Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sooo, when the tree fell in the forest - did it make a sound? LOL

Good thing though that it fell - cuz getting a truck load in one place is great!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wondered the same thing. :lol: I didn't have time to get any wood today.

Hubby decided he wanted to go shopping, so I didn't get everything done. Plus, it took me longer to clean the field than I was expecting. But, it's clean again! Since it was so late by the time I got done, I didn't get to work w/Stormy.

I didn't touch the flower gardens, and only got about 1/2 the wood done I wanted to do. I'll have to work more on it on Wednesday. I also didn't fold up the laundry, and don't know that I'll be doing any work on the computer. I did get some of the pots and pans cleaned. I think almost all of them were dirty.

I'm wondering what we're actually going to get from this system. Last I saw, they were just calling for a couple of showers and maybe some light snow. But for some reason, when we have snow, more often than not, I have trouble sleeping. I become wide awake. Rain has the opposite effect on me, I get sleepy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby's left for work again-which means I'm able to turn the heat off in the house. He has it too hot in here for me. Since I have the farrier coming and have my appointments this afternoon, I'm not sure what all I'm going to get done. But, I'll do what I can. So, here's my list for today:

1. Clean bathroom
2. Do dishes
3. Go to bank and gas station
4. Feed animals
5. Hang front gate. (It's a 2 person job, but I'm going to have to figure out how to do it by myself. I don't like having it tied in place)
6. Clean tack shed and feed stall.
7. Feed Stormy, bag feed, take care of chickens, put out hay
8. Go to my appointments
9. Run a couple of errands up that way
10. Feed goats
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Fold and put away laundry

I think that's good enough for today. The list seems short, but w/the shorter hours I have to work during the day, not much I can do about that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't have time to do the dishes this morning. Hubby left later than I was planning, so I figured I'd do them this evening. He fell asleep early, and doing the dishes wakes him up. I could have done them this morning. The farrier called just when I was getting ready to leave. It was absolutely miserable out. It was snowing, cold and windy. So, he wanted to reschedule. So, he's coming instead on Monday.

Since he wasn't coming, I didn't need to leave as early as I'd planned. So, I had the option of either practicing the piano or doing dishes. I'm sure you can guess which I chose to do. :lol:

Got to the farm, got everyone fed and went to try and hang the gate. But, I needed to charge the battery on my drill. And, it was so cold, it didn't want to charge! So, I brought the battery and charger home w/me. I'll be charging it one morning B4 I leave.

Got started working on the tack shed. PT called. RU was getting ready to move the horses out of the RP. The easiest way to do it was thru fields, so she needed help. First, we made sure they couldn't get back out of the field. Then, horses were moved out of CL's field and PT's field. (That was much easier than trying to lead the other horses into their field. W/them moved, we were able to open gates and get the horses to go where they belonged. Once they were in the field where they belonged, gates were closed, and horses were put back where they belonged. I went back to cleaning my shed, but didn't get it all done.

Got Stormy fed, and got the feed bagged when I heard a strange tractor. Then, I saw a RB going over a fence. RU's tractor is no longer running. And, it would cost too much to fix it, so she's gotten a newer used tractor. She was just waiting on it. Well, it came today. It's a JD, not my favorite type of tractor, but the power steering and brakes work. Plus, it has 4 wheel drive. I'm glad it came B4 I'm ready to take manure home! It will be easier to load it in the truck now!

I got part of the feed stall cleaned out, namely a bunch of empty feed bags. It's supposed to be cold again tomorrow, so I'm thinking that I'm going to finish my cleaning tomorrow. When I get a warmer, less windy day, I have to work on getting my hay covered better. The wind was really pulling at the tarps today. I was able to get them tied down a bit better, but still have a way to go. I'm looking forward to next year when I don't have to worry about this.

I got some of my laundry folded and put away. Dinner was easy, frozen breaded fish filet, hash brown potato patty and green beans. Now I'm sitting here eating ice cream and playing on my computer. I was going to get a shower, but think I'll get it in the morning instead.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is another cold day. Right now, the wind isn't blowing, but it's supposed to pick up. So, I'm just as happy that I didn't finish cleaning out my tack shed yesterday. I should be able to do that w/no problem. I am going to have to have a talk w/KN. When we went on the trail ride, she wasn't planning on going because of her fall, but just to get away from her hubby, she was going to go camping-and not tell him. So, she brought her tent out to the farm-and left it in my tack shed. :he I don't want it there. If she shows up today, I'll be asking her to take it home. It's in my way.

