Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not sure if we can even use our stove right now. I won't use it w/out hubby saying it's OK.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm doing good, posted that and forgot to post everything else.

Still didn't get everything done, but I did make progress. I didn't work on expanding the chicken area. Instead, I did some work w/the tractor. I did work w/Misty and am pretty sure that much of her problem is attitude. I stuck her in the RP, and she just did not want to listen to me. So, I'll be working w/her in there as much as I can.

I got home later than I'd planned, so I got right to work on the chicken house. I got almost all of it done. I need to make 2 more cuts, but my battery died, and it was just too late for me to wait for it to charge. So I found a tarp and covered it up. If I had realized B4 that I had this tarp, I would be done. I stopped one night when I still had plenty of daylight because I knew I wouldn't finish, but at the same time, knew that I wouldn't be able to move it if I did more. And since I didn't think I had a tarp, I stopped. They're calling for rain tomorrow, so it's going to depend on when it's supposed to hit as to whether or not I finish. If I can go out tomorrow early enough, I can finish, then I can bring the chickens home. If not, I'm going to have to wait. And if I have to wait, I might see if I can get hubby to help me take it out, then get that tree down. As of now, the tree is going to have to wait.

I got a couple of loads of clothes put away, and washed 2 loads of laundry, but other than that, I got no house work done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They're not calling for rain until later this afternoon, so I should be able to finish up the chicken house this morning, then bring them home this afternoon. So, that will be one project pretty much done. I'm just waiting for it to get a little lighter and a little warmer out B4 I head out. It's only 47* out and still dark. I need it to get up to at least 50 so I can paint. The main problem I'm going to have is the goats. They can stick their heads thru the holes in the cattle panels and try to nibble on me.

I've been wanting to change how the one door is on the run in. Right now, when it rains, the rain comes in that door. But, if I take out a section of the wall, then put the door where the wall was and put the wall where the door was, it will block the rain as well as the wind. So, I'm going to get that done today. I still have some stones left that I couldn't get w/the tractor. I think I'm going to try and move some of them to the places I have the most mud and will continue to do that until it's all taken care of. Some places that I put the stone has worked quite well, and it's not muddy there at all. So, I'm making progress. I figure I should get everything done the way I want it about by the time I have my own place.

I think while I'm waiting for it to warm up, I'm going to work in the basement They're calling for a high of 60* tomorrow w/rain in the morning. I need to be able to make a fire soon. So, my list for today is:

1. Work on cleaning basement
2. Finish little chicken house
3. Go to TSC and bank
4. Normal farm chores
5. Work w/Misty
6. Move door
7. Move stones
8. Clean chicken houses and move chickens around
9. Goats, bunny and chickens
10. Dishes
11. Laundry
12. Housework

I figure this is enough for today. I should get started.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It's not supposed to hit here until this afternoon either. And it looks like there is a lower chance tomorrow and almost no chance on Sunday. That's good news to me!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here. But, the last forecast I saw called for rain on both Monday and Wednesday. :hit

Today was both good and bad. I went to move the door only to find out that it wasn't the same size as the piece of wood, so I had to put it back. It was easier to take down than put back in place. So since I didn't do that, I didn't bother to move stones.

It kept threatening to rain all day long, so I didn't work w/Misty. I was afraid that if I did, it would start to rain B4 I got stuff done at home that I needed to do.

I did get chickens moved around and even though it's not 100% done, I did get my little coop made and the chickens home! They just haven't completely figured everything out. I just hope they don't decide to fly off of the coop and out of the pen. I might lose them if they did that, and that's not part of the plan.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I checked on them earlier this evening. 3 of them were in w/the goats. 1 was able to figure out how to get back in where she belonged, but I had to encourage the other 2 to go thru the fence. I just checked on them again. 3 of them were in their house, the other was on top of it. So, I let myself in the pen, grabbed her and put her in w/the others. Hopefully, they'll all figure out to sleep in there. I want eventually to be able to close them in at night. I know we have possums and skunks in the woods, and there's probably also raccoons and fox. I don't need them coming over for chicken dinner.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not sure of what all I'm going to do today. It's raining and is going to stay cool. I do have the area around the wood stove cleaned up, so I can get a fire going. And I need to do dishes. I might also finally get the rest of the laundry sorted and put away. And hubby talked about doing some wiring that needs to be done, so we'll see.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It poured all through the night after not raining at all yesterday. It's not raining now, but we'll have to see how long that lasts.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's raining here. I had to go outside, so I checked on my chickens. All 4 of them were hiding under the coop. They seem to be doing fine.

I started a fire. Once it warms up the basement, the house should become nice and toasty. Guess I need to start back in on the wood for the year. I should have enough, it's just not all stacked some needs to be cut shorter and/or split. That means I need to get the on section of the yard cleaned so we can build another wood shelter.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Other than normal animal chores and bringing in some firewood, I did nothing yesterday. I just didn't feel like it. But, hubby won't be home this afternoon, so I should get a lot done then. I don't get much done when he's home.

I've been trying to figure out what I can do at home to get this house cleaner since I didn't have the yard sale yesterday and there's just so much stuff in it. I've finally decided I'm going to concentrate on one part of the basement. If I can get that all cleaned up, I should be able to start storing stuff there. Hopefully, the weather will be better next month and I can have a yard sale then.

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