Improvising a more SS life

I already had some . . . (sooooo many) seeds, then got some more. Might have gotten carried away. Most of my seeds are not organic, but they are mostly Heirloom or open pollinated varieties, to be able to save seed.
The community garden supplies the raised bed, topsoil (heavy clay) , compost (free- from the city), and mulch (also free- from the city).
I filled my bed with roughly equal amounts of the mulch, compost and and topsoil to get the texture and drainage right. I will be adding worms soon to make it even better.
The food wont be quite organic, since we cant control the details on the donated stuff, but the garden wont have any chemicals added. Probably much safer than the average grocery store

I spent about $ 40.00, so far and figure that will be easy to recover by the end of the season.
It should bring the grocery bill way down. Gotta look for canning equipment, more jars, and lids soon. We have a food dehydrator already, but I will look for some food grade buckets to keep dried foods safe in.