

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
raro said:
I would give anything to go on disability, but my check amount wouldn't be enough to even cover my mortgage, let alone living expenses. And I have terminal cancer, so that would be an automatic approval. I will likely work until I die. It's a crappy world sometimes.:(
Bless you, raro. :hugs


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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raro said:
I would give anything to go on disability, but my check amount wouldn't be enough to even cover my mortgage, let alone living expenses. And I have terminal cancer, so that would be an automatic approval. I will likely work until I die. It's a crappy world sometimes.:(
:hugs Sorry raro :(

We have decided to hold off on applying for now. DH just doesn't want to give up..and I am supporting his decision. :hu


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
Who is on it? What has been your experience? DH's Dr. is pushing for him to get on it, and we are relatively undecided. I hate the thought of relying on this twisted government, and being seen as a leach on society...but Doctors have been pushing him in this direction for 15 YEARS, and until now, it has been almost laughable, but now he's thinking about it more seriously. Why? Well there are no jobs in his field, his condition IS steadily getting worse as he ages, and they keep saying he is one of the ONLY known cases of someone working this long with this particular condition. most have their liscences pulled upon diagnosis. He begged :lol: He does great on his meds, but due to the status of "controlled substance" and the possibility it may no longer be available in a few more years....disability is looking better and better. He CAN'T function without those meds, and no other has been as good for him when they hav and we have good insurance tried to switch his medication. Disability will allow him to not have to work, and maybe they can find a comparable medicine for him if it has to change. The uncertainty of trying to keep working while doctors want to screw around with his treatment is the main reason for thinking it may be our best option. They can't leave well enough alone. He is disabled, partially, and if they take his meds for any reason, he won't be able to work and will be completely disabled. Too if he gets disability, he will be insured, he isn't at the moment. *sigh*

Please advise!
I know exactly how you feel! Doug has a back injury from a car wreck 2 years ago- bottom 3 disks are very bad. They can't operate, they have pushed disability, and has managed to stay away from it. He takes 100$ a month worth of pain med which he cannot do ANYTHING without. But if you look over your paperwork from his job- disability typically covers 60% of his earnings-before taxes. So that makes it hard to just go signup. And the gov makes it so hard to get on it- no matter if he lost his legs you have to be off work, before you file and they will probably deny you, so get a lawyer before you file- and not one from TV! If you are considering it- start living off of half of what he makes- however you do that! And try to do it for a few months so you have a decent savings- keep in mind the process can takes 6 mo to a year or more- so you will have to have a pretty cushy savings, make a budget for 2 years and include everydetail of life! Birthday presents, unexpected expenses usually kill a lot of people so plan to buy 4 tires, maybe an extra 2000 for car repairs- your transmission will go out the week you dont have any money to fix it! My husband is 36, he refuses disability, and its hard to tell him he needs to think about it! And be prepared, some men get a complex of not being able to provide in the conventional way- I think this is why he won't go on it. Its a hard way to live, so keep that in mind. And to mad you even more mad about the system- I used to work in an apt complex that was for disabled people. There was a 25 year oldgirl, who was ghetto to the o- she bragged about getting disability for her asthma! She sat out front and yelled-very loudly- at people all day long! She didn't have asthma in my opinion, and if she did, it wasn't that bad! (my son has severe asthma- and plays baseball and football. He's had it since before he turned 2 months old- he's 11, so I know a bit about it-not an expert but I've lived it his whole life) so when you decide to apply be prepared for a lot of stress and anger at how easy some people get it and people who truly need it, get jerked around and denied. You can apply as much as you want. And you may have to apply many times. Also in America, I m not totally sure, but pretty sure, you can't work- as in you can't draw a check from employment. Cash under the table-that's on you-but if you report it to irs- you can loose your disability- they check your returns. And you are allowed-I did taxes for a while- to make 'X' amount without reporting it. You can call irs and ask for your situation, they have changed this amount since I did taxes, so I'm not sure what it is. Good luck on your decision! Its a hard one to make. I hope it works out for you!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
edjanuary39 said:
So that makes it hard to just go signup. And the gov makes it so hard to get on it- no matter if he lost his legs you have to be off work, before you file and they will probably deny you, so get a lawyer before you file- and not one from TV!
Try before you give up. As I stated before, I got it the first time I applied. It was a shock since it is rare for my diagnoses. It's pretty hard to get it if you haven't been unemployed for some time already. For a chronic disabling illness like mine, it takes a long medical history that cross-references with a limited work history. All of my medical records list me as unemployed. That's no coincidence.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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DH's work history has been spotty at best over the course of our marriage, partially due to the nature of his field, and maybe partially due to the nature of this ailment. However, we have decided to hold off on it temporarily. DH is just not ready...though he should be. It is just SUCH a hard decision. We can make it on less no doubt, and have, and will continue to do so, but there is a significant difference between choosing that route...and being FORCED into it. He's not ready to quit fighting, though some things like the recent mix up with his meds not showing on his drug screen, makes it almost impossible to work around the illness. Thankfully, that got straightened out, and bought us a little more time to mull it over. Still thinking :p


Power Conserver
Dec 1, 2011
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I totally understand! As hard as it is to watch them work and hurt so bad, men dont do well when they are told they can't, so they won't jump into that on purpose. But best advice is save save save! That way, God forbid!, that you are forced into that situation, you dont struggle as badly! And do your best to pay off everything you can, and learn to live on less. We are so far away that right now, but moving closer! I hope the doctors can do more to help, we have had so much trouble from them- saying how are you even walking! And then take some Tylenol! In the same breath! So I know that struggle! Keep looking if you dont like the doctor- we've seen 10 worthless uncaring dr's and 2 good ones! And 2 that we're ok. Praying for you!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
edjanuary39 said:
I totally understand! As hard as it is to watch them work and hurt so bad, men dont do well when they are told they can't, so they won't jump into that on purpose. But best advice is save save save! That way, God forbid!, that you are forced into that situation, you dont struggle as badly! And do your best to pay off everything you can, and learn to live on less. We are so far away that right now, but moving closer! I hope the doctors can do more to help, we have had so much trouble from them- saying how are you even walking! And then take some Tylenol! In the same breath! So I know that struggle! Keep looking if you dont like the doctor- we've seen 10 worthless uncaring dr's and 2 good ones! And 2 that we're ok. Praying for you!
As ALWAYS I very much appreciate the prayers. God always has a way of working these things out. I'm not worried, just wondering what would be best, and haven't gotten a clear answer on that one yet...so we wait ;)

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