Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Glad you were able to get it all under control. I will be praying this storm goes by with minimal mess.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hope so, too. But, they're calling for quite a bit of a mess w/widespread power outages. I don't mind that too much, just so long that we don't lose the internet! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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With Hurricane Ike we were without power for almost 2 weeks. Thankfully, there was a nice cool front that came through right after the hurricane passed. My son was with me for the first couple of days - but his power came back on at his house so he went home - deserter! I will say that the next 10 or 12 days were some of the most peaceful that I've ever had! I read books and talked to the neighbors and slept! I had a generator that I would run for awhile each day to keep the fridge and freezer cool, but after that - it was soooo quiet! And with the lack of lights - OMG you could see EVERY star!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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frustratedearthmother said:
With Hurricane Ike we were without power for almost 2 weeks. Thankfully, there was a nice cool front that came through right after the hurricane passed. My son was with me for the first couple of days - but his power came back on at his house so he went home - deserter! I will say that the next 10 or 12 days were some of the most peaceful that I've ever had! I read books and talked to the neighbors and slept! I had a generator that I would run for awhile each day to keep the fridge and freezer cool, but after that - it was soooo quiet! And with the lack of lights - OMG you could see EVERY star!
When hubby's home, he wants the generator running 24/7. Personally, I'd rather have it going just enough to keep the stuff in the fridge and freezer cool and get on the internet for a bit. But, that's it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Mine would probably have been the same way - but he had a job where he traveled a lot at that time. He was out of town and I wouldn't let him come home. (plus you couldn't get flights into Houston at that time - he would have had to rent a car to get here and he was in Michgan - quite a drive to get home..) Anyway, he wasn't happy about it, but with the health problems he had at that time, it made more sense for him to stay away.

Stay safe and check in when you can!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, hubby's not going to work tomorrow. So, as long as we don't lose the internet, I'll be able to get on thru out the day. I'm not sure how much I'll get done in the house since I'll be tripping over him.

What I'm not looking forward to is going out to care for the horses. I'm hoping to leave no later than 8:00. Then I'll hide in my tack shed for a couple of hours, give Stormy his 2nd feeding, then come home. It's supposed to get worse later in the day.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I checked the hourly forecast and it looks like this morning is the best time for me to go out. The time that I was planning on being out is when it's supposed to be the lightest rain and slowest winds. But, after I get home, watch out! Last computer model I saw showed the eye of it coming over SJ. I'm not worried. We have plenty of water, plenty of wood and plenty of food.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, they weren't quite right. It was pouring this morning when I was ready to leave. But, I wasn't overly worried about getting wet. After all, I have a rain suit and rubber boots so I figured I'd be fine. I get there, and it's still pouring. But, I had other things on my mind right then. For some reason, the alarm on my truck armed itself and I couldn't shut it off. Then my truck started on its own and the doors locked. I'm so glad I didn't leave my keys in the truck! And, I couldn't get it to stop. I have horses all looking at me while I'm trying frantically in the pouring rain to get the dumb thing to behave. Finally, it stopped and I thought I was OK.

So, I get the horses fed. Misty was shivering and Stormy acted a bit cold. OK, change of plans w/what I was doing w/the horses. Rather than leaving everyone w/access to the whole run in, I decided to lock Misty and Stormy in the big stall. But I can't leave them together while they're eating since they eat different feeds and I put Stormy's supplements in his food. So I decided that after I give Stormy his 2nd feeding, I'd open the gate between the 2 stalls, and then lock the doors. I put a bucket in there yesterday that holds about 15 gallons of water. And, I had already planned to put the hay in there, so I figure it shouldn't be a problem.

I decided I was only going to check on the chickens once. Normally I check on them when I get there and when I leave. I let them out when I get there, then lock them up when I leave. Figured I don't need to do that today cuz there's no reason for them to be out.

So, w/the horses fed, I needed something to do. And the only thing I could do was clean up my tack shed. I did some curb side shopping the other day. I got a 2 drawer night stand. I've had a little table in there next to my cot. Figured this would be a bit wider, but other than that, I figured it would fit. And, it did. But, I had just kind of thrown a bunch of stuff on the cot. Plus, I had put a bunch of stuff in there because of the storm. So, there was just barely room in there to walk. But, in order to do that, I needed some light. And right now, I have no extension cord to run in there. But, I had taken home my power pack and charged it, then stuck it in my truck-and left it there. So, I went and got it. And that started the truck up all over again! :barnie :he :rant :somad It finally shut off.

Go in the tack shed and start up my heater. (I think Cindy approved of that.) Then I needed to plug in my lamp. But, I couldn't find the plug. It was too dark and too messy to really see. And, I managed to knock over the lamp and break the bulb. So, I put in a new bulb, plug the lamp in, clean up the glass and turn it on. I had light and I had heat. So, I got a bunch done in there. There's still a bit more to do, but I can walk in there now. There's stuff in the drawers. I blew up the air mattress. Looked at my watch, and the weather. It wasn't raining as badly, so I figured this was a good time to give Stormy his 2nd feeding, get everything else done and leave.

I'm finally ready to leave and the stupid alarm on the truck started going off as soon as I opened the door. I couldn't get the truck to start. I had talked to hubby earlier and he told me if it did it when I was ready to leave to try and disconnect the battery. And of course, it started to rain harder then. So, I'm out there in the pouring rain trying to figure out which wrench I need. I can only see to do it w/my glasses on. Not that easy in the rain. The hood wouldn't stay up and I dropped the wrench. By this time, I'm so frustrated and about in tears. The wrench fell where I couldn't get it. Managed to knock it down and got the battery disconnected. All the while, the alarm is blaring in my bad ear. I get it disconnected, and it doesn't do a thing! Hubby had to come over and bring the other controller. Took the battery out of mine (the other one has no battery) and was able to get it to stop. Get home, fed the goats and the bunnies and came in the house.

Well, my rain suit isn't all that waterproof. I was soaked. The only thing that stayed dry? My jeans and socks where they were covered by my boots. I had enough layers on up top that I didn't get wet all the way thru. So I went right down by the fire, and started to peel off clothes. They're now all hanging in front of the fire. I came up, got a shower and am now relaxing as much as I can. Hubby's home and he's been drinking and he won't shut up. Quite truthfully, if my tack shed was all done, and if it weren't for the goats and the bunnies, I would have been tempted to stay at the farm for the duration of the storm.

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