Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad you're getting lots done! Sometimes i feel that way and sometimes i don't....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today looks like it's going to be a beautiful day out. I'm thinking I want to get to the farm early. That way, I can work and ride horses while it's still cool out. (It's about 60* right now!) And while we didn't get the hay shelter done, we did cover the back half of it w/a big tarp. This way, I can unload my hay as well as go to the hay auction tomorrow. Then on Saturday, we'll finish it. We'll make sure we have all the tools we need to get it done. And if we don't, someone will have to go home and get it. I don't want to leave it how it is for long term. But, the weather is supposed to be good this week, so it should be fine.

Besides working on hay this week, I need to get another little house made for the chickens. I want to get my inside chicks out by the end of the week. I'm hoping to have a lesson on Friday, and if I do, I'd take them out then. If not, they'll have to wait until Saturday. But, my duck eggs are due to hatch next weekend, so I'll need the brooder for that. So my list for today:

1. Dishes
2. Normal farm chores
3. Work w/horses
4. Ride Misty
5. Unload hay
6. Work on chicken house
7. Clean field and spread manure
8. Work on cleaning living room
9. Feed goats
10. Work on weeding front flower gardens

If I can get them done, I can finally get some flowers in them. We're supposed to have nice weather all week long. And, since I don't have a lot to do in the garden, I should be able to get a lot of yard work done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It seems like no matter how early I leave for the farm, I can't get home any earlier than 3:00! And, I didn't get everything done on my list. I didn't work w/the horses, or work on the chicken house. But, the hay is all unloaded from my trailer! The bales on the bottom looked wet on the bottom, so I didn't stack them w/the rest of the hay. As soon as I'm done w/the bales I'm using, I'll use up these bales.

Part of the problem is, if there's other people at the farm, I get distracted. Then, I don't have enough time to get stuff done. And part of the problem is at times, things take longer than I expect. Today I had both, so I didn't get it all done.

I didn't do any housework B4 I left because I wanted to get out to the farm while it was still cool out. I managed to get the dishes done, then HAD to sit. My right leg was killing me. I have L4, L5 nerve damage from a car accident, and it affects my right leg from the knee down. And some days, I'm in so much pain, I can't even stand. Today was one of those days. So once I got the dishes done, I had to sit for awhile. I finally was able to get up and go and feed the goats. By then, hubby was drunk and driving me crazy, so I worked on the one flower garden. I got part of it done.

Tomorrow is the hay auction. I had planned on trying to get 60 bales. But, since they hay shelter isn't done, I'm going to try for 30. Any more than that, and I'm not sure that I can keep them dry. So, I'll be driving the truck tomorrow. That way, if I get hay, I can load it up right away and will probably have help. And since this is the only day I'll be driving the truck all week, I'm going to get feed in the morning. I won't need it until later in the week, but I'd rather get it now than have to take the truck again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be another busy day. I'm just waiting for hubby to leave B4 I get started since the first thing on my list is to clean the bathroom-he's in it. I figure if I can leave the house by 8:30, I should get everything done I want to do B4 Bible study. So, my list for today:

1. Clean bathroom
2. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
3. Clean brooder-chicks managed to knock over their waterer by landing on it
4. Do dishes
5. Go to feed store
6. Normal farm chores
7. Bible Study
8. Hay auction, then unload hay if I get it
9. Feed goats
10. Go on motorcycle run
11. If I have time, work on living room
12. If I have time, work on weeding flower garden

I need to stop using the dishwasher. Our electric bills are way up and I think that's a good part of it. After all, I'm home more this year than I was last year, so we're running the AC less. The only other thing that's different is having the chicks.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Interesting the dishwasher would burn that much power. Hope you can get yo your power Bill back down!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't use any electricity to run, and I believe I use less water, so that all adds up. Then again, hubby got an electric smoker. I'm sure that's contributing to it as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I can't believe it, I actually got everything on my list done! My living room still has a ways to go B4 it's completely cleaned, but it's cleaner. And, I got 2-8 quart buckets full of weeds out of the flower garden. I also got 30 bales of hay for $3.25 each, got them all loaded, unloaded and stacked! Tonight is going to be nice, but tomorrow we could get some T storms in the afternoon, so I'm going to have to figure out a way to cover the hay to keep it dry on the one side.

It's really nice outside right now. The humidity must be down because it's still in the 70s, but I got cold coming home from my motorcycle run. We had a good ride. My brother led this week, and had us guessing where we were going. I was glad when we finally got to our destination cuz it was only a few miles from my house! And, since the days are starting to get shorter, it meant it was getting dark by the time I started home.

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