EPA Looks at Banning Lead Based Ammo - Update on pg 2

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Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Right from fox news this morning

EPA Rejects Calls to Ban Lead in Ammo, Fishing Tackle


The Environmental Protection Agency has denied a petition filed by environmental activists seeking to ban lead in ammunition and fishing tackle, saying such regulation is beyond the agency's authority.

The agency's decision, announced Friday shortly after FoxNews.com published its report on the issue, sided with hunters and fishermen who had argued that the such regulations weren't allowed under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.

"EPA is taking action on many fronts to address major sources of lead in our society, such as eliminating childhood exposures to lead," the agency said in a written statement. "However, EPA was not and is not considering taking action on whether the lead content in hunting ammunition poses an undue threat to wildlife."

A coalition of conservation groups had filed its petition earlier this month arguing that the use of lead in ammo and tackle is poisoning the nation's lakes, ponds and forests and asking the EPA to ban the "manufacture, processing and distribution" of lead shot, bullets and fishing.

According to the petitioners, who include the Center for Biological Diversity and the American Bird Conservancy, up to 20 million birds and other animals are killed each year due to lead poisoning in the United States, and at least 75 wild bird species -- including bald eagles, ravens and endangered California condors -- are poisoned by spent lead ammunition. They say roughly 3,000 tons of lead are expelled into U.S. hunting grounds annually, with another 80,000 tons released at shooting ranges, and another 4,000 tons of lead fishing lures and sinkers are lost in ponds and streams.

At least 75 wild bird species, including the American bald eagle, are poisoned by spent lead ammunition, conservationists say. Sportsmen, meanwhile, cite recent statistics indicating that the number of breeding pairs of bald eagles in the U.S. have increased by more than 700 percent from 1981 through 2006.

The Toxic Substances Control Act allows the EPA to regulate "chemical substances" under certain circumstances, but Congress explicitly excluded from regulation any article subject to excise taxes -- including pistols, revolvers, firearms, shells and cartridges.

Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action, objected to the pettion, saying the conservationists were trying to circumvent this rule by suggesting that while ammunition itself is exempt from regulation, the chemical components of the ammo and fishing lures -- specifically, the lead -- can fall under the EPA's jurisdiction.

But environmental activists like Michael Fry of the American Bird Conservancy told FoxNews.com that the petitioners waited to submit their request until nontoxic alternatives such as steel, copper and alloy became readily available.

"Ammunition itself cannot be regulated [under the Act], but the components itself can be regulated," Fry said in an interview before the EPA's decision was announced. "In other words, you cannot ban ammunition, but you can require nontoxic ammunition. ... We're not trying to ban handgun ammunition. This is strictly a toxicity issue, with lead poisoning wildlife."

FoxNews.com's Joshua Rhett Miller contributed to this report.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I guess I need to digitize those old kids books I have and start distributing them

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Wifezilla said:
I guess I need to digitize those old kids books I have and start distributing them
I like that. :)

wonder how the copyright laws will come into play though? But I really like that idea. :)

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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Shiloh Acres said:
You know what shocked me a year ago was when a friend of mine told me they HAD PASSED (and somehow I never heard of it during the process?) a law that made illegal all books written for children before a recent year. All the history texts, etc. that many people use for homeschooling could no longer be bought, sold, or traded or I suppose technically owned. The local homeschool book reseller had been told to destroy all such books and she called my friend and asked her to come get her books so she wouldn't have to burn them.

That's another way to rewrite history, no? Get rid of any texts that disagree with what you want everyone to think.

Lead bans can go a long way.
Are you in Texas? Texas has made a lot of news about the way they are re writing history. They don't like Thomas Jefferson so he is being deleted. FDR is now a bad guy instead of the POTUS that got us out of the depression. Yes it is possible to rewrite history. Fortunately we still have Mount Rushmore so kids will say who's that guy. It will make it harder to explain away when their face is on a mountain. Of course they may be able to reshape it to look like the Newt.

As for lead in bullets. Seems kind of silly to do that. After all they are made to kill, so what could the lead do that is worse than that? I hope that it is just another be afraid of the Democrats rumor. Ammo has already gone up enough after Obama got elected.

If the job stats don't improve in 2 years Obama will be ouy and we'll have a Republican in office. That will bring a whole slew of new problems but at least all the rumors about "They're gonna take my guns". Will go away. That will be a nice change

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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Shiloh Acres said:
Well, turns out it's easy to find. Google "lead children book" (without quotes) and it's there. Before 1985, I wasn't sure on the detail.

