Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH will be away for a few days. Y'all know what that means! I'm planning to foster a dog from the shelter for a few days. DS15 has been training her. I'd like to foster her through the county fair in July so DS15 can train her for 4-H. She a BIG puppy and it will be hard to find her a home unless she has had training. This seems perfect to me. But we'll see if 3 dogs is too much, if the dogs get along with each other, if she is crate-train-able, housetrained-enough, if DS15 will actually do all of the work to take care of her. IDK. Unlikely, but I gotta try!

I've been working on educational presentations for 4-H again. I have 2 to prep for that are easy. I'll use activities from last year and add a presentation. I'm writing quiz bowl questions for those. I need to get a word in with the state people who choose the quiz bowl resources because 2 of the resources are appalling! I would never let the kids read them (without redacting and cutting out pages). It's that bad. I need to find some solid suggestions for alternative/similar resources so I'm not just whining about them.

DS15 and I are working on making leash wraps for dog project. We get a mix of skill levels in a class and it's hard for leaders to keep track of what each kid/dog need. This should help. The sewing part is easy enough - just tedious. Next up is learning how to use a cricut and heat press.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I got started as a patient at a functional medicine clinic. I saw an NP to order labs and start my history before my intake appointment. I checked out with the supplements manager. We were chatting and I made a vague reference to a supplement I take. She knew what it was (!) and showed me another that acts on the same pathways. I bought one to try. I took 4x the dose on the label (after researching the dose used in clinical trials, which is 5x or 10x the label). I feel a bit less brain foggy. (Word finding hasn't been good this week.) Hopeful! I picked this clinic because they have IV treatment for the same stuff. A previous doctor suggested it but I hadn't been able to find a provider that offered it.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Frustrating day. I drove 20 miles to a FedEx Express drop off location to send a medical sample. I arrived 10 minutes before FedEx's pickup time. They had already picked up. :mad: No weekend pickups. DH saved the day - he was able to schedule a pickup at the vet clinic tomorrow, and keep it chilled in the meantime.

I spent 2 hours trying to get a tech thingy to connect to wifi. No luck, I have a phone call scheduled with tech support on Monday.

DS7 was home from school. He was not agreeable. Hangry, but refusing to eat, etc, etc.

My due dates changed for 2 slide decks. 3 weeks earlier for one and 5 weeks earlier for the other. I have 5 days to finish both, yikes.

Pretty sure I ate every carb in the house. Except DH's ice cream. could have been worse?

I was uploading medical records to the new clinic's portal. My upload speed is about 0.1 mbps, so that was fun.

Good news: DS7 cooperated long enough to record video of training S. I'm super-happy about that! I will try to get them to star in more videos. I think it's better for kids to see another kid demonstrating instead of an adult.