Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I stayed up a little bit longer. Hubby had Larry the cable guy on. And, while I'm not a big fan of his, they were doing a cattle drive. I HAD to watch that. I've always wanted to do one.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Last night, I got the best night's sleep since my surgery! I slept from around 10:30 to 4:30. And, I think the only reason I woke up then is because I'm not used to sleeping for that long at a time. :lol: But, since that's about an hour B4 my alarm goes off, I went back to sleep.

I am finding out how tired I really am. I'm getting more done in the day now, but by around mid afternoon, I'm ready for a nap. I don't feel like I did much today, but I know I got some stuff accomplished.

1. I ironed a bunch of shirts and hung them in the right closets.

2. I wash a load of whites, and utilized the wind and solar powered dryer to dry them.

3. I found Misty's other blanket, washed it, and put it w/the whites. (But on a separate spot) Now I remember why she has 2 blankets. She damaged this one right B4 we got a really cold snap-including snow-and I didn't have time to fix it. But, last forecast I saw wasn't calling for anything major, so I might be able to get away w/just her rain sheet for now if she needs anything.

4. I sat down and played the piano for awhile.

5. Went out to the farm and fed my animals. The farrier was out. So was KN. For some reason, she got the horses for me. I could have done it, but I'm not going to turn down help when I have it. Good news is, Stormy's thrush has cleared up and none of my other horses have it. Bad news is, KN's horse has it bad in all 4 feet. She got some stuff from the farrier to treat her with. Only problem being, if she can't be there, guess who has to doctor her hooves? But hopefully, if I do need to do it, it should only be the one time.

6. After the farrier left, I had hoped to ride, but KN had to leave. And, I'm not quite ready to get on and off by myself yet. So, I went in my tack shed, turned on the heater since it was a bit cool in there, swept up the floor, then washed up some dishes I had gotten to. Then, I bagged feed, fed Storm the 2nd time and left.

7. Went to the store and picked up a few things I needed. Fun thing was getting it all home-I was on the bike!

8. Stopped at the insurance agents and got temp insurance cards for the trucks. Either we never got our new policy, or hubby didn't realize what it was and trashed it. (Wouldn't be the first time)

Now I'm home and taking it easy for a bit. I need to feed the animals, do some wood, make dinner and do dishes. Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the Expo!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
You play the piano?! I wish I could! I had a friend who played beautifully. She offered to teach me. I learned smoke on the water and elephant steps (just the steps part) before she declared me hopeless and gave up :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, I play the piano, as well as the clarinet, the recorder, some on the fife, the harmonica, some on the guitar and a stringed dulcimer. I'm not up to professional standards by any means, but I enjoy it, and that's what matters.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
Denim Deb said:
Yep, I play the piano, as well as the clarinet, the recorder, some on the fife, the harmonica, some on the guitar and a stringed dulcimer. I'm not up to professional standards by any means, but I enjoy it, and that's what matters.
Wow! What other talents have you been keeping from us! Oil painting? Sculpting? You are a real renaissance woman!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I draw a fairly decent stick figure! :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm in Harrisburg right now. Had a small change of plans.

The morning did not start out the greatest. I couldn't find my camera this morning and since I wanted to take it w/me, I spent way too much time looking for it. Of course, that put me way behind schedule, and I didn't get done everything I wanted to do B4 I left. And, I was late leaving.

I had to go the therapy first. I get part way there, and realize I don't know where my hip pouch is. I didn't see it, so I figured I must have left it at home. And, I didn't have time to turn around and go look. I just barely made it to therapy close to being on time.

I get done therapy and go back home. And, I couldn't find my pouch! :barnie I HAD to find it. After all, my wallet was in it, along w/my glasses, hair brush, etc. So I go and look in the truck. It was underneath the boots I was taking to wear. :he I don't even recall picking the dumb thing up, but I must have. Either that, or it developed legs and walked out on it's own.

Once again, I leave. I had to stop at the bank. I had almost $200 in change. That was my money for the weekend. But, I needed to cash it in-it's much easier to carry as bills. Plus, hubby said I could get some extra money out of the bank for just in case! :weee

I finally make it out to the farm, and feed the horses. It's a good thing I got the eggs in the incubator when I did. Either Angel has stopped laying, or now she's hiding her eggs! I found no eggs when I fed the chickens.

The hay was getting low. And, while there may have been enough to last until Monday, I wasn't taking any chances. So, I got the tractor out, and I put a RB out! First time I've run the tractor in over a month.

I get the cats fed, and RU picks me up at my tack shed. I get all my stuff in her truck and leave. That's when I find out that there was a slight change of plans. We needed to give someone else a ride up there. They had a parking pass we could use to get in, as well as tags for getting into the Expo for free! The parking pass was only good for today, the admission passes are good for the weekend, so we don't need to pay to get in! We had planned on going to Outdoor World, but we never made it. I did some shopping, and don't know if there's much more that I'm going to buy.

We're now in the hotel. We weren't sure if there was a fridge and/or microwave in the room, so I brought up the hot plate from my tack shed, as well as a pot and some serving utensils and food. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs and salad. Tomorrow it will be stew and salad. I also have my wide mouth thermos w/me, so for lunch, I'll be heating up soup and having that for lunch.

I wasn't sure if I'd have internet up here either, but I do. The bad thing? We're on the 4th floor. I don't handle elevators well. They can trigger a vertigo attack. So, I just hope I'll be OK.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
Have a great weekend Deb! You deserve it after all you've been through these past few months! :D Did you ever find the camera?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, in the pocket of a quilt lined denim shirt I was wearing the other day. I had planned on taking some pics at the farm today, but it was raining.

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