I would have thought you would have learned from the last financial disaster that diversification doesn't really work. Everything got hit, somethings worse than others but nothing retained value. If you know of anything that did not get hit, please advise so I can consider it for next time (There will be a next time)KevsFarm said:Some of us are preparded for all type of emergency scenero's, some here are not and just believe in being as self sufficent as possible.For those preparded for several different scenero's/bad event's, how are you diversified, emergency wise...? Some have "bugout bags" for a fast escape, to perhaps a pre-planned hideaway ,stocked with stores.Some plan to just hunker down where they are, with there emergency stores.Some are just going to wing it, let the cards fall where they may.Others are prepared to join other family members and battle the zombies that are sure to come and try to take your stuff..What about you, do you have a diversified plan, for different possible emergencies.Plenty of people are financially diversified,so it seems logical, no...?