Deja Vu all over again?


Jul 16, 2008
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Another great point! Of course, it only applies to those who believe their government actually listens to them. Maybe that's why it is based on votes. And yes, I'm sure $ has something to do with that, but I bet some politicians actually listen to their constituents.

In my opinion, the biggest threat to America is, and maybe always has been, apathy. I bet most people could tell you who won at the Oscars but not have a clue on who is on the Supreme court, represents their state in Congress or is on the President's cabinet. And I include myself in this shameful comment.
Exactly!!! :weee :weee
Jan 24, 2009
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That is why Obama is where he is right now. He inspired a whole segment of society who was apathetic to get out and cast a vote instead of just complaining. Too many people feel that their vote doesn't count. I was very surprised at the spread on the last election. Its too bad we are actually a representative democracy. Elections are the only time our opinion matters. When election time rolls around many people forget about all the atrocities committed by the incumbent and are easily swayed by falsehoods delivered in 30 second commercials payed for by special interest groups. Calling my representative is a waste of time. He could care less about my opinion. He will always vote opposite of what I want. Fortunately my opinion is represented by the majority party so my rep is a non issue. I could call my senators though. They get a little flaky sometimes.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
I agree that a representative democracy has its limitations.

However I have to honestly say that I think the most obvious alternative -- a public referendum on every major issue/bill/decision that comes donw the pike -- is a FRIGHTENING concept. OMG, look at how weaselishly and fleetingly public opinion is manipulated for elections -- can you imagine that sort of propaganda effort(s) turned towards individual decision points?

<falls over in dead faint, prefers not to wake up>

Big Daddy said:
Calling my representative is a waste of time. He could care less about my opinion. He will always vote opposite of what I want. Fortunately my opinion is represented by the majority party so my rep is a non issue. I could call my senators though. They get a little flaky sometimes.
Obviously congressmen ('-people' just sounds too awkward to me, sorry :p) are not always going to agree with each of their constituents, specially if they're of a different party than you are.

But I dunno as that makes it pointless to contact them with your views on important issues. You don't know how many voices it takes to equal one point of doubt in his mind, you know? And at least you'd have tried.

And certainly it is worth contacting those of less completely contrary opinions.

At the end of the day, the fact remains that it is a nation of lots of people besides oneself and so you will probably never agree with a majority of what goes on -- for ANY value of 'you' :p


On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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The white house got an e-mail from me EVERY DAY of the 2092 days of the last administration. Do you think I am going to change my ways now NO!

My local representative's office staff know me by first name. Several recognize my voice. Do I always call to complain? No, sometimes I call with support or congratulations. Sometimes I call to help another citizen navigate the waters of the various services the government does offer.

When my senator sent out a letter that contained bad facts I contacted him immediately. It wasn't an opinion thing it was actually bad data his staff got from - a TV Station! And then they told him and he believed them! They are human and fallible and need to have all of us keeping them informed. He sent out a correction letter the next week. I agree with this guy maybe 20% of the time and I didn't vote for him. But, he does hear me.

I never believe that the government has my best interest in mind. I DO however, strongly believe that this form of government we have - as flawed as it is - remains one of history's greatest social experiments. And I will support it by holding it accountable.

I have that saying by Franklin on a T-shirt. But, I agree with Pat that ignorance and apathy are this government's biggest worries. Scarier than socialism or terrorism or any other ism you're afraid of....
Jan 24, 2009
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I will start writing to the Senators and Obama. I live in a VERY conservative county in Colorado. You can get bad vibes just from all the radio waves tuned to Rush going through the air. So writing to my rep would be a serious waste of time. He has an 85% following in his district. He took over from Tom Tancredo if that tells you anything. I will write to my Senators and Obama though. I'm sorry, I never wrote to Bush. I figured anything I had to say would just egg him on. Seemed like the less support he had the more he pushed his backwards agenda.

I'm a little upset with the lack of oversight on TARP and the money AIG and the banks are getting. The bonuses are a drop in the bucket compared to the overall picture. However it's the idea of all those yokels that created this mess getting bonuses . I know it's a very small part of the big picture, but the details always get you and they need to pay attention to them. I would hate to see somebody with Obama's potential brought down by someone like Druggie Limbaugh.


Power Conserver
Feb 28, 2009
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"If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson

The head of the snake that causes all your problems.

You are collateral for all this borrowed money.

Bankruptcy of 1933 hearings. Collateral for for the Federal Reserve
to loan money to the USA was as follows.

"They also pledged the unincorporated federal
territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit
organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been
transferred as payment to the international bankers."


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
xineohpoel said:
"If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson

The head of the snake that causes all your problems.

You are collateral for all this borrowed money.

Bankruptcy of 1933 hearings. Collateral for for the Federal Reserve
to loan money to the USA was as follows.

"They also pledged the unincorporated federal
territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit
organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been
transferred as payment to the international bankers."
You said:

You are collateral for all this borrowed money.

I would suggest that it is your future earnings and assets that are the collateral. The "head of the snake" does not care about "you."

Thanks for the Jefferson quote.


Power Conserver
Feb 28, 2009
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Exactly. The birth certificate is a transfer for all your future labor. It is hidden slave labor.
Jan 24, 2009
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We need Oompah Loompas. They could provide all the services the government provides. They could be paid in coca beans. No taxes and everyone would be happy. Or we could find some fantasy land to live in.