Power Conserver
"Monster broody poop" is right! Nasty stuff and something you don't want to be within shot of. 
I'm on the "other side" of the mountains, in Lewis County.deb4o said:Yeah Iam in Yakima, and you?
Yep, the chickens, ducks, and turkeys all have broody poop.deb4o said:So I know Iam new to chickens and ducks and I have only had one chicken that went broody on me,but she got ove that,but what the heck is up with broody poop???
So do all birds that are broody poop like that?
Teach me ol wise ones
Two hens and a drake would be a good start.deb4o said:Sounds do-able Cinebar, I trust your judgement, as you are more knowledgeable at ducks than me. I think I would just need a few, maybe 2 hens and a drake, your thoughts?? email me
hee hee hee nah not complicated.. just got to get all the pieces of poultry sorted out. and "stack" your barnyard! hens with goats, ducks with sheep - thats the way it should be! just need to watch what poultry is where.Sometimes this hobby farming is to complacated lol