<Insert Snazzy Title Here

Well, sorry 'bout his luck!Dawn419 wrote:
I just hope that you don't use your one-liners on the therapist...they may never let you go becuse of your comic relief!
Hope your pt went well!
Actually, they don't go over very well w/him.
I'm not trail riding yet, just in the riding arena. I rode again today, but not for as long. The wind was even worse today! So, she was spooking at EVERYTHING! She trusts me completely on the ground, but she's not 100% there under saddle. She had one spot in particular that she didn't want to get near. But, I worked her a bit, and finally got her past that point w/out spooking. I figured I was going to end on a good note, and stop. And, I decided I was going to dismount on the near side today, and see how I did. I actually was almost able to do a normal dismount! So, I'll continue to dismount this way for now. Once my leg is a bit better, I'll work some more on dismounting on the off side for just in case I ever have to do it again.PatchofHeavenFarm said:Yay! it is beautiful weather here for riding as well.. wish I had time to take a ride but with 7 stalls and 20 horses to feed and 6 to work and brush a trail ride is out of the question..