Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm getting tired of the rain! I'm trying my hardest to get my pasture all cleaned up. Once I've gotten that done, I'll be able to figure out how often I need to clean it. Since it's small, I want to keep it picked for several reasons.

1. The horses won't graze where there's poop.

2. There's less chance of parasites if the pasture is kept clean.

3. Since my manure pile will be next to the chickens, that should cut down on the flies. (And, if it doesn't maybe I'll get a couple of ducks.)

4. The pasture is next to the road, so it will look nicer.

5. I'll be able to compost it easier for my use. Every month, I'll be turning over what I've already piled, and keep turning piles until I get to a certain point. That will be what I'll use. I'll also add old chicken bedding as well as weeds to the mix. That will help it break down easier.

6. There'll be more grass for the horses to graze, thus cutting down on the amount of hay I need to buy.

7. I'll be able to get rid of the weeds easier since for the most part, seeds won't be added back to the ground.

Only problem being right now is the weather. I have a certain amount that I want to get done everyday. But, if it rains, I can't rake. It makes the bucket get heavy quite quickly. Yesterday, I spent some time just picking up piles. And, the mud was so bad in places that I almost lost a boot! I went to take a step, and my boot was almost pulled off my foot. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I prefer NOT to step in mud in a sock. Last year, I did lose a boot, and it was in snow! That was no fun. This time, I was just barely able to catch my balance, and get my foot back in the boot. I did get most of the piles picked up, and it looks much better. Of course, I did have horses trying to help me. The only one that didn't come over was Stormy.

RU's method of feeding hay has always been to just take a RB, and dump it over the fence. When the bale is gone, she just dumps another one over. More often than not, she doesn't clean up the old string, or net. When I first took over this field, I spent quite a bit of time getting all this up. I had gotten it all caught in my mower blade at one point in time. Believe me, that was no fun! So, after it rains, I normally check to be sure there's nothing I missed. I will at times find a piece of baling twine sticking up. Normally, it's not a very long piece. Yesterday, I noticed a piece sticking up. So, I pulled on it. And I pulled on it, and I pulled some more. I followed twine going all over! When I FINALLY had it all up, there was enough twine to about fill a 5 gallon bucket!

When I got home, it was later than I had planned on it being, and I was going to prayer meeting. So rather than working in the house, I decided to do some yard work. I'm trying to get as much done as I can when it's not raining out. So, I went and worked in the garden. There's a section I can't do anything to right now. It's covered w/old leaves. I need to rake them up, but it was too wet. So instead, I dug the rest of the new section. Then, I dug out a couple of small trees that had come up. And, I got rid of some grape vines. The grapes have never tasted any good, so they're just taking up room. Today, I should have the rest of my garden ready for manure. I'll bring home a truck load or 2 next week, then I'll be able to get some early stuff in! :bun I also cut up a bit of firewood. Today, I'll be cutting some stuff up that I got last fall. It was green. Don't know if it seasoned enough over the winter to use it or not, but I can put it right in the wood shed. Then, if I don't need it for this year, I'll have a start on my supply for next winter.

I've decided not to dig up the pipe for the clothes pole. It's just not worth it. Instead, I need to get my hubby to move his saw. Then, I'll put a bird feeder up there. That way, I'll be able to watch the birds either from my bedroom window, or from my son's old bedroom. I don't know when he's going to get my clothes line up, so for now, I'm going to string a line up on the old framework for a swing. I cannot dry everything in the basement, plus I prefer putting a whole load up at a time, instead of putting it up bit by bit.

It's going to be warm today. Right now, it's above 40*. So, I'll be riding my motorcycle to the farm. If I didn't have to go to work, I'd wait and go a bit later. Sometimes I'll be a bit cold by the time I get to the farm, but I always warm up-eventually.

Once I get home, I'm going to do some more work in my basement. I'm also going to start tomatoes, peppers, artichokes and eggplants. I don't start them in individual pots, I start them in those aluminum cake pans w/the lids. By the time they get big enough to transplant to pots, I should be ready to put them in my green house. Then, I can start all my melons, squash and cucumbers as well. I'll probably need to start them in the house as well. Otherwise, the mice just dig up the seeds and eat them. Then, by the end of April, beginning of May, I'll be able to put everything in my garden!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Cleaning the horse field doesn't sound like much fun. But people say the same to me about the dogs, but it is all part of a package deal. :lol:

You must be in excellent physical condition to do all that digging and hauling and such. I think I'd be pooped after one day following you around! I did get a lot done yesterday during a break in the storm, so I know the feeling.

I need to start more seeds indoors as well, we had the same problem with the critters getting the seeds last year.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I didn't get done all I had planned to. I was getting ready get dressed to leave, and checked the temp. It had dropped! So, instead of being around 45*, it was now BELOW 40! And, I don't ride when it's that cold. So, I decided to take the truck.

I get to the farm. The first thing I see is 2 donkeys out. I figured out where they belonged, and was able to get them back in by bribing them. KN and I get the horses fed, then I go and feed my chickens. It's really muddy in places, so I wanted to rinse off my muck boots b4 I took them off. I turn on the water-nothing. At first, I didn't think too much of that. I know sometimes that hydrant doesn't work. Something about some type of adjustment. But then KN checked the waterer. There was no water! And, other than a couple of very small puddles, there was no water in the field. So, I got out my 15 gallon water container, put it in the field, then started to gather up all the rain water I could. I was able to pretty much fill the container. I own 2 15 gallon water containers. I took them w/me. If there still no water when I was done work, I planned to fill them up w/water, and water the horses. Fortunately, I didn't have to. There was a problem w/the water supply to the waterer, but it was fixed by the time I got done. I will be buying a stock tank for just in case. And, it will be kept filled.

I figured I'd be done work early. After all, all I've been doing is feeding and cleaning stalls. It normally takes me between an hour and a half and 2 hours. Well, today, she had a bunch of other stuff she wanted done. She had someone coming in to check the place out as a place to board. So, instead of getting done at 10:30, I didn't get done until 12:00! I ate my lunch while driving back to the farm. And, since it was so late by the time I got back to the farm, I didn't get done as much as I wanted to. Oh well.

I got home around 3:00. I forgot earlier that it was Thursday. They've just started a new program at the nature center, and I volunteered to help. So, I didn't do anything when I got home but relaxed. Then, I hopped on my bike, and rode over. Got home right b4 my hubby. I did some dishes while he figured out what take outs he wanted. Went and got them, started a fire, and now I'm relaxing while watching Matlock.

I do have one small problem though. While I was making the fire, I was wearing a vest. Rerun climbed up on my lap. She does that often. But then, she decided to crawl UNDER the vest, then onto my back. I couldn't get her off. So, I walked upstairs. I was going to have my hubby take her off for me. But, instead, she came out when I was almost up the stairs, jumped off, and ran away. I have no idea where she is. Normally she'll come out if I sit on the bed, but there's no sign of her and I've been sitting on it for about an hour now. I hope she turns up soon. W/as little as she is, and since she's almost all black, she's very hard to find. I've looked, but can't find her.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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What is Rerun? I must have missed it when you talked about it before. A cat?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
What is Rerun? I must have missed it when you talked about it before. A cat?
Yes, she's my itty, bitty, pretty kitty. She's full grown, but kitten sized. I don't think she even weighs 6 lbs.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, and that's why she's so hard to find. She can get places most cats can't :/. She showed up just b4 I was ready to go to bed. I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't. I was ready to fall asleep.

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