Almost Self-Reliant
I agree with Farmer, so much to do and so little time. I swear, i dont know HOW those old timers did it. We have gone soft I think. BUT, at least we are all still here, kicking and screaming!
Im sure none of us will give up, heck, I know I cant afford to give up now. Some days I would love to just go to the store and "stock up" But then I think..with what money!? LOL I Dont know how you ladies with outside jobs do this lifestyle. I dont work outside the home, however....my work never stops around here. Some days I wish I had a nice little bank job, clean pretty clothes, sitting in ac all day, and chatting with customers. :/ Other days...im just as content to sit with a chicken on my lap, barefoot, under a willow tree...shareing the days events over a jar of iced tea.
Just think how hard this will be for other folks to do, when they have NO PRACTICE! We are gearing up for the " real world" and all of us will have our flow going.
The hardest thing to remember is....take a break...sit in the shade, and look around at all you have accomplished! Scan over what needs to be done...and dont give it another thought...for at least a few hours. Enjoy life....be thankfull...and sing!! " Just what makes that little old ant....think he can move a rubber tree plant...everyone knows an ant can't...move a rubber tree plant, but hes got HIGH HOPES! hes got HIGH HOPES, hes got high apple pie in the sky hopes...so when your feeling blue...you know what to do....just remember the ant...Ooops there goes another rubber tree plant!!!