.

I haven't done anything with the drapery fabric yet.

A couple days ago a vehicle in front of me hit a fawn - still had spots. On my way home, I stopped to drag it out of the road. DH happened to drive by just then and he suggested I register it and tan the hide. I'd thought of that but my grip isn't strong enough to skin and flesh, but he practically volunteered right there. So I did, and he did, and I've been prepping it for tanning. Just got the tanning solution on it tonight so it will be 2 - 3 days before it is done. No idea what I'll do with it. It's small, of course. Might be able to get the front of a throw pillow out of it? I'm not really a big fan of throw pillows though.

My food intolerances are getting bad, so I'm pretty much eating keto-carnivore for now. Eating plants is like roulette. LOL But it's not all bad news. Allergy tests came back negative (except scallop... but I've NEVER eaten scallop, go figure). And I was able to eat a food containing a coconut ingredient without getting sick - first time in a year. I can't take my rx or use toothpaste right now because I've become intolerant to the entire mint family, which includes chia. :(

So, instead, I'm focusing on movement. Started lifting weights again. Still on the smaller dumbbells, but it feels good and I love seeing progress. I'm doing a lot more research this time and hoping for better results than in the past.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yay for being off the board!! Hope that relieves some stress/angst in your life. Hope the hide tanning goes well. I'd love to see a pic of it when it's done! Weird results on your allergy tests lol. Hope you can tolerate more foods. My food tastes change every six months or so - I'd have a hard time eating the same thing for a very long time. Weight lifting is great - building muscle and getting stronger is never a bad thing!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Doctor appointment today. (Love my doctor). I was not well at the beginning of the appointment. POTS has been kicking my butt lately and it took a long time - about 45 minutes - for my blood pressure and heart rate to return to normal after walking from my car into the building. I had tremor so I wasn't able to hide it. oh well. Good news, sorta, is my Lipedema is officially diagnosed. Since I'm in stage 1 I was waiting until diagnosis before starting treatment options. Didn't want to improve it and then miss diagnosis due to my effort!

Back to wheelchair and service dog here. It's probably the weather change causing this POTS flare. Probably will hit 90 tomorrow. My pool is ready-to-go for cooling off in. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Hoping this will be a few days of adjustment and back to normal. Some years I get lucky like that.

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