Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For quite some time, I've been wanting to move out of NJ. I'd love to find a place w/a similar climate, but someplace that's not as expensive to live and isn't so flat. I was doing some searching today, and found this. If I had the money to buy it, I'd be setting up an appointment to go and look at it ASAP.

Today was not the greatest day. When I fed this morning, Licky dove into her feed bucket-B4 I could even get the feed in. She knows better than this and when I went to reprimand her, she jerked her head out-and hit my nose. I saw stars! I was expecting it to start gushing blood and swell up. Nothing. And, while it hurt, it wasn't that bad. So, I continued w/my day.

I was supposed to go to Bible study this morning. Got a call that it had been canceled. I had hardly any water w/me, and it was hot! So, I didn't do a whole lot. Picked my field, did some weeding in the shade, swept part of my tack shed, then got my Bible out of the truck and read it for about half an hour. Got done that and figured it was just too hot. So I got Stormy's feed and started out to feed him. Well, he decided to roll-about 2 ft from my wires. Of course, he got his feet tangled up in them and freaked out. He did some damage to my set up-and I don't have the parts to replace it. So, I'll have to go to TSC and get parts.

I wasn't feeling the greatest, and figured it was a combination of the hit and lack of water. So, I relaxed for a bit on the computer and got something to eat. I started to feel better, so I worked on cleaning the living room. I got quite a bit done in one area. So, that's looking better.

I was waiting for it to cool off a bit and I was going to go out and work on weeding in front of my house. Well, hubby called and wanted to know if I wanted to go w/him to hit a couple of stores. I decided to go, figured I'd feed the animals when I got back.

Only problem w/the one store that he wanted to go in, something about it affects my Meniere's. So, I had him drop me off at Target. I figured I'd go in there and a couple of other stores and that would hopefully get me done at about the same time that he was. Only problem being, I almost passed out in the one store. My face started to hurt, it felt funny to breathe, and I felt really strange. One of the employees noticed that I wasn't doing good, and got me a chair. I called hubby and he was just getting done in the store, so he said he'd come over and get me. I get in the car, we start driving-and I didn't know where I was. He asked if I wanted to go to the ER, and I told him yes. I'll admit to getting a bit scared.

So, we go home, he takes the food in while I go and feed the animals. One of my bunnies died. :hit I wasn't up to doing anything w/her, nor did I have time. So, I stuck her in an empty cage for now (my bunnies were in one cage-they came as a pair, and I never separated them), and I'll take care of her in the morning. I also got clothes off the line, and hubby carried the basket in.

Go to the ER, got a cat scan, they checked me over, and everything seems fine. There's no breaks and no bleeding. So, I should be fine-just sore. And, I might get a black eye or two. I hope not, though. I'm helping w/a large group at the Nature Center tomorrow. I have special music on Sunday. And, I'm helping w/a program Sunday afternoon at the Nature Center. I can just imagine the looks I'd be getting. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ohhh! Horses have hard heads! Glad you got checked out. Maybe, just maybe you might waa take it easy for a day or so? Nah... you'll do what you gotta do! Take care of yourself, ya hear?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I will. I just wish I could go back to bed! I'm beat. But, at least I didn't see any bruising this morning, so that's good.

I got my eggs in lock down. So, I'll know in the next few days whether or not I'm going to get any chicks. :fl

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get a whole lot done today. For one thing, it was too hot. For another thing, I didn't get enough sleep last night. And lastly, I spent the morning at the Nature Center helping w/a school group. I also had to go into TSC. I'm almost out of chicken food, and I'm going to need chick starter soon.

It was after 2:00 by the time I got back to the farm. I hadn't been able to feed CL's horses in the morning because the stupid ram was in there-and I couldn't get him out of the stalls! When I got there in the afternoon, he had chosen to go elsewhere in the field, so I was able to get the horses in and feed them. I basically did what I had to do, and that was it. I didn't clean the field because I didn't feel like messing w/the mower, and I'd have had to dump the cart. And, I have a flat on the cart. :he I think I'm getting the flats because I can't dump the cart as often as I want since I'm having so much trouble w/the mower. So, there's probably too much weight in the cart.

