Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I found myself really wishing the summer was over. We had a group of cub scouts in working on a badge. And as normally happens when we have a group like this, I end up w/the adults back w/me while they ask me a million questions. I don't mind, but I'm fast getting to the point of exhaustion. I never got my garden in, never got my pool up, and I'm not going to try-it's just too late in the season.

They did finally show me how to get the names and e-mail addys into the file, so I spent most of the afternoon doing that. I'm almost done. And, I think they'll probably be surprised by how much I got done.

Had the farrier out today. He was late and I was rushing, trying to get the horses out quickly enough so I wouldn't be late to work. He has a helper, so they're able to do 2 at a time. I had halters on everybody but Stormy. (I leave him for last, and just use the same halter for him and Licky.) When he got there, I put lead ropes on Licky and Honey, then started to lead Honey out. I had the lead thrown over Licky's back, figuring she'd follow. Well she did, but once we got out of the gate, she took off. And, took Honey w/her. :barnie They didn't go far, but I did have to run to get them trapped in one area. LF was there, so she caught Licky and I grabbed Honey. I was late today, but no one got upset, so that was good.

We keep getting a ground hog on the deck. Would anyone get upset if I said I want to shoot it? :hide


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
We keep getting a ground hog on the deck. Would anyone get upset if I said I want to shoot it? :hide
Nope.......... I use to have a gentle heart towards wildlife until they started burrowing into our dam then my thinking sure changed so SSS ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I can't. :hit If it was on my deck, I could probably get away w/it. But, since it's at the nature center, I'm not allowed. :hit


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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No, I guess not unless you are wanting to get fired and get your picture in the paper:lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got out to the farm this morning and found much to my surprise that the horses ate almost all the hay they still had! I looked at it yesterday, and figured it would last at least another 2 or 3 days. And I had my doctors' appointments today! So, that meant that when I was done work, then done my appointments, I had to put out a RB. And, by myself, it's a pain in the neck. It was 7:13 when I started getting everything ready.

Got my lunge whip, walked to the gate, unlocked it, disconnected the electric and left the lunge whip by the gate.

Had to stop near LF's barn. That's where the electric for that field is plugged in, unplugged the electric.

Get down to the hay storage. It's in the one field, roped off w/electric and covered w/a tarp. Undo the electric in front of the gate, open the gate. Close gate for just in case.

Get the hay uncovered. Take the feed bag off the exhaust. Start up the tractor and grab a RB.

Drive up to the gate. Put the hay bale down and raise the wheels off the ground for just in case. Open the gate.

Get back on the tractor. Drive thru the gate. Put the hay bale down and raise the wheels off the ground. Close the gate.

Drive down to my field. In order to get in, I have to drive out in the road, then back up until I have enough room to turn. Turn and drive up to the gate. In order to be off the road, I have to have the RB up in the air w/the tractor right up at the gate. Get the lunge whip and get Licky and Honey to move back.

Open the gate. Drive thru, put the RB down and lift the wheels up. Close the gate.

Put the RB in the RB holder. Drive back up to the gate. Put the bucket down, wheels up, open the gate, drive thru, can't put the bucket down and hope and pray the tractor doesn't roll. Put electric back up, close and lock gate, lean lunge whip up against gate.

Drive out in the road. Back up tractor to where I can turn, turn down the lane, stop long enough to grab the whip.

Drive down the lane. When I get to my area, toss the lunge whip in so it's not in my way driving. Get to the gate and stop.

Put bucket down and wheels up so I can open the gate. Drive thru, then close gate. Park tractor and cover the rest of the hay.

Walk thru gate, fasten it and start walking up the lane. Get part way down and realize I forgot to put the feed bag back on the exhaust and didn't put the electric up. Go back.

Open the gate. Close it and walk to tractor. Put the feed bag over the exhasut. Open gate, refasten it and start walking again. Get part way down and realize I still didn't do the electric. Turn around and do that.

Walk up the lane to LF's. Plug the electric back in. Walk up to my area and pick up my lunge whip and take it in my tack shed. All this took me over 30 minutes! :th If I had known they were going to eat that much hay overnight, I would have brought a couple of square bales out w/me. Then, I could have put one out tonight and put one out in the morning. Then I would have been able to wait until tomorrow night to put out the hay. I didn't get home until after 8:00! I had planned on just feeding Stormy, bagging feed, taking care of the chickens and going home. I had wanted to get home a LOT earlier! But, at least I only have 2 weeks and 3 days left of work, so things will get easier.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I HATE chiggers! Even though I've lived in this area all my life and spent quite a bit of time outside, I never got chiggers until I was in my 30s. And since then, I've only had them a couple of times.

This year, however, not only did I get them last week, but I got more of them this week! :barnie At least this week, they're not as bad. I'm itching, but not as much.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Maybe the weird weather has made them worse this year? I'm not even sure if I've ever seen a chigger before, but I do know I would be very happy if I never did the rest of my life either! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Actually, they're very hard to see. More often than not, you don't even see them, just feel the results of their bite! If you do see one, it looks like a piece of pepper crawling around on you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Actually, they're very hard to see. More often than not, you don't even see them, just feel the results of their bite! If you do see one, it looks like a piece of pepper crawling around on you.
Hmmm... now that you put it that way, I am wondering if I HAVE had to deal with them, and just thought they were itty bitty fleas or something :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They itch WORSE than any flea bite! The itch just doesn't stop, and you get a bunch of little red bumps all over the area.

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