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Contemplation Leave
Thanks for the note and the welcome. It's possible to grow most kinds of fruit in Maine as long as 1) you live in the more temperate part of the State (i.e., not clear up in Aroostook like you did), and 2) that you choose varieties that have been proven to be hardy in this part of the country. Most people are surprised to learn we can grow peaches in Maine. The problem is most varieties of peaches simply won't grow up here without eventually freezing to death. But there are exceptions and you simply need to seek them out.freemotion said:
I lived in Maine for 17 years, in The County. I am amazed that you can grow all those different fruits....in Maine!
Do you sell any trees? I'd love to add a couple of good heirlooms to my property. Maybe you can teach me to get apples and pears from what I have now. I planted my Home Depot dwarf pear and apple almost 8 years ago and get next to nothing. My two cherries succumbed to the first cold, cold winter. Something ate the roots on one of the dwarf apples, and I replaced it with a standard tree......from Home Depot.
I get a gazillion very strait verticle shoots all summer, as fast as I can strip them off, 6 more take their place. If I get blossoms and fruit, it all falls off before ripening. Around year 5 or so, I got 11 small, gnarly, and wonderful apples off one of the dwarfs.
I don't sell any trees as of yet, mostly because I'm preoccupied getting my own trees established. At some point I will though. I'd advise you to stay away from place like Home Depot for buying your trees though. It's not that they don't have healthy trees; it's that they're likely to only have the really common varieties. If you're just going to plant a couple trees, plant varieties that are truly worthwhile and interesting. If you have a general idea what you want, I can steer you in the direction of good nurseries that will ship to you AND offer a great range of varieties from which to choose.
Do you know what varieties you've got currently?