Bacon Grease is a god send... always using it in something..from green beans to macaroni and tomatoes and add some when making biscuits from scratch.. always got to have some bacon grease around.. i keep it in a jar by my stove..with a lid on it.
Bacon grease (and other saturated fats) can raise LDL, but it also raises HDL and lowers VLDL (the very bad kind). The thing that raises the bad cholesterol while lowering the good cholesterol is CARBOHYDRATES.I don't usually use it to cook with because of DH high cholesterol
Exactly! It is the high omega 6 vegetable fats (that are usually rancid by the time you buy them) that clog your arteries.Fatty deposits in the circulatory system were examined in one study that found that most of the fats in the blockage were the type found in veg oils, not animal fats.