We now have ducks too, and I'm really really enjoying them! During the day, they have free range in the garden. They spend much of their day under the okra, which effectively hides them from any potential hawk. We have runner ducks, and their soft conversations with each other is pleasing to hear. They are GREAT foragers and they don't snack on my veggies or tear up my plants like the chickens do. What's not to like about them?
We even found out that duck eggs are (apparently) even better for cancer patients than chicken eggs are.
Mine are Chocolate Runners. I have 4 (not laying yet.)
@Jeffeff95 your duck pictures are adorable! Does he/she have a name?
@milkmansdaughter - What a lovely duck you have there! Would love to see more photos. We've got Khakis and they are the best- extremely intelligent and talkative for sure.