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- #31
Power Conserver
Thanks for the info! I got carrots instead of strawberries since you said they like them, and since I figure they won't attract flies like strawberries will. I checked Walmart this morning for mill worms, but all they have is night crawlers. It's good to know that the beetles won't fly, I was a bit concerned about that. I think I'm going to order them offline from Jim's Worm Farm. The left over chick starter isn't medicated, so that should be fine. I am glad to have a use for it.so lucky said:Erin, you don't even have to spend that. You can start with a little plastic container of worms from the bait shop--or probably walmart if they sell live bait at yours. You can use cornmeal, oatmeal, chicken feed (but I don't think it is a good idea to use medicated chick starter, just IMO). You can feed them lettuce, banana peels, carrots--they love carrots--potatoes. Not a real juicy fruit or vegetable, especially if you are going to have them in a closed container, as the fruit may mildew/rot and get the bedding icky. I don't cover mine. The beetles do not fly, nor can they climb a slick surface.
I started my colonies with the remnants of a cup of mealies that a man at the city park gave me, about 11 months ago. I have about a bazillion now, and feed the chickens when ever I think about it. The mealies like it warm, so they go nuts in the summer, then slow down production in the winter, unless you have a warm place to put the plastic bin, like on top of the fridge.
They take less care and tolerate more neglect than red wrigglers, and that's saying a lot.