Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Trim, I have their treats in a coffee can and shake it and call when I want them to come in. I've done that w/them since I got my coop. Today, she just stood there and looked at me when everyone else came running! Then, one that was in decided she had to come out as well, so I had 2 to round up! And I wanted to go home, I had a lot to do.

As for them laying, other than the 2 older girls, these are less than a year old and have just started to lay. I can't put light in there. I have no way to run electric out to the coop. Plus, I actually prefer to let them have a bit of a break. As long as I get enough eggs for myself, I'm not too worried about it.

Merry Christmas to all of you as well.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Might she have a secret nest out side the coop? When one of mine suddenly doesn't want to go in at night that is the usual reason.~gd

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Nope, no nest, I've checked. W/the way I have them, there's not really any place she can put a nest that I can't find. I'm wondering if it's because of Ralph. As soon as I let them out this morning, he was after her w/one thought in his mind. Out in the open, she can get away from him. In the run, she doesn't have much room! :lol: I'll be going later today, so I'm hoping by the time I'm ready to leave, the chickens will all be in the coop already.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday I had no trouble rounding them up since it was late when I got back out there. And today, I'm not letting them out. It's going to rain most of the day, so they can stay in for once. They're calling for more rain on Saturday, then it's going to dry out. I'm going to try and get the rest of my hay next Friday if they don't change the forecast. Or, if he can't deliver it all then, at least get another 4 bales.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was NOT a nice day. While it wasn't really that cold out, the air had that cold, damp feel to it that makes it feel so much colder than it really was. Since they were calling for rain later in the day, I decided I was going to get done everything I needed to do outside as early as possible. So, B4 I ever left for the farm, I brought in enough wood for overnight. I would have fed the goats then, but I knew that if I did, they'd want to be fed again once I got home. :/

I would have liked to have left for the farm earlier than I did, but had to wait for it to get light out, plus I figured I'd better eat. Well, once it was light enough out and I had eaten, I left. Only problem being, I didn't realize until I got out to the farm how raw the air really was. It's still so wet out that I had to wear my muck boots. Only problem w/that is, they have no lining at all to them. So, in just a very short period of time, my feet got extremely cold. I got my field all cleaned, but even jumping the mower couldn't get it to start, so it's sitting there w/a cart full of manure. I hadn't been going to let the chickens out, but since it wasn't raining by the time I got the horses fed, I went ahead and let them out.

By this time, I was frozen. So, I went in my tack shed and turned my heater on high. But, even w/it up all the way, I just couldn't warm up. So, Stormy got his 2nd feeding real early and I left. I had some errands to run. But, even walking around in the stores and riding in the truck didn't warm me all the way thru. One place I had to go was Wal-Mart. They had some work socks that are supposed to wick moisture away from your feet. I got a pack as well as some cheap knee highs. I'm going to try them and see if this works to keep my feet warm.

By the time I got home, it was pouring. I got the goats fed, got everything in the house, got the fire going, turned on the heater and cuddled up in my recliner w/a blanket over me. I STILL couldn't get warm. Then, I went and stood in front of the fire for quite some time. Still couldn't get warm. I finally went and got a shower and got a hot cup of tea (no, I didn't drink it in the shower but waited until I was dry and dressed), and I'm FINALLY warm!

I've decided that I can't wear my muck boots any more until the weather gets warmer. I have an old pair of real muck boots, they just don't fit as well as the cheaper pair. But, I can wear them w/thicker socks and I've found that they do keep my feet fairly warm. So, as long as it's so wet out, they're what I'll be wearing for shoes.

