

Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Eating more meat and fat helped me. They take a while to digest and keep the blood sugar from falling. Nuts are good.

I've cut out the processed carbs altogether since they cause me to spike up to about 180 then fall way to far. I do eat quite a bit of lentils, peas, and beans, and whole grains. They are cooked in dishes, not just eaten whole. Fruits and veggies are eaten in season or from what I've frozen or canned.

I can't think right an start shaking like a leaf if my blood sugar drops to 70. The lowest I've hit was 53. I'll eat or drink something with sugar to stop the fall, then eat some protien to stablize. Peanut butter works. Jerky is good as well.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 23, 2010
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heatherlynnky said:
I have a similar question but on the other side of the spectrum. I have blood sugar that has been borderline low for at least the last 17 years. I recently tried to up my healthy factor and my blood sugar is too far down. Suggestions for balancing that out a bit easier, other than eating every 3 hours. I cut out all my soda, my sugar, cereal, store bought bread ( I still ate white but homemade with unbleached umbromated flour and molassas instead of sugar), juices, and just about anything else processed. I cut my meat consumption way down too. All as advised by doctor. Now I have tingling legs and too tired to walk up stairs, dizzy and falling down.

Obviously I gotta make some adjustments to this all natural diet of mine, probably need to eat more but are the same herbs that are helpful for stabalizing high good for stabalizing low?
I've had chronic low blood sugar for years.. one of the worst things you can do is cut back on meats! (do look for good ones) Protein is super important in low blood sugar.. I have cheese and meat and peanut butter(which I do not care for but sure can save your life). Also add in some good beans or bean dip eat with some corn chips. beans and corn are a good combo. I tend to snack all day along wiht maybe one bigger meal a day. my lowest blood sugar was about 54 and the highest I've ever had it register was about 145 and that was after a huge run thru the dessert line at a wedding.
Hubs has type 2 and for the first few years I had to almost stick myself and stick him to show him how bad his sugar was. if possible find a good natural healer that is good with low blood sugar. and if you cant find one at least see if your dr. will recommend a good nutritionist. ( my spell check is on the fritz since the last update so forgive any spelling errors) I believe in cutting out the highly processed stuff but you have to really watch out with proteins..

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ditto to the meats. I also have problems w/low blood sugar and have found if I eat more meat and more fats I have no problems-unless I don't eat when I should. I've gone from 1% milk to whole milk, started leaving the skin on my chicken, and eating fatter cuts of meat. The lowest my blood sugar level was (that I know of) was right around 53. I was shaking like a leaf and could just barely stand.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
My doctor back when we were in Virginia diagnosed me as diabetic but just borderline because he did the sugar tollerance test on me since diabetes runs in my family.

I think my highest A1C was 3.4.

Doctor here took me off the metformin because of the A1C scores I keep having. I had low blood sugar issues even in highschool. When I was in the Navy, they were a bit concerned about how low my sugars were. I'm apparently just sensitive to refined sugars and carbs. Potatoes do not get me.

I didn't grow up eating much candy or white bread. I could count the times we ate out a year on one hand. My family didn't have a lot of money, but we had good food since so many relatives are farmers and everyone had a garden so we traded food around. Mom and Dad hunted. We ate simple but real foods.

Mom used to have low blood sugar when she was younger then about 10 years ago she went to the doctor because she wasn't feeling right and had been using Dad's meter to test her sugar. She was diagnosed diabetic and over that time it got worse to the point she had to start taking insulin shots.

Their diet had changed to a lot of processed stuff since I'd left home because it was so cheap, Mom couldn't do much gardening anymore, and so many in the family had given up gardening.

5 months ago after her quarterly doctors appointment to check her diabetes and cholesterol, she decided that she was going to change their diet and quit all processed foods. Mom's allergic to wheat so they didn't eat any of that, but she'd get wheat free stuff. She was using Agave syrup instead of sugar, and Canola oil. I got her to quit both of those. She only uses Olive Oil and a bit of honey now.

Her triglicerides at that last appointment were at 472, cholesterol was 280s. She'd tried every drug the doctors could think of to lower them. Three months of eating meat, potatoes, and veggies prepared simply and she went back to the doctor. Her trigliceries were 220. Her cholesterol 179. The doctor started quizzing her on what she was doing. The doctor just couldn't believe that change. Mom's blood sugars have been much better. She's been able to go days without taking insulin. So she's down to a few times a week of needing a shot. The doctor is thrilled with this.

Mom's been trying to get us to eat like her. It isn't that we don't eat like her, it's that DH loves his deserts. He'll get donuts and bring them home and tell me "Here, this half is yours". He gets candy as well. It's hard to have will power when it's being dangled in your face saying it's yours. He's getting better on doing that to me. I just can't do the starches and sugars now. They give me horrible heartburn. Pain can sure help with will power.


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 10, 2012
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I grown up in a poor family so I manage to use organic medicines. I use Ampalaya plant not to be cure but even reduce my sugar. You only need to cook then serve as meal! yum2x


Sustainable Newbie
Jan 15, 2013
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my experience. if u have anybody diabetic in your family then best is to avoid sweet from very beginning


Sustainable Newbie
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
my experience. if u have anybody diabetic in your family then best is to avoid sweet from very beginning


Lovin' The Homestead
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Home made Kefir...numbers went from 204 to 122...check this out.....google kefir and see the benifits, fight inflamation ... a good read...great for many things...