Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, the emu is outta my field! So, no emu for Thanksgiving. We tried once again to chase her out, but that didn't work. And, RU was no where around. It was KN and I trying to round her up. So, we got the bucket of feed back out. And today, she was interested in it! So, we used that to lure her out of my field and into CL's field. And, that's where she is. Not sure how long she'll be in there, but it's easier to get her out of that field into where she belongs than from my field.

Once that was done, I spent the rest of the day cleaning my field. I wanted to get it done and seeded. Well, it took a lot longer than I was expecting, but I got the area where the horses are all cleaned up. Then, I finished raking the section I want to seed. Then I went to get the tractor so I could push the manure into a pile. And, I couldn't start the tractor! :barnie So, I just left it how it was. It was getting late and I had my doctor's appointments today. I had already pushed the one back as late as I could and still get both of them in. I still had to cover up the hay and I wanted to put down the seed. Well, I got the hay covered up, but didn't get to the seeding. I got everyone put away and went to get changed. That's when I realized that the clean jeans I had grab are a pair that my daughter no longer wears and are a size or 2 too small for me! I was able to get them on, even able to zip them up, and get the button done. But, I couldn't breathe! So, I left the button undone and didn't tuck in my shirt.

When I got to my allergists, that's when I saw the forecast. They're calling for 1-3 inches of SNOW tomorrow! :hit I couldn't find anything on the news radio about when everything's supposed to start. All they're talking about basically is the election. OK, I know that's important, but so's this! Got home and found hubby put out the trash and the recyclables. And, he also brought in a load of fire wood! So, I fed the goats and bunnies, got clothes off the line and put all the wood I cut down yesterday but didn't get cut up in the wood shed for now.

After that, I was FINALLY able to come in the house and get on the computer. It looks like it's not going to start until around 9:00 AM. And, it won't start to change over until around noon. So, if I can get out to the farm early, I should be able to get seed down. I may also put more pine needles in w/the chickens. And, since it's supposed to clear up on Thursday, I should be OK for wood.

I am NOT looking forward to this weather. It has been much colder than normal since Sandy. I want my nice, fall weather back. It is supposed to warm up for the weekend and the beginning of next week. I'm hoping it will. Then maybe, just maybe I can paint my tack shed!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What a day you had! Glad you go the emu out of your field - but I was kinda looking forward to an emu recipe!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
This morning, due to the expected weather, I left the house real early. And got the horses fed right away. I also refilled the stock tank. Since they have access to the auto waterer, I haven't been too worried about keeping it full. But, just in case we lose power, they'll need the water in the tank. Then, even though they were calling for wind and rain, I took a chance and seeded my field. There wasn't a whole lot I could do outside, so I went in my tack shed, turned on the heater, cleaned up a bit and started to brush Cindy. I think she enjoyed that.

At just B4 10:00 am, Stormy decided it was time for him to eat again. (I had gone out of the shed to put something in my truck, so he figured he had to eat then.) But, since it was started to rain, I went ahead and fed him. I got Misty and Licky's blankets out of the truck, and put them on them. Normally, they act like they've never had one on B4 and will try to move away. Today, they just stood there. I think they were glad to get them on. By the time I had them on, the rain was mixing w/snow. I got hay out and put it in the run in. It's now been a week since I started feeding off of this RB, and there's still quite a bit left! Plus, the horses don't always eat all that've I put out for the day.

When Stormy was done I got him away. I had the chickens locked up, cleaned Cindy's litter box, fed her, turned off my heater and left. By the time I got home, the ground was covered.

Got in and relaxed for just a bit, then got to work. I made stew and threw it in the crock pot. I made 2 loaves of bread. I made chocolate chip banana bread. I cleaned up in the kitchen and got most of the dishes hubby had hidden in the oven cleaned. :/ Then, since it wasn't snowing too bad, I went out and fed the goats, made sure they had dry bedding, and brought in a load of wood. And lastly, I also washed half of the kitchen floor and did some ironing.

It's still snowing. But, I've had my shower. I've eaten. I have a fire going. I have clothes ready for tomorrow. I have my bread made. So as far as I'm concerned, it can snow all it wants to for now-just so long that it disappears soon! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Don't you just love that feeling you get when you've got things done ad you're reay for what Mother Nature is going to hrow your way? Sounds like you're gonna be warm and cozy and well-fed!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't think I'm ever going to use the bread machine for baking bread again! I think I'm finally getting the hang of making by myself. These loaves are so light and fluffy that the first loaf if half gone already! There is no comparison to either store bought, nor machine made bread. I think next I'm going to try and make some rye bread for hubby. He likes that, I don't. But, this way, he won't eat MY bread!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
These loaves are so light and fluffy that the first loaf if half gone already! There is no comparison to either store bought, nor machine made bread.
Recipe? :pop


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
yum, :drool
My bread machine is a paper weight. I don't like it and I still haven't got the knack for making bread on my own.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
:thumbsup Deb!

