Dealing with trespassers/vandals

love blrw

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 20, 2008
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Some of our farmers have had similar problems, this is how they handled it and I think it was effective:
Call the police, report missing signs (you don't have to prove who it was you just have to report them Missing), if they are metal suspect the local metal recyclers to know who may be bringing the metal in, and report all damage from the vehicles
Go to the local newspaper and tell them of any crop damage, property damage from the use of vehicles on your property and that the police will be called for any further damage. SOME parents may take this information and stop their kids from doing what they are doing.
Also you can put a claim in to your insurance company for damage done to your property, protect yourself.
They may do more damage unless you become vocal. Also the insurance company may have some ideas on how to protect yourself/property better.
Trees are a renewable resources and you can pay to have them harvested therefore, you can claim that they destroyed the value of the trees you would have sold.
Hope this helps...


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 11, 2008
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Thanks, all. This morning I have cooled off sufficiently to know that stringing up "clothesline" wires or shooting over their heads isn't the way I want to go. :lol: I did talk a lot of trash yesterday, though. But I don't want to hurt anyone, it's not worth that to me.

Yote, love the little "side business" you had going selling treestands. :lol: Excellent! It's only fair, after all they were on your property.

We spent a bit of time this morning putting up some new no trespassing signs along the driveway. I also posted a couple of "Beware of the Dog" signs. We do have 3 pit bulls that patrol the area close to the house/barns; they can't get out to the perimeter of the property, though, and I don't want them to. I'm not having someone say my dogs attacked them (99% chance they would not--they aren't the type--maybe if someone were in our house and threatening to harm us. They will destroy vehicles if someone pulls up to the house, though) and losing my pets (we do not live in a bully-breed friendly area, immediate euthanasia would be the course of action if someone claimed my dog bit them). But I hope that the signs may be a deterrent to anybody who's not familiar with my property. Some time this weekend we'll be posting more signs along our border with the neighboring development, behind our barn and back pastures.

I have family in law enforcement in the community who also happen to be avid hunters. Because the deer population isn't out of control on the farm, and because we're vegetarian, I haven't let anyone hunt here. But we have been considering it over the past few weeks. I also have a friend who would like to hunt the property, and he even offered just to hike the perimeter if I didn't want him to hunt. So these are things that I am considering, though having someone hunt will only help a few months out of the year--but at least it would help during peak season for poachers.

We do usually keep the animals close to the barn during deer season, but I hate that. The way our property and the other developments are situated, no on should be shooting anywhere near our pastures--if they are, they are shooting out of their backyards towards my pasture/barn/house, or they are on my property. Period. There is no other way--there is no other land that anyone could be hunting on surrounding my property.

No one should be used to using our property. All of these houses have been here less time than we have. The people who owned the farm, while they might have had friends with permission to hunt here, did not let anyone just use it. They did a lot with this place. They kept it posted with signs, kept trails maintained, etc. They made sure that people didn't come onto it without permission, to the best of their ability--they were pretty serious about it (they had a son named Remington, and a daughter named after another type of gun, if that gives you a clue. ;)) I would like to get things back to the way they had it.

I do know how to use a gun. Well. I may be the world's only vegetarian who's a really good shot. :lol: But I'd much rather just make friends, you know? I'm thinking about going around to a few of the houses where I know there's kids that roam the neighborhood--but I want to cool off and be able to approach these families in a non-confrontational kind of way. After all, I don't know whose kids might have damaged my sign, and so I don't want to go accusing anyone or getting anyone defensive. I mean, for all I know some young adults drove down the road and did it. But I'd like to make people aware that I'm having a problem, so they can be aware. And maybe make some friendly acquaintances, you know? I'm really not that hard to get along with.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
If you have trees bordering your property, the universal no hunting sign is a white square with a red circle in it. Invest in some paint and a template and spray on trees. These can not be removed unless the tree is taken down. There are regulations as to how many you need for a certain length of land, but not sure anymore what it is.

Write a letter to the editor in your local paper. Responsible parents will then know that there is a problem with vandalism, People will know publicly your concern, and maybe not trespass (one can only hope)

Let it be known that you have animals and are concerned for their safety b/c of these poachers. Also let it be known that you will prosecute all offenders, as this is something you will not tolerate.

It is YOUR property, and if you wish not to patrol it like a prison perimeter, that is your prerogative. People need to respect your private property. On the same note, if you wish to walk your land, you shouldn't need to be concerned for your safety either. i would definitely get the law involved, natural resources, and the media involved in this one.

Your home (and land) should be your sanctuary where you feel safe.

i also agree with taking pics of pple, vandalism, etc and if you see ppl, talk to them also, then let the law be made aware and that you would like to press charges. Usually, it only takes once, and then ppl won't come near again.

