Dog acceptance

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Okay so DH already had a dog before we got married 4 years ago….Trouble is an 8 year old Pit Bull.
I had a few dogs but Trouble seriously hurt one so she literally had her own house until Ida ripped my house apart.
My oldest daughter wants me to take my dogs back. A Boxer that belongs to my HDD, she is 11….a Jack Russell Mix that usually looks like the Shaggy DA…an 8 year old fixed male, and possibly a Yorkie mix… another fixed male.
So anyway the concern is Trouble. For now we will do our best to keep all dogs away from her. I just bought a medium crate for the two smaller dogs currently in the house.
Tips for convincing crazy not to eat her new friends. Please and thank you.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Wow. You're braver than me. I understand you're between a rock and hard place. Dog fights are no fun. Maybe @tortoise will have some helpful words. Several at once has its own challenge. And several size differences...personalities, too. 😢🙄🤞


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
At the risk of bringing pit bull fans howling down my neck, I don't like them and wouldn't have one. I've met some nice pit bulls, but I still wouldn't have one.

Build her a pen with wire bottom and top.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
My son had a pitbull, he like me and I liked him. My son used to swing him around with a big rope that he lock jawed to a big knot on the end. But then I witnessed him shred a ole semi truck tire over a weekend just because he could. After that I had great respect for him. He still liked me and I still liked him but I had found a new respect for him. I have no idea how strong a pitbulls bite is but it's got to be very strong. Not something I would want to get in the middle of at all. I hope someone here can give you some good advise.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Crate and rotate! You can't change her breed tendencies, but you can keep your family safe by keeping them separate. Keep 2 barriers between Trouble at the other dogs at all times, such as her kennel and close the door to the room the kennel is in. Rotate dogs so Trouble still gets nearly as much attention as usual. Keep in mind that she will need more exercise and mental stimulation with this arrangement since it limits how much she is moving throughout the day.

Then start training Trouble to prepare for inevitable accidents. A rock-solid recall, as in getting her to the point you can get her attention away from anything (including going after another dog). You can get this extreme reliable recall using rewards. (you'll get a faster responses to your cue by using rewards than punishment, especially in an off-leash situation). I can share youtube links if you're interested.

I love pitties, but they can be a pain to live with in a multiple-pet family. Sounds like Trouble is worth it 🥰

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Trouble was raised on a farm and there was a time DH could tell her to catch him a drake and she knew what he wanted. Or if she was told to fetch up a rooster she wouldn’t return with a hen…it was a rooster. He would tell her to catch a rabbit and she would hunt them down and return with one….unharmed. She isn’t quite like that anymore but she recently did catch a rabbit for us. She hates snakes, coons, possums and cats. We finally have her not chasing the cats. DH no longer trusted her to just stay with him unleashed so she spends time outside on a run. I recently bought some t-bar posts at his request so apparently he plans on fencing in the yard. He said he will start off by fencing in everything and then concentrate on divisions. He is hoping if we have crates for the dogs and they smell each other, even if they can’t bite into each other, that they will know they are a pack.
DH loves Trouble. I know it will hurt him if she dies or gets in trouble (earning her name). He only accepted her because he was told if he didn’t take her that she would be raised for the fighting pits in Florida. Someone took her to Louisiana as a gift to DH. Between me and Trouble it has been love/hate. I know she currently listens to me while a lot of times she doesn’t respond to DH, her owner. It’s hard to overlook what she did to my favorite pet. My dad had several Pit Bulls. They are intelligent and deadly strong but they are also a bit unpredictable. I am afraid I think DH and I might be a bit too old with health issues to control such a powerful animal. We are both very strong but our balance might be off and our speed isn’t what it might have been even just a decade ago. I command her with my voice and by her knowing what time it is and what I expect from her. Maybe she listens to me because I take her for runs. She started chasing an armadillo 3 nights ago and DH called her off but she was still in pursuit until I screamed, “Trouble No!!” And she stopped and DH has been upset ever since. He claims they carry leprosy 🤷‍♀️
I wouldn’t mind a few videos because I might have to watch them with members of my family.
To compliment my problems, my ex kicked my 3 youngest kids out of his house today with two of said dogs, making this situation a necessity. Drama, drama, drama….

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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I am a huge fan of pits but so many have just been bred to be aggressive, and it’s hard to fight that tendency. I would definitely try to keep them separate with baby gates, etc, and introduce face to face in very controlled environments, one on one. Reward her for ignoring them if she’s super reactive. There are lots of YouTube videos on introducing reactive dogs to new dogs.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Agree with all of the above. I had an LGD that wanted to retire so we moved her into the back yard with our English Shepherd. They got along great for months then had one fight. After that we kept them separated for months - they were only in the yard together if we were with them to supervise. During all those times they simply ignored each other. The first time they were left together, after months of no aggression, they had a fight to the death. LGD killed our English Shepherd. It devastated us - not only were we heartbroken over the death there were guilt feelings to make it all worse. I would hate for that to happen to anyone else. So, crate, separate and never leave them alone together. You mentioned how strong she is. They are strong and fast - so maybe a muzzle for introductions? Nobody loves them but if it saves a dogs life ...

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I had a beloved pet…a Dachshund mix but she looked pure. Her name is Duchess. Trouble nearly killed her but fortunately we stopped her before too much damage. She needed to stay overnight at the clinic for IVs and had to be stitched together. She recuperated but she was always afraid of thunder. She ran after our vehicles a few times…she knew how to open the door. Also one of my kids totally loved Duchess and she took her to the ex if she was staying there. One stormy day she went out to relieve herself and disappeared. We searched for weeks. I still sometimes post her pictures in case someone sees her. Pretty sure someone else would have fallen for her.
The day Trouble attacked Duchess I was bit too but through my shoe, which absorbed most of the damage but my foot did get bruised. It was a failed attempt to introduce her to my dogs. All of my dogs were rescues except Duchess. I got her at 4.5 weeks of age because her mom couldn’t go on. I try to overlook it but sometimes when I look at Trouble I still remember.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
nope. never would adopt an adult pitbull. i've seen too many scars/stitches. i like all animals, but i don't think i should have them all myself. to those who want to risk it it is up to them.