Yard Farmer
We don't use our clothesline for hanging out wash this time of year because of the pollen. Nothing like sleeping with your very allergic face pressed into a pollen laden pillow case! Right now mine has a tarp hanging over it....
We've never had an issue where several appliances all went at once but it does make me think a power surge may have been to blame. We did loose a TV and VCR years ago when we must have had a ground lightning strike. We lost the well pump once that way too.
Do you have actual tin foil or are you relying on aluminum? Could that be the issue?
We've never had an issue where several appliances all went at once but it does make me think a power surge may have been to blame. We did loose a TV and VCR years ago when we must have had a ground lightning strike. We lost the well pump once that way too.
Do you have actual tin foil or are you relying on aluminum? Could that be the issue?