Lovin' The Homestead
Only people who don't understand how to garden say that the soil depletes - including some "professionals" who are in the business of teaching other people how to garden!
Anyone who says that you have to apply fertilizers every year other than manure and compost is full of it.
By liberal use of manure and compost, your soil will actually get RICHER every year, not poorer.
BTW, there have been comparisons between field production between a field that had a crop grown, and then tilled in, compared with a field that had a crop grown, cattle grazed on it, and then the remains tilled in. The field with the cattle had a higher yield (they used two halves of the same field for the testing). Animals are a key to making soil better every year instead of poorer every year.
If you move your garden, then you have to start over with building the soil. More weed problems, more nutrient problems, FAR more expensive and time consuming to try to get a decent crop.
If you get better crops every year, you're doing it right.
Anyone who says that you have to apply fertilizers every year other than manure and compost is full of it.
By liberal use of manure and compost, your soil will actually get RICHER every year, not poorer.
BTW, there have been comparisons between field production between a field that had a crop grown, and then tilled in, compared with a field that had a crop grown, cattle grazed on it, and then the remains tilled in. The field with the cattle had a higher yield (they used two halves of the same field for the testing). Animals are a key to making soil better every year instead of poorer every year.
If you move your garden, then you have to start over with building the soil. More weed problems, more nutrient problems, FAR more expensive and time consuming to try to get a decent crop.
If you get better crops every year, you're doing it right.