Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today we're having our church picnic. After the picnic, I'll be going home, getting change and then hubby and I will head back to the farm. We need to get the hay shelter finished. W/the way it is right now, I have hay exposed. Some of it I'm going to have to change around. It got wet, and is starting to mold. So, I'll have to throw that out soon. I'm hoping the bales themselves aren't ruined, that there's just the one spot on each of them that's bad.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't work on the hay shelter today after all. Hubby decided that he'd rather wait and work on it tomorrow. I just wish he had decided that sooner! I would have taken my bathing suit w/me. But, I still had a nice time. We had the picnic at a local campground. After we ate, I did some games w/the kids. Then, I took a walk all around the campground. One family from the church either owns it, or manages it, I'm not sure which. The campground was bigger than I'd realized. And, if I had the money, I could buy a permanent trailer out there. But w/where it's located, if I wanted to go camping for a few days, I could and not have to worry about finding someone to care for my animals and garden.

But anyway, after I got back from my walk, I asked about the possibility of doing some nature lessons on weekends next summer. For $10/child, I'd do a lesson that would include a craft. I'm thinking for about an hour, to an hour and a half at the most. They didn't have a problem w/it. I've already come up w/some that I'd be doing, as well as the crafts.

One lady at the church has a trailer there. She invited me over to her trailer to just sit and visit. It was quite relaxing. From there, I went straight to the farm. I was wearing my good flip flops. I have an older pair out at the farm, so when I got there, I changed. I would not walk around this way in any other area but mine. My guys know better than to crowd me. Even when I've walked around there in my bare feet, my horses have never stepped on my feet. Then, I headed home and fed the goats.

Now I'm in the house relaxing. I could use more days like this. This is the first day in I don't know how long that I did not have to put on some type of boot. It felt good.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not sure if today is going to be a busy day or not! We HAVE to finish the hay shelter today because we might get rain tomorrow. And I need to move the hay around. But, I don't know how long all this is going to take. And w/what my hubby was saying DS might come and help, so that would mean I'd have less to do. And since we might get rain tomorrow, I'm going to try and do extra in the garden today. Plus, since I was so tired on Saturday, I didn't clean the goat pen, so I'm going to have to do that today. But I doubt I'll be able to get it all cleaned today. I've been finding that cleaning it 1x a week just isn't enough. So, my list for today is:

1. Dishes
2. Find something to wash and hang on the line (Don't have any regular laundry that needs to be done)
3. Work on living room
4. Regular farm chores
5. Clean field and spread manure
6. Move hay around
7. Finish hay shelter
8. Work w/Misty and ride her
9. Work in garden
10. Work on moving strawberries
11. Clean goat pen and feed them
12. Work in front yard-I still didn't get my flowers in, hopefully I can do that today

If we do get the rain tomorrow, then I won't be going to the hay auction. Instead, after Bible study and giving Stormy his 2nd feeding, I'd go home and do more housework.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did not get everything done on my list. This hay shelter is taking forever! DS came over and helped. He and hubby worked on it from about 3:00 until it started to get dark. The roof still isn't finished, but it's close. Once they were done doing that, I was able to get tarp up on 3 sides. On the last side, I just took a tarp, and put it over the hay. I don't know that it's needed since the roof is past where the hay is, but I figure better safe than sorry.

Since I couldn't work on moving the hay around, instead I cleaned up some around my shed. DS helped me put the tool box in the back of my truck. It's so nice having that gone. I also had some lumber that I'm not going to be using out there. It had been bought for a project years ago, and the project never happened. So that was all put in the trailer. And I got some weeds pulled.

Once I was done that, I worked on cleaning up part of the parking area. I will never understand why someone would take something apart, leave the nails in it, then dump it where either someone or one of the horses could step on it. I've had a rope up to make the horses think there's electric up so they don't step on the nails. I got quite a bit of that done. I still have more to go, but I made a huge dent in the pile. I'll be using some of the wood for the last little bit of my hay shelter.

I got none of the work in the garden, the yard or the goat pen done. If it's not raining in the morning, I think I'm going to try to get some of the garden done in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't sleep very good last night. I kept waking up because I just couldn't get comfortable. I could use a nice soak in the tub, but don't have time. Maybe over the weekend I can do it. And I feel stiff and sore-which I'm sure didn't help. Even my fingers are stiff. At least I don't think I'll be doing as much today. They're calling for showers today, so I don't know that I'm going to get much done outside. If I can do stuff in between showers, then I will. So, my list for today is:

1. Clean bathroom
2. Do dishes
3. Normal farm chores
4. Bible study
5. Work in garden
6. Work on moving strawberries
7. Work on front yard

The list is short, but there's just nothing else I can put on. I may do more housework if I get done everything else early enough. And, I may go back to bed once hubby leaves for work. I'm having trouble staying awake.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got done at the farm just in time. It was raining by the time I left. Got home, got something to eat and it started to pour! So, I took a nap. I was able to plant some peas this morning. If we get a break in the rain, I'm hoping to move some more strawberries, and get my flowers in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I got wet. I was hoping for a break in the rain so I could go and feed the goats. We didn't get one. But, since it wasn't raining as hard, I put on a raincoat and went and fed them. Then, since I was out there, I moved some more of my strawberries, then planted the flowers in the front. The only thing I haven't done so far is the dishes. I may or may not do them. I don't feel like it. :hide

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