Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And that's the problem. Today she was better. The meds that she's getting is actually a time release patch. It lasts for 3 days. It seems like the first day is the worst, then she's good for the other 2 days. I'm really busy this week. I had agreed to help w/a canoeing event and barn sit B4 I ever found out she has the cancer. So, today I went canoeing, tomorrow and Friday I'm barn sitting. I'm hoping to get there on Saturday. Then, since where she is is right next door to my allergist, I'll go and see her after my appointment on Tuesday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, hubby hit a deer last night. I missed his call cuz I left the phone in the other room. He was trying to get me to come out since he didn't have any lights, plus he wanted me to get the deer. He was able to get a light working-the other one is gone as well as some parts of the car. We took his Durango today and went to see if we could find the parts, but had no luck. And, I'm glad I didn't go get the deer! It was farther away than I would have wanted to go, plus I hadn't been able to figure out where he was talking about when he did get home. (I had already gone to bed)

Went to see his mom today and she's not looking good. I can see a big difference in how she looked last week to this week. I'm not sure how much longer she's going to last. She's not eating well, so she's losing weight. She's still in some pain, and has trouble moving. All of her doctors are having a conference next week to talk about treatment, but we're thinking that they're going to say there's nothing they can do. She's under 90 lbs. I'm praying she goes quick. I don't want to see her in pain, nor do I want to see her waste away to nothing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've decided to go back to making a list of what all I want to try and get done. So, here's my list for today.

1. Fold laundry
2. Do some ironing.
3. Do some dishes.
4. Practice the piano.
5. Get started on cleaning the living room.
6. Feed animals at the farm.
7. Move RB feeder and switch around the field.
8. Pick the field.
9. Work on cleaning area I want to fence in by tack shed.
10. Work on fencing in as much as I get clean.
11. Bag feed.
12. Feed Stormy, round up chickens, gather eggs, clean litter box and feed my cat.
13. Pick and bag tomatoes. I don't have time to do anything w/them, so they'll go right in the freezer.
14. Feed goats
15. Make and eat dinner.
16. Do some work on the computer on a couple of different projects.
17. Collapse.

I know at least if nothing else, I'll get done #17. :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, looks about like my list, with the exception there are no horses involved in's just loooooooooong :p I hope we get finished! :weee :weee


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I like the list items that say "do some" or "get started" because you can spend 5 minutes and still be able to check it off :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Actually, I try to spend at least 1/2 and hour on anything that I do some of. And I actually did quite well today. I only have to do some work on the computer-which I'll do in a bit and collapse! And, it feels so good to get done what I did. While I didn't get a whole lot done in the living room, you can see a difference. And, the majority of the dishes are done. It will take me awhile to get the ironing caught up. My iron broke and I had to get a new one. I have a ton of long sleeved shirts that I should have iron, folded and put away that need to be done. Plus, I had a load of shirts out on the line, and I now have them to iron as well. I didn't get the whole field picked, but did quite a bit of it. I should get the rest done tomorrow. And, the tomatoes are in the freezer! I'm going to start cleaning up all the tomatoes I didn't get a chance to pick that are now rotting in the garden and taking them out to the farm for the chickens.

Big thing is, I got quite a bit of the area cleaned up near my tack shed. It was full of weeds. Up to a certain point, they're out. Plus, I got the fencing up! I wanted to get it all done, but it took longer than I was expecting, and I forgot to take my level out w/me. I need to check the last post I put in and make sure it's straight as well as make sure the next one I put in is straight. That's where my gate is going to go. Once I have that done, I'll be able to get the rest of the area fenced in! Then, I won't have to worry about any other animals getting my hay and I won't have to worry about any dogs getting in my field!

Not sure how much I'll be able to do tomorrow. I have my appointments in the afternoon. And the place where my MIL is right next door. So, I'll stop in and say hi to her. Quiet truthfully, I'd be surprised if she makes it to the end of the month. She just doesn't look good. I can't stay long because I have to be at the 4-H office by 5:00. We're having a back to 4-H night, and I need to get something set up for a display. It won't be the greatest, but I just haven't had time to do more.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was able to work for a bit last night on both my computer projects, B4 I collapsed, so they were done as well!

I'm all ready to write up today's to-list. As to what all I get done, that remains to be seen. I have a busy day today.

1. Iron some shirts
2. Put away dishes
3. Clean bathroom
4. Finish one project on computer and print it up
5. Go to TSC
6. Feed animals at the farm
7. Go to Bible study
8. Bag feed
9. Finish cleaning field
10. Feed Stormy, round up chickens, clean litter box take care of Cindy
11. Go to allergist
12. Stop in and say hi to MIL
13. Get gas
14. Go to chiropractor
15. Go to Back to 4-H night
16. Feed goats-unless I can get hubby to!
17. Practice piano
18. Collapse

I've already gotten the shirts ironed, so hopefully I'm off to a good start.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby fed goats, and I haven't collapsed yet. But other than that, that's all I need to do!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I overslept a bit this morning, I was just so beat. I was originally supposed to get hay today, but hubby thought he was going to need my truck, so I canceled. I'm not a bit sorry. It's going to be in the 90's and humid. On top of that, the AC in my truck isn't working and the post that's holding the gate into my field is rotting so I'd have to replace that. I just don't feel like messing w/a fence post in this type of heat, so I'll get hay Friday and Monday instead. It's supposed to be cooler. So, here's my list for today.

1. Do some ironing
2. Clean out fridge
3. Take out trash and recyclables
4. Do some dishes
5. Work on cleaning the kitchen
6. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
7. Practice piano
8. Feed farm animals and bag feed
9. Pick field
10. Work on putting up the rest of my fence by my tack shed
11. Do some more weeding by tack shed
12. Feed Stormy, put out hay, round up chickens and take care of Cindy
13. Feed goats
14. Work on project on computer. I need to finish it and e-mail it to someone
15. Make and eat dinner
16. Collapse

I don't think today's list is as bad as some of the other days. I might actually be able to get to bed on time!