Now about the hunting, if you want to catch ppl in the act, know that hunting is from sun up to sun down. Hopefully, (although maybe not, since they are trespassing), they will be ethical enough to abide by these rules. Deer hunter, turkey hunters will want to be set up way in advance of sun up, so say sun up is 6 am, they will want to be in their stand by 5:30am, meaning they will be entering your bush at about 5am. Become familiar with when opening day is for all animals that might be hunted in your bush, and also let natural resources know, too. They don't like unethical hunters and will want to get them also. And jsut to be safe, I would reccommend hunter orange if you are walking your bush during hunting season, until the time comes when you feel safe to do so.

I am a hunter, and I respect your private property. I wish all hunters did. they give "us" a bad name, and that really steams me!


Power Conserver
Sep 17, 2008
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First ... I am not cruel or insane (just a bit looney). Barbed wire....great stuff. We keep it on low levels across the path by the house just the right level to trip someone. If it is high enough to get a throat you might get in trouble. Also shotgun traps are nice. and you can load it with blanks to scare or other types of non-lethal but nasty shells. I can give you the name of a company that sells some tear gas ones and rubber slugs. Let me know if you want it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow attack cat---your name says it all


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I know I'M impressed, A-Cat! :lol: A kindred nice!

Hey, Brook, I was reading your post about putting up Beware of the Dog signs. I read somewhere that it isn't such a good idea, for liability reasons, as it shows that you knew the dogs were a potential danger. They said it goes a little rougher in court that way, instead of easier. Most folks use those as a warning to stay away because you have dogs..not necessarily because they are dangerous, but the lawyers will use it as a preknowledge that your animals could inflict harm, hence the warning! Just a thought.... :)


Frugal Vegetarian Farmer
Sep 16, 2008
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Southwest New Mexico Mountains
BrookValley said:
I do know how to use a gun. Well. I may be the world's only vegetarian who's a really good shot. :lol:
So Funny! No you are not the only vegetarian who is a really good shot, so am I :lol:
I do have one tip for you. When I hear anything on our acres I grab two things, my camera and my shotgun (the phone is in my pocket already). My gun is loaded with shells filled with plastic pellets, the kind they use for crowd control. That way if I do have to fire, in particular at stray dogs, I am not lethal. The humans don't know what the gun is loaded with, so it has worked just fine to talk to stray hunters with the gun pointed down, they still get the picture that "there is a mean gun tottin Mama on that land and you better stay clear". I've never had any repeat visitors.


Power Conserver
Sep 17, 2008
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Beekissed said:
I know I'M impressed, A-Cat! :lol: A kindred nice!

Hey, Brook, I was reading your post about putting up Beware of the Dog signs. I read somewhere that it isn't such a good idea, for liability reasons, as it shows that you knew the dogs were a potential danger. They said it goes a little rougher in court that way, instead of easier. Most folks use those as a warning to stay away because you have dogs..not necessarily because they are dangerous, but the lawyers will use it as a preknowledge that your animals could inflict harm, hence the warning! Just a thought.... :)
Thank you Beekissed! :)

And you are right about the beware of dog signs. It means you know your pet can bite. In Oklahoma you could get sued if someone came over your fence and you had warning signs about your dog and they got bit. Stupid laws.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 11, 2008
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attack-cat said:
Beekissed said:
I know I'M impressed, A-Cat! :lol: A kindred nice!

Hey, Brook, I was reading your post about putting up Beware of the Dog signs. I read somewhere that it isn't such a good idea, for liability reasons, as it shows that you knew the dogs were a potential danger. They said it goes a little rougher in court that way, instead of easier. Most folks use those as a warning to stay away because you have dogs..not necessarily because they are dangerous, but the lawyers will use it as a preknowledge that your animals could inflict harm, hence the warning! Just a thought.... :)
Thank you Beekissed! :)

And you are right about the beware of dog signs. It means you know your pet can bite. In Oklahoma you could get sued if someone came over your fence and you had warning signs about your dog and they got bit. Stupid laws.
*sigh* Yes, I am aware of this. I debated with myself back and forth for 10 years over putting up those signs. I am banking on the fact that my dogs won't bite anyone (I really shouldn't, I know, and I am one of those realistic people who knows that any dog might bite). The thing is though, my dogs are pit bulls. If they did bite someone I'd lose in court anyway. :rolleyes:

Attack-cat, you are super cool. Can I be your groupie? :lol: I think I happen to fall under your particular brand of "looney." We have certainly thought about putting up some barbed wire, but we have horses and I just hate to have that stuff around the place. It never stays put and horses + barbed wire is an equation that never has a favorable outcome.

Zenbirder, I'm glad I'm not the only veggie mama who knows how to handle a gun! Too funny.

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