I use latex gloves, buy a big box and throw away when they start to shred. We have a bumper crop of slugs which I find in all sizes. Gloves help. I won't wear crocks because the slugs get in through the holes as I walk through the grass to get to the garden. 
If it's been dry for a few days, no gloves. I like connecting with the soil, but also OC hand washer so I guess I'm conflicted.
I don't hear of many, if any, Black Widows here. I was surprised to read where you are finding them; I thought they preferred dark corners of sheds and garages! Same for Brown Recluses.
I found a nest of baby snakes in a hill of potatoes; nasty striking snakes. I ran in to get a book to ID them but they were gone in the 10 minutes it took. They were not poisonous. I found them when I stuck my hand in the hill to pull out a couple small potatoes for dinner without disturbing the plant. Won't do that again!
I'd give those Atlas gloves a try. I heard Lowes had gloves on sale last winter that sound like them.

If it's been dry for a few days, no gloves. I like connecting with the soil, but also OC hand washer so I guess I'm conflicted.
I don't hear of many, if any, Black Widows here. I was surprised to read where you are finding them; I thought they preferred dark corners of sheds and garages! Same for Brown Recluses.
I found a nest of baby snakes in a hill of potatoes; nasty striking snakes. I ran in to get a book to ID them but they were gone in the 10 minutes it took. They were not poisonous. I found them when I stuck my hand in the hill to pull out a couple small potatoes for dinner without disturbing the plant. Won't do that again!

I'd give those Atlas gloves a try. I heard Lowes had gloves on sale last winter that sound like them.