Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, hubby's going out to the farm w/me tomorrow afternoon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, hubby didn't go out w/me, so I took the truck and jumped the mower. Got it running, and got the field mowed. Then I was mowing in the parking area, and ran over a small stump I forgot about. The mower wouldn't move! Plus, it started to smoke and smelled like burning rubber, so I turned it off. I decided to let it cool down, then try to start it so I could dump the cart. It wouldn't start. :he I turned the key, and all I got was some clicking. So, I pushed it back to where it belonged-and went home.

RU won't be home until late tonight, so I had to feed again. I'll be so glad when I'm done feeding for her!

I haven't been doing much w/my garden lately. Today I took a look at it. It looks like I'm going to lose my squash plants to borers. :hit I might just see if I can find some plants and stick them in. It's pretty much past the time for them to be mating, so if I can find some plants, I might be good. Or, I could try to replant. Not sure yet.

I'm hoping I can get to bed early tonight. So far, I haven't been able to. I don't think I'm going to apply for this job next year. I'm not enjoying it as much this year, but it could be because I'm trying to get so much done. But, I've talked to a few people about my idea of doing nature lessons on my own, and people are interested, so this just might work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know why, but every evening, I feel wide awake. So, I'm not getting enough sleep. It's too hot out, so by the time I get home, I'm too worn out to do any house work. Plus, KN hasn't been able to get to the farm in the morning, so I'm having to go out every morning and feed. So, nothing is getting done here. I'll be doing a bunch on Saturday.

It's been hot and dry all week, so I'll finally be getting my next batch of hay! Right now, I have enough hay at the farm at least for tomorrow, not sure about Friday. But, if I don't have any for Friday, I'll just get a sb from RU.

Still don't have the mower running. I charged up the jump box yesterday, but had no luck getting the mower to start. I still say I have a short. I can hear it sparking every time I go to start it w/the jump box on.

I got to do something different at work today! In the morning, JT talks about what the lesson for the day is, and what all we're going to need to do. Well today, she decided that she'd have me teach the lesson! It was on plants, so it was very easy. The kids seemed to really enjoy it, so that was good.

Got a scare today. I've been taking my tablet w/me every day. Went to get it out and look something up and couldn't find it! :ep I looked all over, checked in the kitty litter box I've been using to transport stuff, no sign of it. Got done work, headed out to the farm, and was checking along the road to make sure it didn't fall out of the box while I was riding. Nothing. Get to the farm, call hubby up. He had just gotten home, so he checked on the table and that's where it was. Needless to say, that was a relief.


Jun 27, 2011
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If I were missing my kindle fire that would scare me too! Usually have it with me. I do hope you get your mower going and I can identify with not getting enough sleep and being wide awake at night. I hate tossing and turning for hours!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm STILL wide awake! And, I didn't even get my nap today. We had a problem w/the water at the nature center. For some reason, the pump wasn't working. So, we had to take the kids across the street to the restrooms over there. Then, any time I had to use the bathroom all day, I had to go across the street. It was so hot and humid out, it wasn't fun at all. And, the bathrooms were stifling hot! But, it could have been worse-we could have had thunderstorms all day. And of course, they showed up to work on the pump during my lunch hour. So, that meant no nap for me. :hit

I was going to do laundry when I got home, but it was just too hot. So, I'm thinking of putting the clothes in tonight B4 I go to bed, then hang them out in the morning.


Jun 27, 2011
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I've been taking ginger and honey for arthritus which works really well and I think I should take my 2nd dose earlier in the afternoon. When I don't take it at night I seem to sleep better. But am so thankful for the relief!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can't believe it's been so long since I posted to this. But, I've been so busy that I just can't keep up w/everything.

We have a ground hog again. I've seen him a couple of times. Hubby's seen him, and says he's been digging under the fence into the garden. :somad I've barely been in the garden-just don't have time. I never got it all planted.

I lost my squash to borers. If I have time this weekend, I might try to replant them. From what I understand about their life cycle, I shouldn't have to worry about them since it's past time for them to lay their eggs. I think I still have enough time to get squash B4 a frost.

Since I lost my maters to that late frost and had to buy plants, I'm kind of disappointed. My romas look like plums, and my super romas look like regular romas. I'm hoping I have better luck next year.

I took the mower battery home the other day and charged it. Tried to start the mower today-and got nothing. So, I don't know if the battery is shot, or if it's something else.

I'm still wanting to do nature lessons on my own. I'm thinking more and more of it. I'm wanting to get off the farm. It's just getting harder and harder to go in different directions every day. If I can do the nature lessons on my own, it would (hopefully) put me in a better position financially to be able to find my own farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have 4 weeks and 1 day more of work! I was going puree my tomatoes tonight, but am just too beat. It's almost 8:00, and I still haven't had dinner. Plus, I don't feel like eating. I did have an ice cream sandwich, does that count? I do have to do some laundry otherwise hubby has no clothes for tomorrow. And, I don't think he can go nekkid! :lol:

It rained most of the day. I'm not really sure if we needed the rain or not-we had quite a bit on Sunday. In fact, Philly set a record for rainfall on Sunday! We didn't get as much, but we still got quite a bit. We were supposed to take the kids canoeing today, that didn't happen. Instead, when we had a break, we took them for a bird walk. Didn't see a lot of birds, but at least we got them out. Some of the kids didn't show up. We're wondering if it was because of the weather.

I'm having trouble keeping hubby out of my garden. I'm having some problems w/my tomato plants, but they're also in the "new" section. It hasn't been built up like the rest of the garden, so it could just be that it's missing something. I just don't have time to sit down and figure it out. But, over the winter, I'll be dumping a ton of stuff in the garden.

I still have some room to plant some stuff, so I'm hoping next weekend I'll have time. I think I still have enough time B4 we get a frost. If not, well, at least I will have tried.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I wish we would get some rain here. I can't keep my garden moist- everything is suffering. Maybe once the ducks are in their permanent home, I will have more time. Right now I feel like all I do is clean up their little box (which is too small now, and they can't help but poop in their water and food, because there isn't enough room for them.) I told DH we HAVE to get the fence finished this weekend or we will wake up to escaped ducks all over the house.