Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get everything done today, and can't sleep in in the morning-I need to be someplace at 7:00 AM. Right now, I'm debating on whether or not to get a shower. I don't think I'm going to bother. It wasn't that hot, and I didn't do a lot of work since I was at that clinic. I think I need the sleep more than I need a shower. I think I'll probably be asleep tonight by 9:30 at the latest. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Girl, I do NOT miss those kinda nights. At least it wasn't YOUR horses. I gotta give you kudos for staying and seeing it through! Hope you get lots of good quality sleep tonight. :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got sleep, just not enough. I'm so glad that tomorrow is Sunday! Other than what I have to do, I'm not doing anything! I'm about ready to go to bed, and don't plan on getting up until around 7:00.

Today I went on what's called Bird Quest. Interested birders from around the area go out and see how many different species they can ID. Some people go in their own cars, others go on a bus. And, you can make up your own team. I went on the bus cuz I didn't have a team together. I'm hoping that next year, I can get a team, and go to different places. For some reason, there weren't a lot of birds out. We only saw 44 different species. Normally, we'll see about 2x that many.

From there, I went to the farm. First thing I did was dump my cart. Then, I got Stormy fed and cleaned my field. KN was there, and even though she didn't feel like it, she gave her horse her 2nd feeding. :hu I don't understand that. She's there for several hours, and finds it hard to feed her horse 2x.

I go to feed RU's horses, and find out her hay guy has been there! So, even thought the new boarder, AH, hasn't brought over the hay she was supposed to, there is enough hay to last until she gets home! I feel so much better. I get all her guys fed, hayed and watered, hayed my horses, took care of my chickens and Cindy, then went home.

Once home, I moved the goats into the old goat pen, then worked on cleaning their pen. I got all that I needed for the potatoes, and STILL have more in there! So, I'll be using it for other things. Bad thing is, most of the old hay is from this winter. There was quite a bit that they didn't like. I'm hoping that when I get the new hay feeder I'm hoping to make in there, there won't be as much waste. And, I'm planning on raking up all the loose hay 1x a week, then putting it in the garden.

And I got a shock! Hubby was playing in the asparagus patch and found where several of the roots are located! I don't know that I'll really get anything out of it this year, but at least I'll be able to find them when I'm ready to transplant them this fall.

Right now, we're getting along better, but I don't know how long that's going to last. We'll see how long it lasts.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Same here with the husband thing...getting along for the's just too bad moments don't last but a moment :p :lol:

I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy, didn't get much last night, and about ready for bed here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
For us it lasts until he gets drunk. Then, he becomes a pain and I want to leave.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can I shoot someone? Pretty, pretty please? KN spent several hours out at the farm today. She fed her horse and mine, and put out some hay for CL's horses-but didn't let my chickens out. I don't know what all she DID do. The chicks are hatching out-she put something at the back of the pen so at least they won't be able to get out. And, she did put something in for water. But that was it. The chickens are right next to where her horse is, and there's a gate on 2 sides of the pen. She didn't shut either gate, so her horse got out. :barnie And, she couldn't give her horse it's 2nd feeding. If she doesn't feel like it, she doesn't. It takes all of 5 minutes, if that.

RU is still away, so I have to feed all of her horses. I don't feel like it, nor do I feel like feeding her horse. But, I do it anyway cuz it's the right thing to do. I did call her up and told her that she left the gates opened. She laughed. :he Her horse doesn't really go anywhere, but still, I don't want to have to round it up after she's been there. She left the gate open yesterday, and I purposely didn't close it in hopes that the horse would be loose today and she'd learn her lesson. Well, it didn't work. :hit The horse stayed in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a very productive day!

First off, I've been wanting to hard boil some eggs, finally got to it this morning. So, I had an egg salad sandwich for lunch. Then, I made some no bake cookies. I needed something to snack on at the farm.

Got everyone fed this morning, and finally got the lime and grass seed I have for my field moved OUT of my front seat! The lime is in the tack stall, the seed is in my shed.

A friend came over w/her kayak. We unloaded it from her jeep to my truck-along w/my canoe. There's a small lake near the farm we've been wanting to go kaynoeing on for awhile. Since I keep seeing bald eagles out there, we were hoping for a nest. If there's a nest, it's not near the lake, nor the stream. We did see a beaver lodge though, but no dam. We also found where otters have been going in the stream, so that was good.

After I gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, and got all of RU's guys hayed, fed and watered, I went to a local farm stand and got some plants. Since I lost most of my tomatoes, and my peppers and eggplants never came up, I had to buy them. Got all but 6 of the plants I need.

Got home, and got started on the garden. I had a ton of potatoes sprout, so rather than buy seed potatoes, I figured I'd just try them. I still have a few left, but that's OK. I have some others things I want to try growing them in, but didn't get to it.

Once I was done w/that, I made sure the area for my peppers and eggplants were pretty weed free, and got all of them planted. I put some old straw, hay, etc around them.

By then, it was getting dark. I had hoped to get my tomatoes in, but knew that wasn't going to happen. So instead, I worked on getting the rest of my poles in for my tomatoes. And, I got them all in!

I've been trying to plant by the moon phases, but I just don't have the time I need to get it all done. So, at least for the stuff I'm trying to get in now, it ain't going to happen. But, once that's in, then I should be able to do the rest.

Now, I'm beat and thinking about bed. :lol:

ETA: Oh, and I found out that Ralph isn't just shooting blanks! I shoved 4 eggs under a broody-not mine, one of RU's. Out of those 4, 2 started, but didn't develop completely. 1 didn't hatch out completely. And, the last one made it all the way out and is a cute little chick! It's one of 2 that made it! I don't have time to mess w/the incubator right now, and am wondering if I could "rent" a broody. :cool:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You should be tired after that day! That's what my day was like yesterday - without the fun boat ride. Glad you got to have a little fun amidst all that work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We've been wanting to do that since last year, and if we had the time, the weather was bad. And, if the weather was good, we didn't have the time. And, while today wasn't the nicest, it wasn't too bad. I'd love to be able to go out w/a chainsaw. We got as far as we could-then ran into too much downed stuff. We were amazed at how big some of the stuff was that the beavers had chewed down. They couldn't move it, so why bother?

There was a time I thought about trading in my canoe for a kayak. Everyone kept telling me how much better they are. Well, I can get places in my canoe that others in kayaks can't get to. Plus, when I do finally get my dog, I want to be able to take her w/me-can't do that in a solo kayak.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They keep changing the forecast! They had been calling for rain today, then changed it to rain tonight, now they're calling for rain to start sometime during the day. :barnie I WISH they could figure it out earlier. It makes it extremely difficult for me to plan my day. But, I won't be hanging clothes out on the line like I had planned and hope I get done everything I wanted to get done at the farm.