Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! Managed to get the dishwasher loaded and run this morning, and got my bathroom clean. Went to the feed store and got chicken wormer and some antibiotics for the chickens. I need to give it to them for 7 days in their water. This should knock the last of this out of their system for now.

Got back to the farm, got animals fed and was letting them out when the dentist showed up early! I didn't even have time to put out hay. Only Misty and Licorice get done now since Stormy is missing teeth. Licorice really acted up last year, so this year I got some gel from the vet for just in case. He tried to do her first, she acted up. So, I got the gel and gave it to her. It was not easy. It has to go under her tongue, and I couldn't get it on me. Otherwise, it would knock me out as well! It took a bit of doing, but I finally got it in there. Then I stuck her in her stall and grabbed Misty instead.

Misty does not like having her teeth done, but she's not as bad as Licorice. But he got her done. We had to wait a few more minutes, but Licorice got really relaxed. So, he was able to do her as well. You could tell she wanted to act up, but it was just too much bother w/the way she was feeling.

Once he was done, I worked on my chicken house. I got most of the framing done on the 1st house, and got the legs on another one. When I got home, I started bringing in wood. B4 I was done, a guy drove up w/a whole truck load of cut and split wood! So I brought some of that in as well. It will be awhile B4 I run out of wood again. And by then I'll hopefully have my truck back!

Got dinner made and eaten, got a shower and washed some clothes. I'm falling asleep, so I think I'm going to go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby is working today, so I should get a lot done. I'm doing some laundry and housework, then going to a bird walk. I'll be leaving the bird walk early since my church is having an all you can eat pancake and sausage breakfast. That will give me lunch. Then, I'll head to the farm. I should have all of my stuff out of the feed/tack stall up front-including all the pea gravel I put down when I had a horse in there. I'll be putting that in front of the run-in. Once that's done, if I have time, I'll go ahead and put more dirt in the one area of my new chicken pen. Hubby says he isn't working tomorrow, so maybe I can get him to help me put up the rest of the fence in my chicken area. I get that done, and I know I'll be able to finish the chicken area this week! It would be so nice to finally have my chickens down back w/me.

If I can get that all done this week, maybe I can get my tack shed moved next Saturday. Then, I could do the fence and make my RP. That would just leave things I either can't do myself, or things I don't have the money for now.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Glad to hear your birds are all gonna be ok. I'm not sure you'll ever be able to get that MG out of your flock by replacing birds- by the sound of it finding birds that aren't carriers will be about as likely as snowflakes in August.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If I get them on the Denagard next year like I plan, I should be able to eventually breed it out if all I've read is true. Apparently, if you have the flock on it, it prevents it from passing from the hen to the egg. I'll be banding everyone when I move them and will be getting rid of those birds little by little. So, once they're gone, I should be MG free.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Lost Emily overnight. And I'm a bit upset w/the meds company. They had the dosage in mg. I could not find out how much I was supposed to give them. I e-mailed the company yesterday to ask, and never heard back. Late last night, I was finally able-after much searching-to find out how much I needed to add to the water. So, I mixed up a solution and took it out. It was too late for her.

I'll keep Ashley at home until I'm ready to move them. Then, as a precaution, I'll put everyone on the meds for a few days just to be sure that I don't have any more outbreaks.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So am I. I think I might contact the company and complain. If I had known on Friday-which is when I bought the stuff-how much to give her, I could have probably saved her. I actually found the info on BYC. Someone posted a pic of a label from the company that gave the correct dosage in tbs.

Hubby talked to a mechanic about my truck. And the guy told him to just put it back together and run it. So, maybe I'll have my truck back soon. It would make my life so much easier.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
So sorry about Emily. You would think the company would be more responsive since you obviously wouldn't be using this stuff unless you have sick animals.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And I still haven't heard from them. Ashley looks the best she's look since she got sick. I gave her the meds this morning, and for the first time since she got sick, both of her eyes are opened. I'll be taking her out to the farm later in the week, maybe on Tuesday. I have to make some stops on the way tomorrow, otherwise, I'd take her then. And even if I have to go on Saturday to finish up, I'm going to have my chickens moved this week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Ugh, I have 2 loads of clothes to put away and another that needs ironing. And I have a load to wash and hang out as well as a bunch of dirty dishes. I need to go to TSC to buy screws B4 heading to the farm and I need to get gas for my mower.

Then, I have to feed my horses, clean my field and add some more dirt to level off the chicken pen. LF is down, so I don't need to feed her horses. She says she'll help me w/my fence today! If we get that done and I have enough time, I want to put some fencing up for her. She got a roll of 4 ft. welded wired to put up along some slip board she has around her shed. She's been bringing her dog down, so this will mean that she'll have a safe area to let her out. Then, if I have time, I'll work more on my chicken houses.

If I'm not too tired when I get home, I want to get up my decorations. I was going to do it yesterday, but I was just too tired.

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