enjoy the ride
Sufficient Life
I just got a notice from my credit card company that due to the rising cost of doing business, they would not allow the interest on the card I hold to drop below 6%. Previously the rate was tired to the prime,
This was supposed to be a change for all their cards although I can't see why this is true except to make up for bad debt caused by people not paying on their debts.
I don't carry debt on the card and never have. It just is worrisome to me that they feel that competition will not hurt them if they take this move.
Being debt free is a relief but still no guarentee of SS. I believe it takes people like Beekissed's parents, with the drive to do that much hard work for their whole lives. And some luck too- I know one family that was building their own house when the husband fell off the ladder and broke both arms. The medical bills and the years it took to get him back to finishing the house was a real set back. If his wife hadn't been employed, they would have probably lost their land. I also talked to another man who did lose his land due to a broken leg that needed surgeries and years to heal.
I really feel the tension between wanting (a wood stove) and not being able to get the money together (so far, it has all disappeared just when I thought I was there.) I keep telling myself that I do not NEED this -it just would make me feel more secure. I just might need it at some point.
I feel like those old kid's cartoons with a devil on one shoulder saying do it and an angel on the other saying resist.
Added: It just occured to me that I heard about a new credit card regulation that restricted increasing the per centage charged on a balance- I wonder if that is why it went up. If they can't raise the interest rate, maybe the goal is to set it high enough right at the beginning?????
This was supposed to be a change for all their cards although I can't see why this is true except to make up for bad debt caused by people not paying on their debts.
I don't carry debt on the card and never have. It just is worrisome to me that they feel that competition will not hurt them if they take this move.
Being debt free is a relief but still no guarentee of SS. I believe it takes people like Beekissed's parents, with the drive to do that much hard work for their whole lives. And some luck too- I know one family that was building their own house when the husband fell off the ladder and broke both arms. The medical bills and the years it took to get him back to finishing the house was a real set back. If his wife hadn't been employed, they would have probably lost their land. I also talked to another man who did lose his land due to a broken leg that needed surgeries and years to heal.
I really feel the tension between wanting (a wood stove) and not being able to get the money together (so far, it has all disappeared just when I thought I was there.) I keep telling myself that I do not NEED this -it just would make me feel more secure. I just might need it at some point.
I feel like those old kid's cartoons with a devil on one shoulder saying do it and an angel on the other saying resist.
Added: It just occured to me that I heard about a new credit card regulation that restricted increasing the per centage charged on a balance- I wonder if that is why it went up. If they can't raise the interest rate, maybe the goal is to set it high enough right at the beginning?????