Essential Items For Surviving in the Event of Rationing-Depression


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
Since we are discussing this in depth.....
If something like this had happened before the MS, I would have been just fine. NOW tho, well lets just say that I will be screwed to the wall because none the copaxone shots I do are available at the drugstore. Since I couldnt get them, then what is the sense in keeping health ins or my job (if I still had one then).
I would try my hardest to get all the drugs, antibiotics, cream, ointments, glasses and other stuff You normally buy at a drugstore.
As far as taking care of animals-yes chickens should be able to at least survive (it wont be pretty but) with out us feeding them too much. But, if push comes to shove, they would be getting meat from the animals in traps we run. Wouldnt matter what kind either. Dogs would get this meat also, but even they should be able to at least somewhat fend for themselves. Come on, if it was that bad would you say "oh I couldnt eat that" and starve to death or force yourself to eat it because it will sustain you? Dry dog food and dry cat food, any of the stuff dry for animals will get mothy and nasty in quick order. Horses should only need supplementing also right?
I believe that God will provide, He helps those who help themselves. I believe that if we help others, we help ourselves.
Now, I am sorry if I have offended anyone here, these are just WORST CASE SCENARIOS.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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I'm not offended...I think you're right. I think if worse came to worse, many of us would eat, or trap, or whatever we needed to do to survive. I don't care what meat I'm eating on the whole, possum, racoon, squirrel, snake, song as it won't kill me, lol. I also think things can be learned like growing and grinding your own wheat, etc. I also agree that animals would learn to fend for themselves.

For those of you with meds, my heart goes out to you. I'm not sure what would happen there, and really don't like to think about it. :( I think we would all pull together to help those in need as much as we least that is the part I like to think about.


Power Conserver
Sep 12, 2008
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originally Maine,now Texas.
i would look into "home-grown" meds,, i know theres alot of illnesses that plants wont help,, but theres LOTS that are just as good as the $500 prescription the doc gives out.
i stopped my meds a year ago,, of course mine are not for an illness, there for my broken neck and head "bashing",, but i figure the old timers didnt sit around all medicated up ( the doc said he gives me enough to keep 3 adult males on the couch all day) ,, so i feel wimpy if i say ooww,,hehe ;)
but now is the time to learn about all the plants and what they USED to be used for.
and like i said,, i know theres some illnesses that we wont be able to help,, but trying keeps ya mind healthy ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 21, 2008
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the1much said:
Hiedi said:
the simple life said:
Besides trying to stock up on chicken feed, you can hope they all just free range to the hilt and are good foragers.
Other than that you can grow your own sprouts and such.
I have the recipe for doing that in one of my folders.
I will try to post that tomorrow.
I have a German Shepherd that I don't trust very much around my chickens so I can't let them free range, unless I contain my dog; but I might have to resort to that. I would be very interested in your recipe and any other information that you have about feeding chickens without using commercial feed. I do have sprouting seeds that I have stored, and I also have a lot of wheat stored as well. However, I am new to the chicken scene so I am not really sure about the details when feeding chickens the sprouts. I definitely need to do more research.
when it comes to it,, i bet you end up pening up your chickens, where YOU can keep an eye on them, and your dog can protect them from the hungry people.
Yeah, the way the economy is going lately; things might come to a that. In fact, I remember reading on BYC forum awhile back about someone that had their chickens stolen. I try to protect them from predators, and I guess "a human" could be a predator as well.


Power Conserver
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
It's great to see folks willing to do something for themselves. when one buys extra food not a new cell phone i feel better about the world around me. i think extra supplies are great but also knowing how to do something is priceless. it's like trying to light a fire when your fingers have gone numb or butchering an animal when your already half starved. gather some friends and practice a old fashion craft.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
It is great to see so many ideas and so many people that are willing to provide for themselves and to share with friends and neighbors.

I haven't had time to pay close attention to all the current events, I work a 10 hour day so when lunch and commuting are added in I am home for less than 12 hours a day. I have caught bits and pieces of a few things though.

The current economic crisis is disturbing but what is even more disturbing is people's response to the aftermath of Ike. People in Texas are expecting the government to feed, shelter, and provide water for them after they decided to stay. To me that is absurd.

Acre of Blessings

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Lil' ol' town of Axton Va
First off, I would like to add charcoal and lighter fluid to the growing list on this thread, doesn't have an expiration date and it would see you through till you could gather wood for cooking and heating.

Second, I don't think this ""depression"" will be like the first one. Excerpt taken from Wikipedia--The depression had devastating effects both in industrialized countries and in those which exported raw materials. International trade declined sharply, as did personal incomes, tax revenues, prices, and profits. Cities all around the world were hit hard, especially those dependent on heavy industry

1) We, as a nation, are not heavily industrialized anymore.
2) I think the only exporting we do is only through the Govt'
3) Farmers (some of them) are now controlled by the Govt'

You see where I'm going and what I am trying to say.

And my question is this.....let's say the Stock Market Crashes. Where is everyone gonna live. Banks are going want what you owe for the house you live in. But if you don't have a way to work or a job to go to, what do you do? Where do you go? You may have neighbors that are loving and kind now, but when this happens you may not.

I agree with what everyone is saying when they say "prepare now" and I realize that there are so many young people that have no idea how to even prepare a meal without a microwave. I have heard young kids in a grocery store say that the food comes from behind the big wall in the back of the store. They have no idea and I think the parents are blinded also. It's sad.

I don't agree with letting certain animals (like dogs) go out and fend for themselves, because once they get so hungry they begin to lose it. They act as if they have rabies because they are so hungry. So you better have that arrow sharp or a bullet ready for that dog. I would shoot mine before I would let it go to fend for itself and possibly harm a child or an elderly person.

Enough said for now. Just my 2 cents worth before uncle sam takes it :)


Power Conserver
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
originally Maine,now Texas.
didnt the poster bout the dogs fending for themselves say that in the context of,, we're starving right now and run out of food? ,,it was a LAST resort?,, also saying you wouldnt believe what you'll eat when your ( and your family) are starving? ,,, which is the right thinking,, im pretty sure when it comes to my kids or my dog,, i'll either let the dog go, or,, soup him.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Once again, another reason I'm glad not only I'm a member of this forum, but I'm glad I'm taking the time to learn about SS. I keep thinking I need to get some of the aforementioned supplies....flint, jars, pots, pans, etc.

I think stocking up on knowledge, and ways to survive is key.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
Ok, I think (to some extent) this thread has gotten a little off track. I contributed to it and I am sorry. So maybe in an effort to get it back on track, someone on here mentioned finding out what NATURAL organics can be used for meds.
I am sure everyone knows that the bark of the Willow tree is used as a dialater / pain reliever.
But also the plant called Digitalis lanata (also called foxglove) is used to regulate the heartbeat. Last but not least is the Burdock plant which is a blood cleanser.