Sustainability Master
Don't catch it!
I got it.Don't catch it!
DH thinks my dog's lack of trainability is medication side effect. He is on fluoxetine (prozac) for anxiety. It's better than nothing but not good enough. We're going to switch him to a different med, which has weak evidence for anxiety but strong evidence for improving trainability. My dog's reactivity/anxiety is not so bad that it couldn't respond to behavior modification training. I've just been stuck that he's either to upset to be trainable or he's been to unresponsive to training to be trainable. He has fewer stressful experiences in winter because we don't have any group training classes going on (anxiety about unfamiliar dogs is his worst), so *maybe* it will help? or maybe his anxiety about DH will be overwhelming? IDK. Gotta keep trying though.Unusual rewards, like playing with other dogs can work for training. You don't get as many reps in, but sometimes it's the only way. My dog has unusual motivations. After noticing his strongest behavior was one that he performed right before I turned the tub faucet on (he likes drinking running water), I decided to try using the tub faucet as a reward for recall. It worked!
He is sometimes very food motivated, but usually not. If I don't have whatever exact treat he is imagining, he won't participate. (jerk!) But he will work for rawhide.He has a good out, so I can take the rawhide back for another repetition, but it's still slow going.
I'm very frustrated with this dog, he wasn't always like this so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm not in a mood to pay for a treat buffet to figure out what he likes this week, and I don't have much time or energy to figure it out. Maybe someday. I want a responsive easy-to-train obedience demo dog. I don't think he can do it between his treat/motivation issues and his reactivity. I'm maxxed out on dogs until Baymax passes. She looks like she will keel over any day and acts like she has a decade left. She's tough. But she is declining. She gets cyanotic every time she swallows food now.![]()
Hope you are feeling better and better as the day goes on. Take care!uff, my cold took a turn for the worse on Thursday. I've been miserable. Fever broke this morning and I've been able to move around a little. I hope tomorrow is a little better too. Time to start catching up on everything.