Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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As of now, I have 14 pints. I'll be doing one more batch as well as some pie filling,then dehydrating the rest.

I not only got it all done, but got done a bit extra! It wasn't raining too hard when I got to the farm, so I decided I was going to clean one section of the field. This is the day I normally change where I have the electric in the field, so I decided to clean that section. I'm glad I did it. Otherwise, I would have had time at the farm where I had nothing to do. I got the feed stall clean enough, but I really need to get rid of the lumber I have in there. It really makes it hard to keep it neat in there.

I even had time to take a nap! I started feeling really tired, so I took a 30 minute nap. Once I was done that, I was able to finish everything up, but not w/out problems. Since I took the nap, it meant I was later getting stuff done that I'd planned to be. And hubby came home and got drunk and drove me nuts! I do not know how many times I told him what I had in the oven (bread dough so it could rise), what I was doing w/the peaches, the sauce, etc. I was so glad when he finally fell asleep.

I'm sitting here smelling fresh bread and it smells sooooo good!. I just might have to cut a piece off and eat it. It doesn't look like it came out the way it should have, but I think that's due to hubby. It's hard to bake bread when you're dealing w/a drunk.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be busy, but at least I get to relax a bit this evening. They're having a campfire at the Nature Center, so I'll be going for that. That way, if hubby gets drunk again, I don't have to listen to him. So while I was going to make salsa tonight, that's going to have to wait until tomorrow night. I won't get done as much, but that's OK. I will do a batch of peaches this morning, as well as throw some in the dehydrator since I can do that this morning. And since I cleaned part of the basement yesterday, I'm going to work today to get the rest of the house caught back up. So, my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of laundry
2. Can a batch of peaches
3. Fill dehydrator
4. Normal farm chores
5. Fix "deck" to tack shed. It's a bit busted up from horses stepping on it
6. Do some cleaning up in parking area
7. Finish cleaning field, and spread manure
8. Work on small chicken house for at home
9. Do some house work
10. Dishes
11. Put away some laundry
12. Feed goats and bunny
13. Go to Nature center

I can get a bin made out of 3/4" plywood for $20. I can't buy the wood for that. So what I'm going to do is cut it in half and use half for the chickens. The other half would be used for when we get a couple of ducks. Then I'll get another one and make it into a coop for out at the farm. That should hep tremendously w/my chicken explosion.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It's kinda nice when things are so cheap you can't make it for that price. Saves on the labor too!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The fire was nice. I didn't go on the walk. I had some mini vertigo attacks B4 the walk started, so I stayed back and tended the fire. I found myself wishing I had my tablet w/me so I could have gotten on here.

I didn't get done all of my list. While I got my field clean, I couldn't spread the manure. It's too wet in the fields. I would have made some big ruts w/the tractor. Hopefully, I'll be able to spread it either tomorrow or Sunday.

I didn't have enough time to get the peaches in the dehydrator this morning, so I had to do them this afternoon. So while I did some housework, I didn't do as much as I wanted. And, I didn't get the bin. I have GOT to get this done tomorrow. I want to get the chickens home.

I'm beat. I'll probably be going to bed soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I almost fell asleep over my computer last night! It was after my bedtime when I got on here. But, I felt relaxed and still feel relaxed which is a big difference in how I normally feel. But today will be another busy day. Hubby wants to work in the yard, but he doesn't want to touch the goat pen. And we have a tree that HAS to come down B4 I can do anything. He doesn't want me to cut it down, but he says he can't. :barnie It is in a tricky spot to cut, which is why I haven't taken it down already. I'm not the greatest at getting trees to fall where I want them. I'm hoping to talk to him about it again. I don't know how many trees I've cut down in the woods, and he's never complained, so I don't know why this is different. :hu So while I have a list of stuff to do, I'm not sure how much is going to get done. So my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Empty and refill dehydrator
3. Put everything that's been canned lately downstairs
4. Cut down tree in goat pen
5. Clean goat pen
6. Do fence for goat pen and chicken pen
7. Make small chicken house
8. Work in yard
9. Normal farm chores-if it's dry enough, spread the manure
10. Bring home chickens
11. Feed animals
12. Do dishes

Maybe if I help him this morning, I can get the chicken house made this afternoon, then do the goat pen B4 heading to the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got some but not everything done. I didn't do the dishes or take stuff downstairs. And we didn't get the tree down, but that was only because hubby couldn't get his chainsaw to start. But since I had the old fence pretty much down, I stuck the cattle panels in place and just tied them up. I have part of the area for the chickens figured out, but not 100%.

While I didn't get the chicken house built, I did get the bin. I wasn't sure how they were made, so wasn't sure how I was going to build it. I'm still not completely sure how I'm going to make it, but at least now I have it at home so I can figure it out tomorrow. I should be able to get most of it made by Monday evening. I have to get a certain type of screws for what I have for the roof, so I'll get them on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, I can bring the chickens home! I figure even if we don't have the tree down, I can get everything set up, then if we have to, we can move stuff around-unless hubby gets the chainsaw running on Monday, or I just use my electric one.

The yard looks much better. It still has a long way to go B4 it's clean, but it's not as bad as it was. I'm hoping that once I get the goats and chickens all taken care of, I can start on the rest of the yard.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I woke up at some time after 4:00, and couldn't get back to sleep! I finally gave up trying, so decided to get up and get on the computer. Of course, that means I'll probably have to take a nap today. I'm not planning on doing a lot today. I try to keep Sunday as relaxing as possible, but I do have to do dishes, and I'll be unloading and refilling the dehydrator again. So, my list for today is:

1. Unload and refill dehydrator
2. Dishes
3. Church, both am and pm. We're having a music night, and I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing
4. Normal farm chores
5. Put all filled canning jars downstairs
6. Feed goats and bunny

I may do some more work in the kitchen after I get the dishes done. I haven't been caught up on the dishes in quite some time, and haven't washed the whole floor in a couple of weeks. I may or may not spread manure today, but I think I probably will. I'll need the spreader empty for tomorrow, so I should get it done today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now I'm thinking of taking a nap! Church went over and I was having problems staying awake, so I'm not spreading the manure today.

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