Frugal Homesteader
Welcome Kindred Spirit!!!!!! (nice post!)hennypenny9 said:I'm so happy someone at BYC pointed me at this site. I don't currently live near my family, and many of my friends went to college in other areas of the country. So I don't have many people to think I'm nuts. Except my co-workers! I talk about how much I want to get chickens like every day!! They'll kind sigh and be all "you and your chickens again...." they don't understand or believe that back yard chickens lay better eggs. And don't even get me started on how much I want to learn to spin and weave, and make bread from scratch. (I fail when yeast is involved)
Thanks to this site I have even more weirdness on the way! I'm planting strawberries ($5.99 per pound? I don't think so!), and thinking of other veggies that will grow well in pots. Mint, and other herbs.
Oh, I have an indoor cat. I don't want him to be hit by a car or mauled by dogs. When we I lived at home we had outdoor cats, and a dog to keep away the predators. Anyway, I got fed up with how much litter cost, and have almost finished training my cat to use the human toilet. He seems to be okay with it. Haven't bought litter in 10 months.
Can't wait to try all the awesome things I've read here. Homemade laundry detergent! Canning once I grow veggies! I'm moving, but don't know when (house is for sale) but I really want to rent a house on acreage. Maybe with a house like the one I grew up in. It was a log cabin with a wood burning stove. It was less then 900 square feet. My mom and dad built it themselves. I never thought I'd miss it, but I do. Almost non-existent energy bill. If the power went out, so what? Candles and the stove are all we needed. Chickens. A garden. It just too small for three adults, though. Someday maybe I'll build my own... The people at work REALLY are confused at this point.![]()