Double Dip Recession?


Enjoys Recycling
Jul 5, 2010
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St. Clair County, Alabama
I know we are lucky to both have pretty recession proof jobs- people aren't going to be able to do without cops or pharmacists any time soon.
thats what I thought too, the city I work for as a firefighter (700+ firefighters and around 1500 police) is cutting our pay by 20% starting in September and have already raised our insurance premimums, co pays and cut our hours back. If you keep up with Gerald Celente he says that there is far worse to come and he predicted this whole mess before 2008.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I am a Celente fan. Hard to see how he is wrong about this mess, isn't it?

"Celente says the only way to save the domestic economy is by buying amongst each each instead of supporting other countries as the US goes down. The only way this country comes back is when we become a nation of merchants and manufacturers, of craftspeople and tradesmen, not of serfs, servants, and servitude.

The trends expert gives the following advice on becoming a Celente neo-survivalist:

1. Eat high-quality food; buy local and organic (Check)
2. Meditate daily to quiet the mind (Yeah...right! LOL)
3. Learn how to protect yourself (i.e. close-combat practicing) (Check)
4. Prepare for winter by producing and preserving your own food; become self-sufficient and only spend money on quality (Woohoo! Big fat check!)
5. Get together with people of like-mind; have a support group for when times get tough (Another big check...I love SS!!)
6. Have an escape plan ready to leave your current area (Hummm...need to work on that)

I am loving the term Neo-Survivalist :D

** My comments in italics

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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As the song goes. Those jobs are gone boys and they aint coming back. They are predicting another 10 years minimum for this recession to truly end. The reason it will take so long is because all those laid off people will have to be trained to do different jobs. Then of course there's all the people that have been laid off and have had to get jobs for half of what they had. Problem is their new jobs don't pay the bills.

As far as cops and firemen and mental health workers. I would guess the mental health workers will go first. Cops and firemen aren't quite as secure as they used to be. A lot of police departments are cutting their force. They just take reports over the phone and let the insurance company do any investigating on property crimes.

We have to have a manufacturing base to stay alive and those jobs are all going overseas. Middle class is going away. I give it another 50 years max. There's already 3 to 4 million people that have exceeded 99 weeks on unemployment. There is no help out there for them.

Of course maybe we'll get some trickle down economics and it will save us all.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Wifezilla said:
I am a Celente fan. Hard to see how he is wrong about this mess, isn't it?

"Celente says the only way to save the domestic economy is by buying amongst each each instead of supporting other countries as the US goes down. The only way this country comes back is when we become a nation of merchants and manufacturers, of craftspeople and tradesmen, not of serfs, servants, and servitude.

The trends expert gives the following advice on becoming a Celente neo-survivalist:

1. Eat high-quality food; buy local and organic (Check)
2. Meditate daily to quiet the mind (Yeah...right! LOL)
3. Learn how to protect yourself (i.e. close-combat practicing) (Check)
4. Prepare for winter by producing and preserving your own food; become self-sufficient and only spend money on quality (Woohoo! Big fat check!)
5. Get together with people of like-mind; have a support group for when times get tough (Another big check...I love SS!!)
6. Have an escape plan ready to leave your current area (Hummm...need to work on that)

I am loving the term Neo-Survivalist :D

** My comments in italics
1... CHECK
2... CHECK
3... CHECK (my dad's teaching me guns right now too)
4... sorta learnin'... fermenting is coming along! just need to learn to can it correctly... i'll try the garden again next year >.>
5... check
6... run to auntie's.... CHECK! LOL...

my whole family is survivalist and has always been so.

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
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Sherwood, Arkansas
1. Making most of my meals from scratch- Check!
2. Isn't that what hard work is for? - Check!
3. Check, Check (sound a shot gun makes :D )
4. Ohhhh, we're working on that one thanks to you guys. If I could only make my black thumb turn green.
5. Big Check!
6. Head for the hills! Or the river!

I'm a self-sufficient-wanna-be-but-still-alot-better-off-than-most-people

I like Neo-Survivalist too! (I often wondered if there was a term for "people like us")


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I hear there is one economist, who is apparently considered highly reputable, who has declared we are in a depression. After hearing all the comments about various indicators being "worst since the Great Depression" (or often it is referred to as "the post-war period," or whatever euphemism) . . . I was wondering when we would start to call it a depression.

I also heard someone mention that depressions take a decade or two to get out of.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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I knew things were gonna get bad when gas hit 2.50 a gallon back in 06/07. Then the housing bubble blew up......then the banking bs hit.........

I predict we will never again see the kind of money were were making 5 years least not in THIS lifetime..... The best we can hope for is that deflation brings down the price of goods, to a level that we can at least afford to live.
If we get INFLATION.....beyond what we are seeing now.....we are all screwed.

Buy guns, ammo and food supplies.

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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I don't believe we are in a depression. Of course I am not an economist and I don't know if the actually have a set in stone criteria for that. I just know that the indicators are bad right now and it's looking like Obama might get a recession he can call his own this time. I wish they could figure out a way to actually create jobs. I think it has a lot to do with the banks not loaning to small businesses so people can start up and expand what they already have started. Very few businesses run on existing capital. the fed needs to get some money to small business to get some job growth. Then people will start spending again and we can get back on track.

I sure wish my house was paid off. The credit card companies can eat crow, but I got to have a roof over my families heads. If it ever comes to that.


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 25, 2010
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Maui, Hawaii
valmom said:
Well, wall street thinks things have picked up from the news I hear. No one else has that I know of. I know we are lucky to both have pretty recession proof jobs- people aren't going to be able to do without cops or pharmacists any time soon. But, my job is getting more and more hectic as people got laid off who actually do work (no administrators lost jobs!) and we get busier and busier. (I am at a substance abuse and mental health facility)

I am thankful that I am employed. Now I really want to get debt free!
I have worked in the mental health field here in Hawaii for the past 13 yrs and got laid off a year ago June when the state decided that they needed to cut back on programs for those with mental health and substance abuse issues. A year prior to the cutbacks, the agency that I worked for was 700 employees strong, when they laid me off, there was less than 200 of us hanging on, doing the caseload of 4-5 people each! It is such a shame, now all of the consumers are being dealth with in jails, institutions and sadly, alot of them are committing suicide with the reduction in services. Our state began doing work furloughs over a year ago, and continue to happen, this time, its hitting the state and government employees and now they are crying who is going to be able to pay their mortgage and send their kids off to college with a reduction in pay? Mind you, it wasnt a public forum when it was happening to the rest of the community! These folks should stop their grumbling and be grateful that they have a job to go to, and medical benefits to boot! I have been collecting unemployment over the past 13 months and it is near to impossible to find a job unless I want to go and flip hamburgers, but then again, doesnt sound bad if I want to compete with 300 ppl! I dont think the recession ever hit its bottom, I think the media has only been working at trying to convince us that it hit bottom and we are working our way back up to be stable, but far from the truth as the days we face arent telling us so. Thank goodness for my frugality, because the changes that alot of folks are having to deal with, has been my way of life. Most of the things in life are wants, my needs are taken care of, so life is good.

By the way, gas just went down to $3.87 here. Whoopie!