My bread machine is gathering dust too, Mrs. Coyote. I can't even use it for dough - I make too big a batch at a time :p The other day, while cleaning out the freezer, I ran across some store bought garlic bread. I was happy and showed it to the guys - they both asked if I could use it for something else, because they liked my homemade better :D Love that!

Mrs. Coyote, I have been 'perfecting' a bread recipe that is consistent and that my family likes, for a year and a half now - made them eat some pretty bad stuff during the trial and error period too! :lol: Have finally tweaked a recipe that works great - for us. When I started, I swore that something in ME was wrong - every loaf I made fell :( Now, making bread takes me no time, and *almost* always rises beautifully :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
moolie said:
Denim Deb said:
These loaves are so light and fluffy that the first loaf if half gone already! There is no comparison to either store bought, nor machine made bread.
Recipe? :pop
It's the recipe in my Betty Crocker cookbook, so it's nothing special. But, here it is.

2 packages (4 1/2 tsp) yeast
3/4 cup warm water (105 to 115*F)
2 cups lukewarm milk (scalded then cooled)
3 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp shortening
1 tbsp salt
7-8 cups APF
Softened butter

Dissolve yeast in warm water in large bowl. Stir in milk, sugar, shortening, salt and 4 cups of flour. Beat until smooth. mix in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle.

Turn dough onto lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl; turn grease side up. Cover; let rise in warm place until double about 1 hour. (Dough is ready if indentation remains when touched.)

Punch down dough; divide into halves. Roll each half into rectangle, 18x9". Fold 9" sides crosswise into thirds, overlapping ends. Roll up tightly, beginning at marrow end. Pinch edge of dough into roll to seal well; press in ends of roll. Press each end with side of hand to seal; fold ends under.

Place loaves seam sides down in 2 greased loaf pans, 8x5x3 or 8 1/2 x 4 1/2x 2 1/2". Brush lightly w/butter. let rise until double, about 1 hour.

Heat oven to 425*F. Place loaves on rack just below the center of the oven. Back until loaves are deep golden brown and sound hollow when tapped, 25 to 30 minutes. Immediately remove from pans. If you want, brush tops w/butter. Cool on a wire rack.

Next time I make this, I'm going to try using butter instead of shortening. One thing I've found that seems to help is that I heat up the oven for a bit-not hot enough to bake but warm enough to help the dough to rise. I'm still not the greatest at rolling the loaves, but I'm getting there.

Yesterday, I noticed that my electric fence didn't seem to be working properly, but because of the weather, I didn't worry about it. I figured the horses would stay out-especially since they had plenty of hay. Well, I got there this morning and Licorice was in the seeded area! :barnie I left her there while I fed Misty and Stormy. Well, she was not too happy about that. So, I put down the wire so she could come over. Well of course, she wouldn't come. I had to move it more than I did for her to decide she wasn't going to get bit.

Got the wire back up, just not really right and went to feed CL's horses. Well, they had somehow or another managed to get into where she has her feed. I don't know how much of it they ate, but they didn't eat all of it. I chased them out and shut the area up. But, I didn't feed them and hoped they wouldn't colic. I tried to call her, but got no answer. (Found out later she forgot her phone this morning.) Went to a Bible study, then came back to give Stormy his 2nd feeding.

Once he was fed and I had all the horses in the parking area, I checked out the electric. And found it wasn't working properly. First I checked to see if i was getting any juice to the fence. Nothing. Disconnected the fence and was getting plenty from the charger. So then, I started disconnecting at the various gates. It took awhile, but I finally found the problem. Somehow or another, a piece of wire had gotten tangled up on the wire fence, so it was shorting out. Got this taken care of and the electric works! So hopefully, the brat will stay out. Checked CL's horses, they seemed to be OK, and I did let RU know, so hopefully, they're OK.

Got home much later than I'd planned. But, I got clothes folded and put away. Got part of my living room cleaned and did some wood. Now I'm relaxing. Hopefully I'll get to bed earlier tonight than I did last night.