So, my list for today:

1. Fold up laundry and put away (done! Including sorting a bunch of socks.)
2. Practice piano (done)
3. Take out trash (done)
4. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer right now)
5. Dishes
6. Clean kitchen
7. Feed animals
8. Clean field
9. Finishing cleaning tack shed and feed stall
10. Feed Stormy, bag feed, put out hay, take care of chickens
11. Work on wood
12. Feed goats
13. Make and eat dinner
14. Go to choir practice

I don't feel like going to choir practice. I hate that they've decided to have it in the middle of the week now-especially at this time of year. I don't like going out once I've gotten home. It's one thing to go out for dessert w/friends. I can stay home if I feel like it. But for this, I kinda need to be there, or drop out of choir. But, I enjoy singing in it, and I'm one of 2 people that can carry the alto, so I guess I'll be going.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't quite finish cleaning the kitchen, it was messier than I realized, but I made a good dent in it. Plus, I got caught up on the dishes!

Got both the tack shed and the feed stall cleaned up quite a bit. There's still more that I want to do in both of them, but at least now I can walk around w/out killing myself. KN showed up at the farm today, so I told her about her tent.

Choir practice was actually pretty good. It was only for half an hour, and everyone else was quite happy that I made it. We sing w/tapes, but were having trouble w/one section. So, they had me play it. No one else could.

Think one reason I've been so tired lately is because I haven't been eating properly. Hubby's been doing most of the cooking-meat and a starch and normally no veggies, or very few. Today, I ate the way I wanted to, and feel much better. So I think from now on, I'm going to have to cook for myself.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I still haven't finished dehydrating the apples I got last month. I need to do that. Some of them are rotting. But, I slept much better last night, and woke up feeling rested for once so I should be able to get a lot done.

I'm looking at the forecast for the next few days. And, they're calling for rain on Monday! Of course, that's when the farrier rescheduled for. But, I need to get that tree I cut B4 then. I'll probably do that tomorrow. I also need to work on getting my hay covered better. That's also something I'll probably do tomorrow. I'll have the time, and they're not calling for a lot of wind.

Hubby's not coming home until later today, so instead of practicing the piano this morning, I'll wait until later. Hopefully, I'll be able to get it done B4 he comes home. So, my schedule for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes-they're in the washer right now
2. Fold and put away clothes-done
3. Feed animals
4. Put the ring back up for the hay net in Stormy's stall. I also need to figure out how to hang them higher since I might need to use them on Monday
5. Hang gate
6. Go to Bible study
7. Feed Stormy, put out hay and take care of chickens
8. Work on wood. If possible, I want to get the rest of what I got the other day cut and split. I'll put it on a pallet for now, and cover it w/a tarp.
9. Feed goats
10. Practice piano
11. Work on cleaning bedroom-I've already done some, but have more I want to get done
12. Sort thru apples and dehydrate some
13. Make and eat dinner
14. Do dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby got home earlier than I was expecting, so I didn't get everything done. I got most of the wood done, but my chain needs to be sharpened in the worst way. So, I can't do any wood until it is. Didn't get to the apples, nor the dishes. I got most of what I wanted to do in the bedroom done. I'll finish that tomorrow.

Bible study went longer than I was expecting. I got the gate up, but not the ring in Stormy's stall. That will be done tomorrow.

On the way home, I stopped where they're building a new house. Asked if they had any wood scraps I could have. I got some 2x4s to use for kindling as well as some pieces of chip board. I need them to put under the tarps over my hay. So tomorrow, I should be able to get my hay covered up better.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Can I scream now? Or better yet, break something? Hubby doesn't want me to sharpen my chainsaw chain. So, I have to wait on him. Last year, he told me to buy another chain so if I needed a sharp chain while he wasn't home, I could just switch chains. Well, it wasn't too much more expensive to buy a 2 pack than it was to buy just one, so I got them. Then, I started to have a problem. He'd sharpen the chains, and in just a little bit, I'd be having a ton of trouble cutting. I couldn't get a straight cut in larger logs. So, hubby would figure that the chains were getting dull really quick. He asked me what I was cutting, all the time complaining about how often he had to sharpen the chains. I figured maybe there was a problem w/the bar, so I went and bought a new bar. It wasn't too much more to buy one w/the chain, so that's what I got.

