Yep, what thenorth said about the egg. One raw egg a week(specialy in the winter)and once er twice week, a schpritz o' cheap vegetable oil on the food. The veggy oil works wonders for hot spots also ( an area o' yer dogs body that it licks or chews on excessively). clears 'em right up.miss_thenorth said:That would lead me to believe that not all of the shampoo is being rinsed off. If she has chronic dry skin, you could try adding raw egg to her food, or my vet said oil or bacon fat to give extra fat to her diet. Also --less baths. this would dry her skin up alot if she has lots of baths.
Charmed One,charmed one said:Hoosier girl, I was told a long time ago to use Skin So Soft shampoo on our dog. It works good smells good...It keeps his skin from itching and also helps repel fleas and ticks too. Try it![]()