Deja Vu all over again?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I would have to agree with Ann.

By nature, SS-type people seem to subscribe to the "what if" mentality~ based on past history, our efforts to educate ourselves about current events, and our DIY moxy.

We are individualist, not sheeple.

If one does not learn from the past, one is doomed to repeat it. We seem to be a bunch of very inquisitive, eager-to-learn folks on this forum. I like it! :thumbsup
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry Reinbeau your right. With the exception of the last administration I've always had faith in our government. Right now I feel fairly secure and am not real worried about anyone freezing my accounts to take my money. At least not from the government. I'm also not worried about the feds confiscating some10 million guns from law abiding American citizens or putting me in jail for selling a few eggs. JMO sorry it conflicts with yours.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Big Daddy said:
Sorry Reinbeau your right. With the exception of the last administration I've always had faith in our government. Right now I feel fairly secure and am not real worried about anyone freezing my accounts to take my money. At least not from the government. I'm also not worried about the feds confiscating some10 million guns from law abiding American citizens or putting me in jail for selling a few eggs. JMO sorry it conflicts with yours.
I'm not worried about it either, as I have fully expected it to come to this eventually. Being prepared means one doesn't have to be in shock or fear when it actually happens.

I think several other nations in the world are proof that the outlawing of guns, or the extreme control thereof, is indeed possible. You can't even own a pellet gun in Ireland without applying for a special, temporary, permit. I bet those folks weren't worried about that happening either. That level of complacency, that attitude that "it can't happen to us" has led quite few right where their governments wanted them to go.

I can direct you to a recent Mother Earth News article about a dairy farmer who was arrested for selling raw milk to his neighbors. That's only one step away from selling eggs to your neighbors.

Its happening all around us but it cannot happen to us? Reality check on aisle one!!! :rolleyes: These things do not happen overnight in a dramatic coup, they are insidious and unnoticable to a complacent public. They don't want to see it, think it could never, ever happen in OUR country, so~much like a child~they whistle in the dark to dispel their niggling fears.

The difference? The folks on this forum have the aforethought to buy flashlights and stock up on batteries, metaphorically speaking! :lol:


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Big Daddy said:
Sorry Reinbeau your right. With the exception of the last administration I've always had faith in our government. Right now I feel fairly secure and am not real worried about anyone freezing my accounts to take my money. At least not from the government. I'm also not worried about the feds confiscating some10 million guns from law abiding American citizens or putting me in jail for selling a few eggs. JMO sorry it conflicts with yours.
There is no reason to apologize for a difference of opinion. I'm happy for you. Truly. Thing is, if I hear the words "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. So don't worry that they want to take your guns, and don't worry about your money - but please don't be surprised when both, and more, actually happen. I prefer to see what's going on around me and prepare myself for it. I feel that is essential to truly being self sufficient - be prepared for whatever may be thrown at you.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Its happening all around us but it cannot happen to us? Reality check on aisle one!!! roll These things do not happen overnight in a dramatic coup, they are insidious and unnoticable to a complacent public. They don't want to see it, think it could never, ever happen in OUR country, so~much like a child~they whistle in the dark to dispel their niggling fears.

The difference? The folks on this forum have the aforethought to buy flashlights and stock up on batteries, metaphorically speaking!

I'm not paranoid. I don't buy into the whole the world is coming to an end thing, or you never know when the world will end, and blah blah blah. I also suspect that most of the people on here don't have views that extreme either. And I also don't believe that many of them are paranoid. There is a difference between being an aware citizen, with eyes wide open and being paranoid. One of the founders of our country said, paraphrasing: a govt that goes unchecked by the people, will slowly and quietly slip into tyranny. Yeah. I believe that'

I absolutely loathe the way that many are getting the word out about some of the bills that have been coming before congress lately on our food, and animals, and our insurance. It IS fear mongering the way many are delivering the message. And that is sad to me, because it overshadows the reality that if passed, these bills could have real and potentially devastating impacts on the basic freedoms in our country. And why could they? Because American people trust our lawmakers too much, and have grown complacent and lazy, and trust lobbyists in BOTH parties to do the job for us rather than proactively approaching the situation and calling, emailing, and writing them ourselves to tell them what we think, and howwe feel. There are individuals that don't fit into that group, but we need more of them; sadly they are not the majority. The ideals that we stand for, have no substance unless our actions back them up. It's important to be aware with out being paranoid, stay informed on the issues at hand, what lawmakers are actually doing, and call your representatives when a bill that has concerning implications is introduced.

Just thinking that our govt will do the right thing just because this is America, no matter the party, is a huge mistake, because time and time again, they have proven that if left unchecked they will be corrupt and make decisions based mostly on their agenda, and not what's best for the country.

The best advocate for the freedom of America is an American citizen.

So who's willing to step up to the plate?

Edited for spelling and clarification

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
I agree on the fear mongering and i get angry at the people who bash the government at all times no matter what and see the government in an adversarial light.

The government in this country is of our own making.

Sheeple need to wake up and those who dislike what they disagree with need to step up and change it! Don't overthrow it - it actually works pretty good as governments go. Watch it, hold it accountable. If you don't like a law - write to your representatives and fix it!

Don't sit around bemoaning the fact you can't trust those people. They only can do so much and they are only as wise to your needs as you make them!


Power Conserver
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Bauxite, Arkansas
On Our own said:
I agree on the fear mongering and i get angry at the people who bash the government at all times no matter what and see the government in an adversarial light.

The government in this country is of our own making.

Sheeple need to wake up and those who dislike what they disagree with need to step up and change it! Don't overthrow it - it actually works pretty good as governments go. Watch it, hold it accountable. If you don't like a law - write to your representatives and fix it!

Don't sit around bemoaning the fact you can't trust those people. They only can do so much and they are only as wise to your needs as you make them!
I think we as adult who teach our kids to respect authority i.e. teachers, principals, police and etc and then bad mouth the government and fight against it is telling our children not to respect our authorities.

Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with ss. To me being self sufficient means providing as much for myself as possible. I am not an isolationist though. I am a part of this country we live in. I see the reasons why the government does some of the stuff they do. HR845 is designed to protect us from large corporations that do what they do best. Make money however they can. Gun laws are meant to protect people from those few in society that use them improperly. I would like to see the sheriff try to take the guns away from a lot of people. It's not going to happen. Some people refer to those of us that have faith in the govt as being sheep. I refer to the alarmist that listen to all the fear mongers on some of the media as sheep. I don't agree with everything the current administration is doing, but I feel they are doing what they can to help the country. Unlike the prior administration that I feel raped the country. I was much more concerned when Bush was in office about someone knocking on my door and taking me to Gitmo for expressing my feelings on the internet. Freedoms and rights are a lot deeper than weather or not you have to register a gun. Self Sufficient doesn't mean isolationist. If you truly feel that strongly against your government then why are you a citizen?
