Please do not use your dog's poo as fertilizer for anything that you plan to grow and eat.
Instead, here is a great idea that's been around for a long time:
My DD's moved in a new house last Fall and want to get a dog. I'm recommending that they get one of these for the back yard. They also have a septic system instead of a sewer system, so it makes sense to have this, too.
Thank you. I'm not advocating using it as a direct fertilizer. But rather composting it with the rest of the stuff. The bad stuff is supposed to be killed during the composting process.
Though if you have something for me to read that says otherwise I'd love to give it a look. I'm always wanting to learn something new.
I don't see a single thing wrong with using dog poop. Pig poop also has parasites we can contract but you don't see folks telling you not to use pig poop in your compost and even directly on the garden if it calls for it.
Here's my thinking on it....those parasite eggs are tiny and are being shed all the time. Each time a dog defecates and then walks back into a home, those worm eggs are on the anus and even the fur around the anus, even on the feet of the dog as most house dogs are walking right through their own fecal matter in those small yards anyway....VERY difficult to get every tiny morsel of dog poop out of grass, no matter how much you may try.
Every time that house dog or even the house cat gets done pooping there is fecal residue, even if you cannot see it, on their anus. They walk into the home and sit down, be it on carpeting, furniture, counters, tables, beds, etc. Wherever they sit or walk while carrying those parasite eggs is potential for exposure to humans....but no one seems to think this is a cause for alarm. Don't know why that is. They will let their kids roll around all over where dog and cat butts have sat and think nothing about it, but mention cat or dog poop in the garden and all kinds of alarms go off.
Never have figured that one out. Those vegetables can be rinsed and are often cooked before consumption but that carpet, the couch, the bed and everything are still being contaminated day after day with parasite eggs and no one can rinse those off.
Out here in the country we call that gagging on a gnat, then swallowing a mule.
And that's exactly why I don't have animals in my house! Also why I don't wear shoes in the house. It's my justification for not mopping.... "If no one wears shoes in the house, how can the floor get dirty" ?
I once went to spend the night with someone and their dog was laying on the pillow of the bed I was expected to sleep in. I asked if they had a clean pillowcase and they told me those were fresh.... I think I annoyed them when I told them I really didn't want to lay my head where their dog's a$$ had just been, lol! Good thing they were good friends!
Exactly. Folks who live that closely with pets just go blind to all of that filth and start thinking it's clean because they bathe their animals. Can't bathe the inside of them and that stuff comes out on a daily basis....
I love my dogs and cats but I don't particularly care to have their butt juice all over where I place my body.
Lol this is part of the reason why my dog and my parents dogs when we watch them aren't allowed on my bed, blankets etc.
My younger sister let's get dog drink from her cup and I keep telling her its super unsanitary and nasty (he licks his balls and butthole for Pete's sake) but she still let's him do it!
I have never heard that plants take up parasites or pathogens from the soil. The danger is if you do not wash the produce well enough. If you are worried about getting worms from your dog, eat more garlic; it is anthelmintic.