Detergent for high efficiency machines.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I use Trader Joe's laundry powder for most things, and 7th Generation powder for sheets and towels, because DH gets itchy skin if I use anything else (oddly, only with the sheets and towels, not with his shirts) I have the makings for the homemade powder, and will be making some up when the other stuff is close to gone. I hope that the homemade will not cause the itchy skin thing because 7th Generation is expensive. I have an HE front loader, but have never bought detergent specific to HEs.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Icu4dzs said:
I have been using some laundry preparation from a company out of Canada called NORWEX. (A number of the more "enterprising" gals in my neck of the woods sells it at "parties" to which guys are NEVER invited. ) I have a brand new (well about a year now) front loader and only put in 1 tablespooon of it in the little drawer. Other than only one time (cleaning up the bathroom in the cellar where I brooded chicks that I had hatched in an incubator :idunno, I don't use bleach and have NEVER used fabric softener in it either. After discovering dryer balls, I've never had to use any fabric softener (which saves pollution of the water)

I get fairly hard water out here but have not had any problems simply using a very small amount. The company says it is very "concentrated" (what ever that really means) and only to use a very small I use the 1 Tbs.

I've been doing ok with it so far. Anyone ever use this NORWEX stuff too? How about you folks in Canada? Any idea?
Norwex is actually a Norwegian company :)

But yes, I've used several of their products over the years and have a friend who sells them. I like their laundry detergent, toilet cleaner, and de-scaler (very hard water here, this stuff is the only thing that gets it off my glass shower door if I don't vinegar every 4-5 days). I also like micro-fibre cloths, and have a couple from Norwex, but found a better deal on them at Canadian Tire (big general store/automotive store up here).

When it comes to the "cleaning power" of any soap or detergent, most of what happens is that the product just allows the water to penetrate better. Detergents are also de-greasers, so that is great too, but soap just makes water more "slippery" and suds carry away particulate dirt. But water is the "universal solvent" and does most of the work on laundry.

I have a friend who actually hasn't bought laundry detergent in years, she uses ONE CAPFUL of Avon bubble bath per load. She's done this for years and her clothes get clean and don't smell (other than a bit like whatever flavour the bubble bath is). But she sells Avon, so she has an in there.