Not sure who you'd consider a reliable source, but there are articles in USA Today, Washington Post, and many more.



And from a government site:

Does the new requirement for total lead on children's products apply to children's books, cassettes and CD's, printed game boards, posters and other printed goods used for children's education?

In general, yes. CPSIA defines childrens products as those products intended primarily for use by children 12 and under. Accordingly, these products would be subject to the lead limit for paint and surface coatings at 16 CFR part 1303 (and the 90 ppm lead paint limit effective August 14, 2009) as well as the new lead limits for childrens products containing lead (600 ppm lead limit effective February 10, 2009, and 300 ppm lead limit effective August 14, 2009).
Ah, see I should have read further. The books are in the same category as the toys with lead in their paint. Probably actually more dangerous because some kids actually like to eat paper. The first mention of the books made it sound like they were being banned for content.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Yup, I AM in Texas, but this is a national law and my friend's homeschool book store is in another state. And believe me, they ARE rewriting history, along with inserting liberal values and a few other things I don't care for. The school board had a special loan program where homeschoolers could borrow books for free. When I saw what they were teaching, I said "no thanks" and bought my own.

And I didn't quote it but it made me LOL when I read the part about lead in ammo posing threat to wildlife. Ummm ... Yeah, it just blew a big hole in them! It was MEANT to damage them! I don't buy the part about residual being a big threat. We are straining at gnats and swallowing camels.

As far as the possibility of lead in inks in children's books -- as I said, board books for toddlers, fine. They SHOULD be lead-free because you know young children will put them in their mouths. Classify them as "toys". Fine by me.

But I have yet to have problems with a seven year old ripping pages out of a spelling book and eating them. To classify ALL books written for ALL children as potentially edible toys is ridiculous.

Even if they didn't have controlling of books in mind when they drafted it, it's on the books now and can be used for that purpose.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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Marshmallow Man said:
If the job stats don't improve in 2 years Obama will be ouy and we'll have a Republican in office. That will bring a whole slew of new problems but at least all the rumors about "They're gonna take my guns". Will go away. That will be a nice change
The next party in office sure as heck CAN'T do any worse than the clowns we have now. Just look at the health care debacle they created.........

As far as the guns go???? Those guns are what has helped to protect your freedoms for the past 200+ years. You better hope and pray they never go away.....


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Marshmallow Man said:
I hope that it is just another be afraid of the Democrats rumor. Ammo has already gone up enough after Obama got elected.

If the job stats don't improve in 2 years Obama will be ouy and we'll have a Republican in office. That will bring a whole slew of new problems but at least all the rumors about "They're gonna take my guns". Will go away. That will be a nice change
If you follow the link in the very first post to the Regulations.gov website, you can read the actual petition.

If you follow this link to the ABC news story, you can read the article where Holder stated the intention of the administration to re-implement the ban, about a month after getting into office.

The congressional majority slapped down the idea soon afterward. They didn't want a repeat of what happened after the first ban. This is not intended to be political, just a statement of fact. Check the links for yourself.

Another FFS Edit

Marshmallow Man

Power Conserver
Aug 7, 2010
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SKR8PN said:
Marshmallow Man said:
If the job stats don't improve in 2 years Obama will be ouy and we'll have a Republican in office. That will bring a whole slew of new problems but at least all the rumors about "They're gonna take my guns". Will go away. That will be a nice change
The next party in office sure as heck CAN'T do any worse than the clowns we have now. Just look at the health care debacle they created.........

As far as the guns go???? Those guns are what has helped to protect your freedoms for the past 200+ years. You better hope and pray they never go away.....
Scrapin, I don't expect to see guns go away and if I ever thought there was a possibility that the POTUS would push for that I would be right there with you. All I was saying is that it hasn't happened and it's not going to. Just another be afraid be very afraid tactic. Same as the issue on the books. Lead in toys and other various stuff has been in the news for years. Whenever they find it they ban those toys. If they find it in books it only makes sense to ban the books.

The bit about them putting liberal stuff in the kids books is just ridiculous black helicopter and foil hat stuff. I would be much more afraid of what TX is actually doing through their school board> If I lived in Tx I wouldn't be too afraid of them putting any liberal stuff in the books. They have a very firm grip on indoctrinating their kids the way they see fit.

Not supposed to do political stuff on this forum. So I'll keep my opinion to myself about how royally messed up this country will be if all the hate talkers get their way. Nuff said on that issue.

If you home school you can teach your kids anything you want.
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