Well we have decide to live small. Wont be long until ds is grown so why waste money. We are buying a 12'x40' "shed". I will insulate and drywall immediately after it is delivered and set on its foundation. Well run electric before i do those lol.
We were out at lowes today pricing stuff. With me being a handyman i can finish it off without paying someone. Going with vinyl plank flooring through out.
Also added a new member to our family today. Ds got a lab mix puppy for free from a guy at walmart. He is already in love lol.
Our pit bull is like what is that and what is it doing here lol.
He has wanted his own dog for awhile and glad we could make it happen finally.
Trying to figure out the power needs and how we are going to produce it. Looks like solar. Not a lot of wind. Would need a large tower i think.
Ds is so happy with enzo the pup. But didnt know how much work went into a puppy. Trying to train him to walk on a leash currently. Not going well lol