I'm supposed to be getting my first 4 RBs soon, so I decided to take the trailer home. The place I have to pick them up is closer to my house than to the farm, so it made sense for me to take it home now. I get it all hooked up, and go to put my chickens away. And, I'm missing a hen. I got the others caged in and started looking. I looked every place I could think of for her and saw no sign of her. I must have looked for over 1/2 an hour. It was getting late, and I had to leave. RU's has to go over near there later today, so if she sees her hanging around the pen, she'll let her in. But, I have an idea as to why I can't find her.

I've been noticing that I'm not getting as many eggs as I should. I have a feeling she's been laying her eggs elsewhere and has either gone broody, or was laying an egg when I was looking for her. If I can't find her over the weekend, I'll have more time to look on Monday. If I can't find her, then hopefully in 3 weeks she'll show up w/some chicks.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The temp in my incubator went waaaay up on Friday morning. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy. I was sure all of my eggs had gotten fried. So, I took the top off to let it cool down some, and checked one egg. I was still seeing movement, so hoped it was OK. And, since I reset the temperature, it's been doing fine.

This morning, even though I told myself that I wasn't going to mess w/the eggs, I decided to take one last look. I picked up the egg I checked yesterday. The air sack looks larger and I'm still seeing movement. So, I checked out another egg. And the air sack looks fairly large and there's movement! So, I decided not to mess w/them anymore. I'll continue to monitor the temperature and humidity and hope I get some chicks in a day or 2! I'm all ready for them, and am quite excited about the possibility. But, just in case I get nothing, I have the number of someone who has banty cochins.

I was working on my hay shelter at home this morning, but it just got too hot. So, I stopped. It's over 90* out, and I don't do good in that kind of heat, so I'm hiding in the house.

Hubby again said we need to move the bunny cage-but we still didn't. So, I cleaned up the empty one. It's not as large, but it's in the shade, so my bunny, Butterscotch, is in there. She's not sure what to make of it. I'm going to try and get the other one cleaned up and see if I can figure out how to move it. I think it's a sturdier cage. If I can get it where I want it, I'll put her back in there. I've already decided that when I eventually lose her, I'm not going to get another bunny for awhile. If we're able to move, I'm thinking it will be easier w/less animals to worry about-especially since I want to move out of state. Other than chickens, the only animals I'd replace if something happened to it would be Misty. But, I hope and pray that doesn't happen for a long time.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Talked to RU this afternoon, and she saw my hen last evening. But, she didn't have time to mess w/her. Her son's dog went missing and they were searching for her. She's a rottweiler, so I have a feeling someone picked her up. :( But, she's MIA again this evening. So, I'm pretty sure she has some eggs hidden someplace.

Got more of my garden planted. I'm having a big problem w/bugs on my eggplants. So, I'm going to get a bunch of rhubarb leaves and put them down. Hopefully, that will get rid of the bugs.

Monday, I'm planning on either buying or picking some strawberries. Then, I'm going to make strawberry-rhubarb jam as well as a pie, and freeze the rest of the pie filling. First time I ever made one, I hoped that the rest of the family wouldn't like it. Well, they did. So, I didn't get to eat the whole thing. :( :hide Now that it's just hubby and I, I'll be able to eat more of it. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, my hen showed back up. I don't know where she was hiding or what she was doing, but she's back.

I've been hearing peeps off and on today, so I'm hoping it won't be too much longer B4 I have some chicks. I can see on one egg where a chick has been working on getting out.

I'm beat, so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be up. I'm hoping when I get up in the morning, I have a bunch of chicks!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I just wish they'd hatch! I've been waiting all day and still nothing.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Patience, grasshopper!

Oh my, I'm so stinking corny lately, lol! It does seem to take forever though...