Epicurean Goddess
Hamburger RocksPamsPride said:What are hamburger rocks?
Hamburger rocks are small chunks of cooked, dehydrated, fresh beef or turkey burger. They will store on your shelf for two or more years. They are so easy, require only an oven to make, and saves your canning jars.
5 lbs of burger dehydrates into only 1 quart of hamburger rocks!
Fry 5 lbs of ground meat. When cooked transfer to colander and rinse meat under hot water to remove fat. Don't rinse beef burger in the sink. All that beef fat will clog the drain and septic tank. 99% fat free turkey burger doesnt have much fat to rinse off. Use hot water so it will flow down the drain.
Place washed meat back into cleaned skillet. fry again over med/low heat stirring often until you see no more steam. Keep flame low once the rocks are browning up nicely.
Place twice cooked rocks into an oven roasting pan. Turn the oven to 200 F, stirring and turning occasionally as meat continues to dry. One to two hours should do the job. Remove from oven and check for dryness. Store in Jar or Ziploc bag.
If you want to "can" the hamburger rocks for long term storage, preheat sterilized and dried canning jars in the oven at 250F, simmer lids as usual. Make sure your canning lid is dry when you put it on the jar.
Put the rocks into the jars while hot, then seal jars. After 15 minutes or so the jars will cool and you will hear the jar lids "pop" as they seal in place.
You re-hydrate by soaking one cup of rocks in two cups of boiled water. The precooked re-hydrated meat can then be used for tacos, spaghetti sauce, hamburger helper, casseroles. It takes maybe 15 minutes to re-hydrate.