Awhile back, I put an ad on CL to get rid of Mt. Manure. And, I heard nothing. I had someone call today that might be interested in the whole thing! And, they have their own equipment for moving it! He's planning on coming by on Friday to look at it. So, I might be able to wave bye-bye to Mt. Manure! (I was going to say kiss it good-bye, but that just didn't sound right. :sick)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I made a nice pair of custom fleece liners for DS#2's muck boots for him for Christmas! He was very excited about them ( could've been the gift certificate I hid in them to his favorite used game store, but I'm choosing to believe it was the liners :D ). Around here, those boots are useless without liners this time of year ;) Once I'm cold through, the only thing that works for me is hot tea or cocoa - otherwise I could sit right ON the stove and still be cold :p

He's coming over on Friday to inspect the poo?!! That cracks me up :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Actually, he's coming over to see how hard it is to get into the field. W/all the rain, it can be very difficult. But, it's supposed to dry out after Saturday, so he'll be able to get in (hopefully) later next week-especially if the temps drop like they're supposed to. Plus, it's going to be windy today, so that will help.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was a much better day than yesterday. First off, I broke out my Carhart and wore that along w/a vest. So, I was warmer. Then, I wore a different pair of boots than I've been wearing. I wore a pair of knee highs, then some thick socks. And, while my feet were cold, they weren't freezing! So I didn't get chilled thru.

I've been trying to find places where there's too much air getting into my tack shed and blocking it. Today, I turned on my heater while I was bagging feed. I had run out of the one kind yesterday, so when I got done bagging the one, I went out to get that bag out of the back of my truck. Well, RU showed up right about then, so I spent a few minutes talking to her B4 I got the feed. I got in the tack shed and was amazed at how warm it was in there! It's NEVER been that warm in there w/a heater on-even when I had a 1500 watt electric heater going, or the propane one on high and I had it on low! So, sealing up the cracks worked! :weee

And, I had no trouble getting the chickens away today. The one that's been giving me a problem was already in the pen when I went to shut them in and the others all came running when they saw me heading over. I know most people can't understand this, but I get a warm feeling when they all come running like that, then follow me into the run.

W/all the rain we've had, the farm is a muddy mess. But, I can see a big difference in front of Misty and Stormy's stalls. I still need to get one more load of the stone dust in there, but it's not a mud hole now when wet, so I'm not almost losing my boots!

Tomorrow is supposed to be much dryer, so I'm hoping to get a lot of wood cut. We're almost out of wood. Between the rain, the wind, time constraints, etc I just haven't been able to get it in. I don't know that I'll bring any in that I cut tomorrow since I'm sure it will be wet, but at least if I stack it in the wood shed, it will have a chance to dry out. And, next week is supposed to be dryer still so I should get even more done.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on getting eggs - it's so much nicer to have fresh, home-grown! My girls have been fluctuating a lot lately. I think it's a reaction to being moved around - again. I think the most I've gotten lately is 11 one day earlier this week - but I have at least 40 hens - so there are definitely some slackers around here..:(

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Got to the farm this morning, and once again found all 3 horses in the seeded area. :he I thought for sure I had it fixed so they couldn't get in, but somehow or another the brat managed to get the top rope unhooked. Then, w/that down, it was easy to knock the other 2 down since they're not as thick, nor secured as well. I ignored them while I headed for the barn. I figured they got themselves in there, they could get themselves out.

Stormy was the first out, which didn't surprise me in the least. And, while I was feeding him, Misty managed to get out. Of course, she was all excited and blowing hard, but it didn't take long for her to calm down. But, Licorice acted like she couldn't get out. I told her, you got yourself in there, you have to get yourself out. I put her food in her bucket, and went to feed CL's horses. Well, she managed to get out. I knew she wouldn't come out of her stall-even though she doesn't have a door yet-until the others were out. And, since they were closed in their stalls, I got to work. I put this type of insulator in the post and tied the thinner ropes to it on both ends. Then, I took a piece of baling twine, ran it thru a hole in the handle and tied the baling twine around the post. So, even if she's able to knock the handle loose, it won't come off.

The guy that said he wanted the manure never came today. Nor did he call me. And, I still can't get my mower started. So, I have a cart full of manure and can't dump it. I had no choice, but to dump the manure I collected today on Mt. Manure.

Once I was home, I worked on wood. Some of it was dry enough to bring in, some wasn't. But, I was able to fill up the wood holder in the basement, and also stack a bunch in the woodshed! And, I'll be able to get more everyday next week! :ya I'm beat, so I'm just sitting back and relaxing for now.

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