At first, it seemed to fix the problem. Then, I was right back to where I started. I couldn't get a straight cut. That's when hubby realized he was sharpening the chains at the wrong angle. :he Fast forward to now.

When I stopped cutting wood in the spring, I had 2 dull chains, one on the saw, and 1 sharp chain. Hubby keeps saying he needs to sharpen the chains. I used the one on the saw for awhile, then changed to my last sharp one. And I told him. He said he sharpen the other 3. I'm still waiting, and now the last one needs to be sharpened as well. This morning when he's getting ready to leave, I asked him if he was coming straight home. Told him if he did and sharpened a chain for me, I should be able to get a load of wood fairly quick. He said he should. He then makes sure he has his keys and everything that he needed, turns to me and says, I might stop at my Mother's to pick up some stuff. :rant They're calling for showers tonight and tomorrow morning. They're calling for showers on Sunday, and they're calling for rain on Monday. I want to get that tree I have out there cut up and up to the house so I can get it covered. Now I'm going to have to hope that the showers aren't too bad overnight and do it tomorrow afternoon. So, it looks like I won't be working on wood today. However, I do have a ton of other stuff that needs to get done. So, my list for today:

1. Get apples in the dehydrator
2. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer now)
3. Practice piano (done)
4. Work in basement (did some of it)
5. Fold and put away a load of laundry (done)
6. Iron a few shirts I found while cleaning
7. Feed animals
8. Clean field
9. Get hay covered better
10. Put screw eye back up in Stormy's stall
11. Feed Stormy, put out hay, bag feed, take care of chickens
12. Clean out hay shelter at home and rearrange stuff in it
13. Feed goats
14. Make and eat dinner
15. Do dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It took me longer than I wanted to get everything done out at the farm. And, if I hadn't already decided that I'm not doing RBs next year, after today, I would have made that decision. I fell in the hole between 4 of them. Tried throwing myself forward when I felt myself going, but it didn't work. And, they're 5 ft high. I was more careful after that walking around on top of them. But, I got the boards all in place and the tarps tied down better. The wind wasn't blowing, so that was a big help. Of course, in order to tie anything on the back side, I had to haul the ladder up w/me, then put it down on the back side. Only problem being, I didn't put it down, I dropped it. So, I had to very carefully slide off the bales making sure I didn't land on the ladder. I also got another tarp over my hay shelter. I like to double tarp them. I've found if I don't, I get condensation dripping all over the hay. So, my hay is covered good!

Since it was so late by the time I got home, I wasn't able to get all of my hay shelter at home reorganized. But, I did the big thing-got the hay in there the way I wanted it. When I brought these bales home, I had part of a RB in there that I was peeling off for the goats. So, that meant I couldn't get the sbs in there the way I wanted them. Well, I used up the last of the RB last week, and started on a sb. Today, I got all the loose hay raked up and in a bucket. I'll be feeding that to the goats tomorrow. Then, I got the hay in there the way I want it. Once that was done, I started getting the rest of the stuff I have in there rearranged. Some of it needs to be sold. Plus, I have some stuff in the back of the truck that I'll be putting in there for now. It's all stuff that I brought home from the farm that needs to be sold.

W/that done, I went in the house and tackled the part of the basement I wanted to get done. It took me about 45 minutes. But that part is done! I took out a bunch of stuff that my kids need to go thru. Anything they want, they can have. The rest will be for a yard sale. One good thing about getting that area done, I found my bow! I haven't shot it in years, just haven't had the time plus I wasn't sure where it was. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to shoot it since I've had 2 operations on my left shoulder, and had the nerve moved in my right elbow. Well, I pulled the string back to see if I could do it. I can! So, I'm going to start target practice w/it and once I get good at it again, I'm thinking of getting my archery license.

By that time, it was around 6:00. I still needed to do the ironing and the dishes as well as make dinner. Well, I decided to have leftovers for dinner and to skip the ironing and dishes. I'll be doing dishes tomorrow instead, and probably the ironing on Sunday. I'll need a shirt then anyway, so that will be a good time to do it.

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