Lovin' The Homestead
So very sorry to hear about your baby. We too have coyotes. They are just in back of our place and we hear them every nignt,we have too large dogs out back and haven't lost an animal yet.
The idea of a Llama is great- they will defend your livestock till the death. You should get two as one will herd the stock to a safe place and one will fight the coyotes or what ever is endangering the stock.
I recused 3, two years ago, they are great animals (do not spit -unless you get between them and thier food, they mostly spit at each other). I re-homed them as we don't have a large herd, and our little 2 acres needs to be feeding us.
Good luck at keeping those *&#* coyote away from your stock.
The idea of a Llama is great- they will defend your livestock till the death. You should get two as one will herd the stock to a safe place and one will fight the coyotes or what ever is endangering the stock.
I recused 3, two years ago, they are great animals (do not spit -unless you get between them and thier food, they mostly spit at each other). I re-homed them as we don't have a large herd, and our little 2 acres needs to be feeding us.
Good luck at keeping those *&#* coyote away from your stock.