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- #2,581
Wild Hare
about 3.5 hours for me.Oh you posted right before medoesn’t it look awesome?? I want to go! Lol it’s only a 17 or so hour drive…
about 3.5 hours for me.Oh you posted right before medoesn’t it look awesome?? I want to go! Lol it’s only a 17 or so hour drive…
4 hrs for me, but I think I might see if we can make a college visit trip that weekend to Milwaukee for DD15 and stop inabout 3.5 hours for me.
I didn't know there was one.There was a small local fiber festival pre-COVID, but I stopped going because I always spend too much money on dyed roving.
If we had purebred sheep he could enter market lamb - they don't come home. But purebred lambs are too $$$ for a fair project IMO, and I'm not about to switch to a purebred/registered flock either.I’m too neurotic to show my sheep, so many possible issues there. It would be fun though! And nope- no one’s got time for hoof rot! Yuck!
I might have read that wrong about purebred market lambs. I'm easily confused! I'm waiting for the superintendent to reply to my email. If any breed market lamb can be entered, I plan to have DS14 take one ewe and 2 lambs, put the lambs in market/carcass class and bring ewe home to quarantine.You have to do purebred for market lambs? I assume suffolks are probably the popular ones in the market class?
I have purebred sheep for no reason other than they make me happyI am so financially responsible
(I can sell lambs for decent money though so it works for me lol)
I am amused. 3.5 hour drive in Texas is a hop, skip and a jump. It's 3 hours from where I'm living now, (not much longer, we close next week) to where I'm moving to. Once I get there, it's 30 miles to anywhere with more than a convienence store and over priced gas/diesel.Wow that’s pretty far! There’s nowhere in NH that is 3.5 hours from any other place in NH![]()